Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 08 Декабря 2012 в 21:03, курсовая работа
Метою дослідження є вивчення процесу формування англомовної соціокультурної компетенції та розробка методики її формування в учнів середньої школи у процесі вивчення науково-методичної літератури
Для досягнення мети поставлені такі завдання:
вивчити науково-методичну літературу з теми дослідження
визначити поняття СКК, її зміст та структуру
дослідити соціально-психологічні передумови формування СКК
розробити методику формування СКК в учнів середньої школи
Розділ I Теоретичні передумови формування англомовної соціокультурної компетенції……………………………………………………………………...6
Зміст і структура соціокультурної компетенції…………………………..6
Соціально-психологічні передумови формування соціокультурної компетенції………………………………………………………………….10
Розділ II Розробка методики формування соціокультурної компетенції на уроках англійської мови в середній школі……………………………………15
2.1 Комплекс вправ направлених на формування соціокультурної компетенції
англійської мови в середній школі…………………………………………….15
Список використаних джерел…………………………………………………..31
Теоретична частина присвячена детальному розгляду поняття СКК, її зміст та структура згідно з поглядами різних вчених. Ми також торкнулися питання ссоціально-психологічних передумов формування СКК.
У практичній частині нами висвітлені основні етапи опанування СКК та відповідно типи вправ до них. Цей відбір необхідних вправ, має сприяти становленню навичок та вмінь вживання соціокультурного матеріалу, так і містити певну послідовність в собі, а також регулярність виконання в усіх видах мовленнєвої діяльності. З іншого боку, вправи соціокультурного спрямування мають відповідати розробленим в методиці критеріям, а саме, бути: комунікативними, орієнтованими на учня, мовними і мовленнєвими, усними та письмовими, одномовними.
Отже, для сталого формування соціокультурної
компетенції майбутнього
This paper is dedicated to the issue of the sociocultural competence formation of the middle school pupils learning English as a foreign language. Sociocultural competence has become a significant part of foreign language teaching (FLT) and there is a number of different theories on this issue, which have raised questions about the interdependence of culture and language and its implications for language teaching.
Therefore, the theoretical part of the course paper dwells upon the notion of sociocultural competence, as well as psychological and social premises of its formation.
Within the practical part the issue of the main stages of sociocultural competence formation is being discussed, suggesting the list of most common exercises.
To summarise, the role of sociocultural competence for achieving proficiency in a foreign language should be stressed. Defective knowledge of the target culture, especially of the cultural implications embedded in the target language, very frequently causes breakdowns in communication. Teachers should incorporate useful findings from various culture-based approaches in order to help students build up sociocultural competence.
Список використаних джерел
С. 78-79
Додаток A
Possible questions:
You are from Japan. Your name is Naoko.
Points to include:
Possible questions:
You’re from England. Your name is Kathy.
Points to include:
Possible questions:
You’re from Brazil. Your name is Andira.
Points to include:
Додаток Б
1.__________________ 2._______________________
4.____________________ 5.______________________ 6.______________________
Додаток В
План-конспект виховного заходу англійською мовою
Тема: “Discover the world”;
Форма: груповий захід;
Вид: вікторина;
Цілі: розширити лінгво-країнозначий кругозір учнів, удосконалити навичок командної роботи, прищепити толерантне ставлення до носіїв інших культур, розвивати увагу, кмітливість та пам’ять, підтримати мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови;
Клас: 5-В;
Кількість учасників: 12;
Оформлення приміщення: стінгазети, мапи;
Оснащення: мапа, роздатковий матеріал, костюми, картки з малюнками, призи, фонограма.
Зміст позакласної роботи
Сценарій позакласного заходу
План :
Хід позакласного заходу
I етап
T1: Dear children, we are cowboys from far-far away America. We are professional travelers and treasure seekers and today we`re going to take you for a journey with us.
T2: We go to this journey to find a treasure which was once found by a famous pirate captain Hook! We know for sure that now he is hiding in one of the English speaking countries. By the way, what English speaking countries do you know?
Ch: …
T3: Correct! How clever you are! We have three ships here “Black Pearl”, “Dragonfly” and “Ghost Ship”. Each ship has its crew, so before we start our magic journey, I want each crew to choose a captain and a skipper, the latter is responsible for the direction the ship sails.
Ch: …
II етап
T1: Great job! Each crew is going to get points during our voyage and the team with largest number of points will prove to be the team of the best travelers. And now, let our journey begin! The first country we are going to visit is Australia, because it is the place, where captain Hook was seen a month ago. I want a skipper of “Dragonfly” to find this country on the map so that we all know where to sail.
