Особенности распространения английского языка в компьютерном мировом пространстве

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Января 2014 в 10:05, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

The process of any society’s development submits to certain laws. One of the tendencies of the XX - XXI centuries is the process of globalisation which mentions all spheres of life: political, economic, cultural etc.
Globalisation process influences directly the international relations. The borders between the states are erased; there are some political and trading alliances which unite a lot of different countries.
The society passed through different stages of development. The modern world is a society of information. At the time of huge speeds and globalisation we have to learn how to extract the information and also to be guided in numerous information sources.


Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
Chapter 1 Globalisation---------------------------------------------------------------------5
1.1 The definition of globalisation-------------------------------------------------5
1.2 The role of globalisation in development of English language----------- 7
1.3 Penetration of English language into Japanese ----------------------------- 8
Chapter 2 Informatisaton of society------------------------------------------------------10
2.1 The role of information revolutions------------------------------------------10
2.2 The history of the Internet------------------------------------------------------11
2.3 The role of English language in the world informatisation --------------- 12
Chapter 3 Loanwords------------------------------------------------------------------------14
3.1 The definition and the role of loanwords-------------------------------------14
3.2 The classification of loanwords-----------------------------------------------15
3.3 Loanwords in the area of information technologies------------------------ 16
Chapter 4 Features of computer loanwords--------------------------------------------- 18
4.1 Loans in operators of a programming language---------------------------- 18
4.2 Computer terms------------------------------------------------------------------18
4.3 Communicative language in the Internet-------------------------------------21
4.4 The relevance of loans using---------------------------------------------------27
The list of literature---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33

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винчестер, жесткий диск




сообщение, письмо












клавиша на клавиатуре




непрошенная рекламная почта








So the “substitutions” are used most of all too but their distinctive feature is using a method of "translits", i.e. replacement of an English letter by a Russian letter, with the same sound (g-ж, t-т, m-м etc.). Rather large number of “jargons” is used. On the third place are “composites”.

The table below gives us the whole information about types of loans.

Table №3





Partial substitutio


Foreign words



Operators of a programming language

(32 %)*








Computer terms



80 %




15 %

5 %

Language of computer communication **



55 %



2.5 %

7.5 %

25 %



* means that the given words are used by many but not all people

** 7.5 % the first letters of an English word

  2.5 % the English symbols on the Russian keyboard


4.4 The relevance of loans using

The developing of the English language as the second language has not only the advantages such as the easier understanding of people from different parts of the world but also a number of large problems. The matter is that the language cannot simply extend as the second: it is impossible to get used to constant communication in identical situations but with different people.

Firstly, the person psychologically starts to get used only to one language. In this case English develops faster than the native Russian language. It leads to the forcing out the native lexis. The youth knows worse the native language. So, on the average the successful pupils carry out correctly only about 80 % of tasks in Russian State Exam. Many students of the universities do not pass internal examinations of High School in Russian. Russian gets the role of an unimportant language. But we mustn’t forget that it is the state language.

Secondly, English language is the native language for many people who are at the process of globalisation in more advantageous position: they should not study any language (that’s why the USA is interested in foreign languages less than other developed countries).

Thirdly, English language is more often associated with the policy of the USA and the system of values which are forced. Millions of people feel dissatisfied about it.

But don’t think that English is the number of unconnected words. These words were formed as a result of historical processes. Word meaning is connected with comparisons with something. To prove it the author will cite as an example one of the situations: “A person leaving shop says: «Oh, what a horror – there is real Clapham Junction there inside ». Many foreigners will ask: what does it mean? What is «a Clapham Junction »? In fact it means that the shop was full of people, a crowd, confusion. You must know that Clapham Junction is the large railway station, the most overloaded and difficult arranged site in Britain; perhaps there are the greatest range of tracks there». It is a part of the culture. Without knowing this expression, we cannot understand other language and if we want to study foreign language we study also such expressions.

