Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 16 Декабря 2013 в 11:52, автореферат
Жұмыстың жалпы сипаттамасы. Диссертациялық жұмыста қазіргі кезеңдегі Қазақстан Республикасындағы әлеуметтік саясаттың жалпы теориялық негіздері, саяси институттар мен үрдістерде алатын орны теориялық-әдіснамалық тұрғыдан зерттеліп, саяси талдауға ұмтылыс жасалды. Әлеуметтік мемлекетті қалыптастыру жағдайында әлеуметтік саясатты зерттеу қазіргі заман талаптарына сәйкес шетел тәжірибелерімен салыстырыла отырып жүргізілді. Қазіргі кезеңдегі Қазақстан Республикасындағы әлеуметтік саясаттың, саяси проблемалардың деңгейін айқындауға, оларды шешудің жолдары мен негізгі бағыттарын анықтауға салмақты мән берілді.
- identify the major theoretical problems of social policy of the state;
- explore the political and legal foundations of social policy and reveal
the role of law in its implementation;
- determine the level of social policy in Kazakhstan at the present
stage, to select the main directions and solutions;
- make good suggestions for improving the social policy of the state
in line with its priorities.
Methods and methodological basis of the study.
Theoretical and methodological basis for the study of works of European,
Russian and domestic scholars, political scientists, philosophers, sociologists,
economists, lawyers, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan
Nazarbaev. Using techniques of historical and philosophical, institutional,
systemic, cross, structural and functional, statistical and comparative
analysis will consider the social policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
in the dynamics of an integrated and sustainable development.
The basic statements for defence:
- In modern society, social policy is important, it is a guarantee
of a sustainable political development of the state and measure of the
quality of its economic growth;
- Social policy of Kazakhstan is most dependent on the results of economic
reforms and is based on maintaining the public institutions of social
- At the current stage of state social policy of Kazakhstan is moving
from passive to active areas;
- Increasing the activity of public institutions of social policy: trade
unions, charitable organizations and others;
- In the transition from planned to market economies in the implementation
of social policies leading role belongs to government entities;
- A thorough examination of characteristics, principles, ways and means
to improve the prospects for Social Policy of Kazakhstan identifies
it as a priority, which occupies an important place in the overall policy
of the State;
- Criteria for the concept of social policy of our state and the ways
of implementation are based on organically social measures as social
welfare, social security, social partnership;
- There is a need to find ways and mechanisms to improve the efficiency
of social policy;
- A requirement of social responsibility against a government of Kazakhstan
to the business, due to problems of a constructive solution of social
policy issues.
Results of the study:
- Social policy is defined as the most effective means of achieving
sustainable political development of the state;
- Found that social policy in Kazakhstan is not to develop a systematic
model as well as provide targeted assistance to socially vulnerable
members of society;
- Identified and disclosed the basic principles, direction and path
of development of social policy of Kazakhstan;
- In theory a methodological point of view explored the meaning and
content of social policy, its place and role in the development of society;
- A comparative study of the social policy in our country with the experience
of its implementation in the advanced countries of the world;
- On the basis of political analysis of legislative and legal norms
regulate social policy of Kazakhstan, identified forms of participation
of political institutions in the political process;
- Determined the extent to which public authorities and the public entities
of their roles in planning, management and regulation of social policy;
- Suggestions that are useful to improve the efficiency of social policy
of our country.
Theoretical and practical significance of the research.
Materials and guidelines allow the increased research of the new directions
in the study of topical political and social problems of modern political
science. The results of the analysis can be used in political, social,
economic and legal studies of the role of public authorities to regulate
social policy.
Suggestions and conclusions of the thesis can be broadly applied in
the preparation of government documents and acts, programs and measures
aimed at improving the model of social policy of Kazakhstan, regulate
the relationship of power, political institutions and civic organizations.
Also thesis material can be used for lectures and special courses on
theoretical and applied political science in universities.
The degree of implementation. The main content
and the research are presented in 10 articles, 3 of which were presented
as reports on international scientific conferences and published in
the respective collections. Materials of the thesis are used as a handbook
for high schools. This work is discussed and recommended for defence
at a meeting of the department of political science and sociology KazNPU
after Abay.