Ch …
T2: Great! So here we are in Australia. In this country we may find not only Europeans as you and me, but also native tribes of pygmies (shows the pictures), short dark-skinned people. Pygmies know where captain Hook is, but they do not speak English very well, so we`ll have to explain what we want using gestures only.
T3: To do this we have to practice first. So each team has to send us one representative now. These people are getting cards with words on them. Your task is to show this word to your team using your gestures only. (words: kangaroo, surfing, sea). Other teams do not help their opponents.
Ch: …
T1: Wonderful! Now the pygmies can understand us. As they do not speak English, they gave us this flag (shows the flag of the USA), which marks your next country. What country is that?
Ch: …
T2: Right! So we can move on to the USA! In the USA there are a lot of farmers and cowboys like us. They spend long hard days looking after cows and horses and to entertain themselves, they give each other riddles! These hardworking men are going to tell us where captain Hook is if we solve three riddles for them. But first we need a skipper of “Black Pearl” to show us where to go with the help of this map.
Ch: …
T3: Great! Here are your riddles. You have 3 minutes to solve them.
What flies but has no wings? (time)
What can run but cannot walk? (water)
What does a cat have that no other animal has? (kittens)
Ch: …
T3: Great job! You were excellent, now cowboys will tell us where the pirate took our treasure! They say he went north. What English speaking country is there to the north of the USA? Can the skipper of “Ghost Ship” show it?
Ch: …
T1: Wonderful! So now our way leads us to Canada. This country is huge it is even bigger than the USA and it is more than hundred times bigger than Ukraine. For such a huge territory the number of people, who live there is comparatively small, some Canadians live so far away from each other that they have little chances to see each other often and to communicate. So when they do meet Each other, they talk very-very fast to tell as much as they can.
T2: Therefore for these people to understand us we should also speak very fast. That is why we need all our captains right here. Each captain gets a tongue twister to train to speak as fast as Canadians do. You have 3 minutes to train and then tell this tongue twister in front of all of us.
Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town.
Four furious friends fought for the phone.
Six slimy snails sailed silently.
Ch …
T3: That was absolutely awesome! Now Canadians really want to tell us all they know about captain Hook. But you know, they were talking so fast that I understood only one word “London”. In which English speaking country is London situated? Can any skipper show it on the map?
Ch …
T1: Ok! So now we shall sail to England! The oldest and the most famous fortress in London is called the Tower of London. It was built in the 11th century by the famous king named William the Conqueror. This fortress is the safest and the most well defended building in London, so we think that captain Hook is hiding there with the stolen treasure! He have to come into the Tower and find him.
T2: The guardians won`t let us in so we have to learn everything we can about the looks of the Tower so that we can find some way to cheat and get into the building unnoticed. So please look at these pictures and try to remember the looks of the fortress as good as you can. You have 3 minutes to do this.
T3: Your time is up. Give us the pictures back. It is time to show what you know. And here are the questions you should answer to prove that you really can overcome the guard:
How many floors are there in the Tower of London?
How many towers does the fortress have?
What are the colours of the flag above the Tower?
Ch …
T1: Well done! Now when you know the way the fortress is build we can really come inside without being noticed. Oh look here is a letter! I bet captain Hook left it here for us!
T2: What does it say? Read it!
T1: It says: “Congratulations, my brave travelers! I am glad that today the spirit of adventure lives in some of us. Nevertheless, I shall not give the treasure to you…”
T3: But why?
T2: Tsh… Let her finish.
T1: “ … unless you join the brotherhood of real pirates”.
T2: Hmmm… Children are we ready to join the brotherhood of pirates to get the treasure?
Ch …
T3: All right! First thing we should do for that is to sing a real pirate song! Here are the word of the song. The part you are to sing is underlined. So let us red these four lines first (children get hand outs with the song and train to read the refrain they are to sing).
T1: All right! And now let us listen to the song and sing. We shall clap our hands to give you a sign when to start singing (children and teachers sing).
III етап
T2: Wonderful! Now you are ready to become real pirates! To prove that we all are pirates now, you will receive special signs. First thing you have to do is write your initials on these signs… Ok, and now I want the crews of our ships to come up to me and stick their signs under their ships! The first crew to stick the signs is … as they have collected the largest number of points during our journey (teams steak signs with their names on a poster with pictures of ships and pirates)…