Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Декабря 2012 в 10:16, автореферат
Диссертациялық жұмыс алдын-ала тергеу стадиясындағы сезікті мен айыпталушының қылмыстық іс-жүргізудегі конституциялық құқықтарын кепілдендіруге бағытталған. Зерттеу барысында, сезікті мен айыпталушының конституциялық құқықтары және оның кепілдіктері, сонымен қатар, оларға қатысты кейбір тергеу әрекеттерін жүргізу барысында қолданылатын ережелер, сезікті мен айыпталушының қылмыстық іс жүргізу заңымен бекітілген құқықтары, жедел-іздестіру шараларының іс жүргізудегі маңызы, мәжбүрлеу шаралары тәрізді институттар қарастырылады.
Научная новизна диссертационного исследования определяется тем, что она является первым комплексном исследованием, посвященным проблемам конституционных прав подозреваемого и обвиняемого на стадии предварительного расследования в Республике Казахстан.
Новизна диссертационного исследования заключается в том, что впервые после принятие Уголовно-процессуального кодекса Республики Казахстан, рассматривается проблемы, которые раньше не были исследованы в юридической науке: понятие конституционных прав подозреваемого и обвиняемого и процессуальные гарантии подозреваемого и обвиняемого и гарантии прав и свобод граждан при производстве по уголовным делам как один принципов уголовного процесса, обеспечение подозреваемому, обвиняемому права на защиту; прокурорский надзор и судебная контроль.
Диссертационная работа является первой монографической работой выполненной на государственном языке, в котором на основе действующего уголовно-процессуального законодательства комплексно исследовано место стадии предварительного расследования.
Практическая и теоретическая значимость исследования определятся ориентацией на решение актуальных проблем уголовного судопроизводства, возможностью реализации ряда разработанных в диссертации предложений и рекомендаций в процессе совершенствования действующего законодательства и деятельности правоохранительных органов.
Результаты исследования могут быть применены и в процессе преподавания учебных дисциплин: «Уголовное-процессуальное право Республики Казахстан», «Правоохранительные органы Республики Казахстан», «Прокурорский надзор Республики Казахстан», «Адвокатура и адвокатская деятельность Республики Казахстан», «Уголовное судопроизводство Республики Казахстан».
Теоретико-практические положения и выводы диссертации могут быть использованы аспирантами (адъюнктами), магистрантами и соискателями при написании научных работ.
Апробация результатов исследования. Результаты исследования апробировались при проведении лекционных и семинарских занятий в Академии МВД Республики Казахстан, Академии экономики и права Республики Казахстан и при проведении практических занятий с сотрудниками ДВД г. Алматы, ДВД Костанайской области.
Основные положения
Структура и объем диссертационного исследования отвечает целям и задачам исследования. Диссертация состоит из введения, трех разделов, включающих восемь подразделов, заключения, списка использованных источников и приложения.
Turdaly J. Karataev
Remedial guarantees of the constitutional rights of preliminary investigation, suspected and accused at a stage
12.00.09 — criminal procedure; criminalistics and expert testimony in court;
operative-detective activity
In the present dissertation research the basic questions concerning remedial guarantees of the constitutional rights of preliminary investigation, suspected and accused at a stage are covered.
By object of dissertation research is the set of theoretical and practical problems of observance of the constitutional rights of preliminary investigation, suspected and accused at a stage, and order realization of some investigation actions.
By subject of dissertation research the laws of the tax, processing (research, estimation and ordering) and use of the information having the relation to criminal event, and based on knowledge of these laws the order of activity of bodies of a preliminary consequence at a stage of a preliminary consequence act.
The purpose of research perfection of urgent problems and features of the constitutional rights of preliminary investigation, suspected and accused at a stage.
The methodological base of work is under construction on common science, dialectic method of knowledge allowing to investigate law, concerning to essence, contents of the legal phenomena revealed by jurisprudence and approved by practice. During research by us are used legal, rather legal, analytical, sociological and other methods of research.
The normative base of dissertation research is made the Constitution of Republic of Kazakhstan, Criminal and Criminal-remedial codes of Republic of Kazakhstan, Law of Republic of Kazakhstan "About Prosecutor’s", Law of Republic of Kazakhstan "About operative-search activity", by the Decrees of the President of Republic of Kazakhstan valid of the law, normative decisions of the Supreme Court of Republic of Kazakhstan.
The scientific novelty of dissertation research is defined by that it is the first complex research devoted problems of the constitutional rights of preliminary investigation, suspected and accused at a stage, in Republic of Kazakhstan.
The novelty of dissertation research consists that for the first time ambassador the acceptance of the Criminal-remedial code of Republic of Kazakhstan, is considered problems, which were not investigated in jurisprudence earlier: concept of the constitutional rights suspected and accused and remedial guarantees suspected both accused and guarantee of the rights and freedom of the citizens by manufacture on criminal cases as one of principles of criminal process, maintenance suspected, accused the rights on protection; prosecutor supervision and judicial control;
Dissertation work is the first monographic work executed on the state language, in which on the basis of the working criminal-remedial legislation, the place of a stage of preliminary investigation is investigated.
The practical and theoretical importance of research will be defined by orientation to the decision of urgent problems of criminal legal proceedings, opportunity of realization of a some line of the offers, developed in the dissertation, and recommendations during perfection of the current legislation and activity of law-enforcement bodies.
The results of research can be applied and during teaching educational disciplines: "Criminal-remedial right of Republic of Kazakhstan", "Law-enforcement bodies of Republic of Kazakhstan",
"Prosecutor supervision of Republic of Kazakhstan", "Advocacy and lawyer activity of Republic of Kazakhstan", "Criminal legal proceedings of Republic of Kazakhstan".
The theory-practical rules and conclusions of the dissertation can be used by the post-graduate students, and competitors at a spelling of scientific works.
Approbation of results of research. The results of research were approved at realization of lecture and seminar occupations in Academy MIA of RK, Academy of economy and right, and at realization of practical occupations with the employees DIA of Аlmaty, DIA of Кostanay area.
The basic situations of the dissertation have found reflection in scientific clauses and reports at various conferences.
The structure and volume of dissertation research answers the purposes and research problems. The dissertation consists of introduction three sections including eight sections, conclusion, list of the used sources and appendix.