We should accept speaking another language cultures. But don’t forget that it can be not a harmless statement but a total imposing of culture. I agree with many parents who forbid their children looking the American modern cartoons such as Simpsons, Futurama, Spanch Bob, Griffins. They prefer their children to look Russian cartoons. In my opinion it is one more acknowledgement of being a language and culture connected.

In fact globalisation shows the situation which exists in many multicultural countries in the world level. There is some kind of inequality there. In the easiest position there are the representatives of the dominating language. They haven’t to study other languages. In the average position are people who need to learn the dominating language. Below there are monolingual groups who have no possibilities to do the career

    So we often use the loans in different areas. Using the words of other languages we accept another culture. But it is important to understand that words, language and culture are connected with each other.


The conclusion

According to the aim we have considered the process of globalisation and has established that it is the natural and integral process of a modern society accompanied by migration of the capital, human and industrial resources; standardization of the legislation, economic and technological processes in scales of all the planet and also the process of rapprochement and merge of cultures of the different countries. It is objective process which covers all spheres of a society life.

    As a result of globalisation the world becomes more connected and more dependent on all of its subjects. The borders between the countries escape gradually and have only political character. As a result of association of people and small groups of people in wider ones, the human beings were able to create essentially new technologies. The first such technology which has created the whole information revolution is the creation of writing. Thanks to the ability to write down the information the next generations could get the knowledge of the world around. And if they get the new information they are able to give it to their followers.

    To understand such kind of information was used the special system of signs and symbols - language. The more people used the same language the more knowledge had the native speakers of this language, the larger amount of words there was in that language.

    So the powerful Great Britain in XVIII and XIX centuries had a lot of colonies, including territory of America. Therefore English was the dominant language of the USA and is used by the population after formation of the independent state nowadays.

    In some centuries after the Second World War the USA becomes the political leader and the centre of the world capital. The leadership was explained rather easily. There was no war in territory of the USA and less material and human victims. Besides during the Second World War the industrial production has increased only by 10 % and the main part was on sale. In post-war years the USA gave out a large quantity of credits to all countries of the world. So other states became dependent economically, politically, socially and spiritually. That led to the accepting of the English -American model of a society.

          The USA became the leader in many areas of life. There is no surprise that the most popular technology, the Internet, has been created in this country. Thanks to the ease of use, the inexpensive prices for services, the possibility to worldwide it has become the most popular all over the world (to 2 billion users).

        The Internet has caused a wide spread of computers. That led to the development of the IT Technologies. The main specialists in this branch who created various programme covers and programmes for convenient using and also the new computing possibilities became the programmers. In our work we considered the elementary commands, operators. The analyse of some programme code led to the conclusion that English language carries out the basis function for the most part of commands. It is the first computer area where the English computer language is used.

      The second computer sphere is the computer terms and concepts. These terms have a wide range of users: from known for all (English user - юзер, пользователь) to a smaller circle (English Macros - макросы)

      The third group is the language of computer communication. This group has the widest variety of loans kinds.

     The loan is the transition of one language elements in another as result of interaction of languages or the elements transferred from one language into another.

According to the table № 3 the most part of all computer loans are the “substitutions”: 80 % in the area of computer terms and 55 % in the area of computer communication. In the same area a quarter of all loans are “jargons" that speaks about constant use of anglicisms in the lexicon of many people. In computer terms the share of “jargons” is much rarer besides such words are used by the smallest group of people. In this area we notice as good pronunciation of the words as in English language (a way of formation is substitutions).

    The author considers that the above-stated loans are absolutely justified: they help to understand each other programmers, to call promptly computer terms, to communicate with friends in the Internet.

        However it is possible to add one more group between the sphere of computer communication and the sphere of computer terms which can be met on the World Wide Web pages. This group is called vulgar words: one of the most harmless is a “групповуха под Винды” (Windows for WorkGroup). In my opinion such words deform the moral principles of society, especially children, therefore I make the conclusion that such loans are unjustified and even they are dangerous.

