Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Января 2014 в 10:05, курсовая работа
The process of any society’s development submits to certain laws. One of the tendencies of the XX - XXI centuries is the process of globalisation which mentions all spheres of life: political, economic, cultural etc.
Globalisation process influences directly the international relations. The borders between the states are erased; there are some political and trading alliances which unite a lot of different countries.
The society passed through different stages of development. The modern world is a society of information. At the time of huge speeds and globalisation we have to learn how to extract the information and also to be guided in numerous information sources.
Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
Chapter 1 Globalisation---------------------------------------------------------------------5
1.1 The definition of globalisation-------------------------------------------------5
1.2 The role of globalisation in development of English language----------- 7
1.3 Penetration of English language into Japanese ----------------------------- 8
Chapter 2 Informatisaton of society------------------------------------------------------10
2.1 The role of information revolutions------------------------------------------10
2.2 The history of the Internet------------------------------------------------------11
2.3 The role of English language in the world informatisation --------------- 12
Chapter 3 Loanwords------------------------------------------------------------------------14
3.1 The definition and the role of loanwords-------------------------------------14
3.2 The classification of loanwords-----------------------------------------------15
3.3 Loanwords in the area of information technologies------------------------ 16
Chapter 4 Features of computer loanwords--------------------------------------------- 18
4.1 Loans in operators of a programming language---------------------------- 18
4.2 Computer terms------------------------------------------------------------------18
4.3 Communicative language in the Internet-------------------------------------21
4.4 The relevance of loans using---------------------------------------------------27
The list of literature---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
So the process of the world informatisation does not raise doubts. The rapid distribution of the Internet is a bright example of it. The examples of a programming language made the author to get to the conclusion that the English language forms a certain base for existing programming languages nowadays which is the main factor of modern informatisation.
Chapter 3 Loanwords
The main aim of our research is getting out the features of the English language distribution in the computer space. In the previous chapters we have given the concepts of globalisation and have considered the informatisation process as one of its parts. We have made the conclusion of the conclusive role of English language in the modern informatisation. From our point of view a foreign language used in a native language submits to some principles. Particularly we can’t use it in an unchangeable form. The main principle of words transition from one language into the other is loans. In the next chapter we will define the concept of loanwords and give classification of computer loans.
3.1 The definition and the role of loanwords
«The loan is the transition of one language elements in another as result of interaction of languages or the elements transferred from one language into another. The loans can be oral (reproduces the general phonetic shape of a word) or written (when the word transliteration is made). The loan in languages is one of the major factors of their development».
The role of loans in any language is great as they are the integral component of the existing process and the historical change of the language. In addition they are one of the basic sources of replenishment of a lexicon. The borrowed words reflects the facts of ethnic contacts, social, economic and a cultural contact between language groups. The process of loaning underlies language activity.
To become a loan the word which has come from another language should be fixed in the new language, into its dictionary structure. So mastered entered into Russian a lot of foreign words that only linguists know about their origin speaking another language.
3.2 The classification of loanwords
There are the various classifications of loans including different ways of formation of loans. But the difference between them is insignificant. During globalisation all processes find the standards and become simpler to be clear to various segment of the population.
The following classification includes principal views of modern loans of English words in the Russian.
1. Importations. The word meets in Russian approximately in the same kind and in the same value, as in the original language: уик-энд - выходные; блэк - чернокожий; мани - деньги. In this case English words add only some synonyms with an original shade in Russian lexicon, but do not add a word with the new meanings.
2. Hybrids. The given words are formed by joining to a foreign root some Russian suffix, prefix or ending. In this case the shade often changes a little. For example: аскать (to ask - to ask), бузить (busy - занятый).
3. Substitution. A word or the expression received by a literal translation of a word speaking another language or an expression. They are the most widespread kind of loans.
4. Partial substitution. A word or the phraseological unit which has arisen by a literal translation of a part of language unit speaking another language with preservation of the rest not translated: Television (English - ‘ tele ’ + English-‘vision ’ in translation).
5. Exotic. Words which characterise specific national customs of other people and are used at the description of the non-russian validity. Distinctive feature of such words is that they have no Russian synonyms. For example: хот-дог (hot-dog), чизбургер (cheeseburger).
6. Foreign words. These words usually have lexical equivalents, but stylistically differ from them and fixed in this or that sphere of communication as the expressive means giving to speech a special expression. For example: о'кей (ОК); вау (Wow!); хай (Hi!).
7. Composites. The words which consist of two English words. For example: секонд-хенд - the shop trading in clothes were in the use; видео-салон - a room for watching films.
8. Jargons. The words which have appeared owing to distortion of any sounds, for example: крезанутый (crazy) - шизанутый.
3.3 Loanwords in the area of information technologies
In Chapter 2 we have come to the conclusion that the English language forms a certain base in the modern informatisation. However we mustn’t think that the use of English language is limited by the writing of programmes only.
In Appendixes we have presented the materials which were collected during the analysis of lexicon, presented in various dictionaries in electronic and printing editions, and also questioning, supervision and the analysis of use of the computer among different groups of the population.
