Выразительное исполнение песни |
Выполнение серии
для развития языковой, речевой
и социокультурной
компетенции на материале песни |
Приложение 3
- Who built the first bridge across the Thames? (The
- What act united the governments of England and Scotland, creating Great Britain?
(The Act of Union of 1707)
- Who said “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”? (Samuel Johnson)
- What saint flag isn’t on the British flag the “Union Jack”? (St. David, the patron saint of Wales)
- What does the expression “jumping the queue” mean? (during the rush hour, when a bus or train
arrives, people often push forward to make sure they get on)
- Under what king did England become part of the Scandinavian
Empire? (King Cnut, in 1016)
- What is Henry VIII famous for except his six wives? (He made
the Church of England independent of Rome. The king became the Head
of the Church, which became Protestant)
- Whose daughter was Elizabeth? (Henry VIII’s)
- What do you know about the Spanish Armada? (King
Philip of Spain, encouraged by the Pope, sent the Spanish
Armada, a fleet of 130 ships, to invade England in 1588)
- Where do the House of Commons and the House of Lords
meet? (In the Houses of Parliament)
- Where do the Prime Minister and the Cabinet meet
almost every week? (10 Downing Street)
- Who is the head of Commonwealth? (the Queen)
- Why is the Queen’s crown so popular? (The diamond in the front of the crown is the biggest
diamond in the world and is from India)
- When was Britain allowed to become a member of the Common Market? (1973)
- When was the Channel officially opened? (May 6,
- How many children does the average British couple
have today? (2)
- What schools do most British pupils study at? (Comprehensive
- When was the National Curriculum introduced for the first time? (in 1988)
- What are the oldest universities which have the
highest academic reputation in Britain? (Oxford, Cambridge)
- Do pubs have family areas where children under 16
can sit and eat? (Yes)
Приложение 4
- The name of the Palace where Sir Winston Churchill
was born.
- What gallery was founded in 1824 and contains more
than 2000 pictures dating from the late 13th to the early 20th century?
- What has a great tradition of service and innovation?
They have been trading on Oxford Street for over 80 years.
- What nickname does the British police have?
- Where was the Royal Observatory established nearly
300 years ago?
- What holiday is connected with the provision of food and
drink for all visitors to your home on December 31st?
- Who became the queen in 1837?
- Who ruled without Parliament from 1629 until 1640?
- What is one of the most mysterious and complex archeological
sites in the world, which dates from before 2000 BC?
- What street is the former home of the country’s leading newspapers?
Key: 1) Blenheim; 2) National; 3) Selfridges; 4)
Bobbies; 5) Greenwich; 6) Hogmanay; 7) Victoria; 8) Charles; 9) Stonehenge;
10) Fleet.
Приложение 5
Аналитическая статья-рассуждение Жеребцовой Насти,
10 класса школы с углубленным изучением
английского языка
№ 1289 города
We have been learning English for many years and
one day we realized that we want to know England better and to see it with our own eyes. So, at the end of the 9th form our
dream came true. We prepared the trip carefully. And our dreams came
true. When we arrived in London we realized at once why London’s weather
is famous all over the world. It was really nasty. We were brought to
a wonderful family, with whom we lived during our trip. We had a lot
of unforgettable excursions, visited exciting sights, such as Trafalgar
Square, Buckingham Palace, mysterious Stonehenge, powerful Windsor,
and others. The experience that we received during that trip was unforgettable
and helped us greatly at home. The trip gave us endless emotions, impressions
and we’ll never forget it.
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