         So we think that the English language in computer sphere has following features of the use:

    • The most part of computer programming words are Importations, but not all of them are used by the participants of communication.
    • The most computer terms are Substitution.
    • Between the computer terms and the language of computer communication there is a group of unjustified loans. They are vulgar words.
    • The loans of computer communication are formed in absolutely different ways. These anglicisms are used on purpose to short the time of communication between people in the informal situations.












  1. Введение в языкознание. / Рождественский Ю. В. – М., Академия, 2005. – 324 с.
  2. Глобалистика, информатизация, системные исследования: Учебное пособие. Том 2. / Лейбин В. М. - Изд. ЛКИ, 2007. –123 с.
  3. Глобалистика: Энциклопедия / Гл. ред. И.И. Мазур, А.Н. Чумаков.– М., ОАО Издательство «Радуга», 2003. –183 с.
  4. Информатизация //Википедия   - свободная энциклопедия //http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Информатизация
  5. Информационные технологии //СГУПС//http://www.ssti.ru/kpi/informatika/Content/biblio/b1/inform_man/gl_1_1.htm
  6. Современная западная теоретическая социология: Учебное пособие / Масловский М.В. – Нижний Новгород, изд. НИСОЦ, 2005. –117 с.


  1. Немиро А. История развития компьютеров / А.Немиро// Журнал для компьютерщиков COMPAWORLD.-2003.-´05//   http://compaworld.narod.ru/online_arch.html
  2. Немиро А. Каждому юзеру по программе  /А.Немиро// Журнал для компьютерщиков COMPAWORLD.-2003-´05//http://compaworld.narod.ru/arhiv/042003/bugs.html
  3. Славянский менталитет в контексте интеграционных процессов / Кириенко В.В.,  Савенко А.Ю.  / Журнал "Социология", № 2. – 2009 . – С.141
  4. Новые медиа в современном информационно-коммуникационном пространстве / Kupeeв П.С./ Журнал "Социология", № 2. – 2010. – С. 115

Справочные  пособия:

  1. Англо-русский словарь заимствований / Мачкин Ю. Е. – М., Филоматис, 2007.- С. 1126
  2. Поиск сленга // Словарь молодежного, компьютерного и другого сленга и жаргона // http://www.slanger.ru
  3. Search Acronyms & Abbreviations. // Abbreviations.com //http://www.abbreviations.com/acronyms/CHAT


Appendix № 1


The Programme of the solving square roots in programming language Pascal (Программа решения квадратных корней

на языке  программирования Pascal)



Program noname;



var  X1, X2 ,A, B ,C,D: real;




writeln ('Введите коэфиценты a , b ,c В уравнении ax2 + bx + c = 0');

read (A,B,C);


if A=0

then writeln ('В уравнении  a должно быть отличным от нуля!Это уравнение не квадратное.')


  else   D:=B*B-4*A*C;


     if D=0  then writeln ('Корень X=',-B/(A*2):6:3);


    if D<0 then  writeln ('Действительных  корней нет!')  ;




Appendix № 2

The comparison of the computer language with the English translation

Сравнение компьютерного  языка с дословным переводом  команд с английского
















Computer language




 Operators of a programming language                                    Computer terms                                          

( Appendix № 3)               Communication               (Appendix № 4)

              (Appendix № 5)                            

Приложение № 3

Operators of a programming language

(Операторы языка программирования)






в противном случае


начать выполнение программы


закончить выполнение программы


вывести  на экран




случайное значение в  заданном алфавите


возвращение значения




написать/вывести значение


досрочное завершение цикла


остановить программу


очистить(экран,значение переменной)


значение по умолчанию








добавить строки в  таблицу






начальная директория














очистить значение переменной


назначить значение переменной/выбрать




полужирный шрифт


очистить значение переменной/если пустое




обновить значение,страницу


‘мягкая’ подгрузка файла


‘жесткая’ подгрузка файла


(выбрать значение) где






(пока, до тех пор)  цикл с условием

Информация о работе Особенности распространения английского языка в компьютерном мировом пространстве