From our point of view the use of the computer language can be divided into three groups:
1. Operators of a programming language (the Appendix № 3).
2. Computer terms (the Appendix № 4).
3. Language of computer communication (the Appendix № 5).
We have told about the first group in the second chapter: those are words which are used for a writing of different kinds of programmes.
Except programming the IT experts use some terms for the description of the device of the computer and its use.
Besides English also became a language for the faster communication between people through the computer. In the modern world we often should use the computer in a personal contact. The rates of dialogues increase. It is mostly typical for the youth which prefer to communicate with several friends at the same time, doing something else. In this case English being a mass language becomes clear for many people and it starts to be used in the form of loans. It is necessary to notice that it is not classical English language but a set of loans. So many English words became a part of Russian but not literary language. Such words we often use by communicating through the Internet.
So we have defined that loans are an important part of the processes occurring in development of language. The offered classification the loans into groups is represented to be the most convenient for their further analysis.
Chapter 4 Features of computer loanwords
According to the classification given in point 3.3 we will carry out the analysis of formation ways of loans in terms of the programming language, usual computer terms, and also features of loans in communication by means of the computer using the Internet.
4.1 Loans in operators of a programming language
The given in the Appendix №3 operators we can call exactly the loans because by means of them we create working computer programs. For each situation we should use the necessary operator. The result of the program work will be also the same if the other algorithm was used but in each certain case it is possible to take only one operator. For example the operator ‘while’ associates at once with a cycle, and there is an operator ‘for’ which connected with a cycle, but used absolutely in other cases. There are other operators of a cycle, but all of them have its own purpose.
The programmers seldom use the translations of operators into Russian (as it is given in the application №3). The IT experts know English rather well and they can translate the operator told by the opponent into English and write it down as a small part of a computer code. But in some situation the translation of the word is too big: for example, the operator ‘else’ must be translated as «в противном случае» or «иначе».it will be easier to say it in English. There are other such words: reject, break, clear, header, insert, basedir, unset, replace, update, include, require select, while. All other operators usually are said in Russian.
So from the given 40 words 13 will be Importations - they will be said as in English but will not be perceived as English - it will be Russian. However extremely little part of programmers communicate with the help of anglicisms. They try to translate the English operator. They use the English equivalent only when it is quicker to say an English word instead of Russian.
4.2 Computer terms.
Computer terms quite on the contrary are full loans. It is the result of some historical processes - all workings out in the field of IT technologies have been created in the west part of Europe and the USA - in the countries with the English language. Such technologies were included into the Russian reality not so long ago as in many other countries. The result is that all similar terms have no Russian equivalents, i.e. keep the phonetic and graphic shape. The table below proves the conclusion.
Table №1
Слово |
Английское слово |
Вид заимствования |
ИТ (Информационные Технологии) |
IT(Information technology) |
Substitution |
Процессор |
processor |
Substitution |
Материнская плата |
motherboard |
Composites |
Видеокарта |
video card |
Composites |
Жесткий диск |
hard disk |
Composites |
Оперативная память |
operative memory |
Composites |
Кулер |
cooler |
Substitution |
Кластер |
cluster |
Substitution |
Сектор |
sector |
Substitution |
Дискета |
diskette |
Substitution |
Мультимедийная карта |
multimedia card |
Composites |
Звуковая карта |
sound card |
Composites |
Домен |
domain |
Substitution |
Монитор |
monitor |
Substitution |
Микрофон |
microphone |
Substitution |
Камера |
camera |
Substitution |
Локальный |
local |
Substitution |
Браузер |
browser |
Substitution |
Вирус |
virus |
Substitution |
Троян |
trojan |
Substitution |
Скрипт |
script |
Substitution |
Реестр |
register |
Substitution |
Программа |
program |
Substitution |
Виртуальная машина |
virtual machine |
Composites |
Сертификаты |
certificates |
Substitution |
Макросы |
macroes |
Substitution |
Принтер |
printer |
Substitution |
Сканер |
scanner |
Substitution |
Факс |
fax |
Substitution |
Ксерокс |
copier |
Substitution |
Телефон |
(tele)Phone |
Substitution |
Проектор |
projector |
Substitution |
Мыло |
Jargons | |
Пароль |
password |
Jargons |
Логин |
login(log in) |
Substitution |
Аккаунт |
account |
Substitution |
Авторизация |
authorisation |
Substitution |
аутентификация |
authentication |
Substitution |
Активация |
activation |
Substitution |
Продукт - программа со способом распространения-лицензия |
product |
Substitution |
Having analysed the loan kinds in this group it is possible to notice that the considerable part of the lexis are the “substitutions”. There is such way of formation, as "composites". In two cases we observe “jargons”.
4.3 Communicative language in the Internet
Table №2
Слово |
Значение |
Английское слово |
Способ заимствования |
Хай |
привет |
hi |
Foreign words |
Фича |
необычных признаков какого-либо явления |
feature |
Jargons |
Багфикс |
устранение ошибок в коде программы для правильной работоспособности |
bugfix(англ.) =Bug + fix |
Substitution |
Лаг |
задержка прохождения информации между компьютером и компьютерной сетью или сервером, затрудняющая работу в Интернете или игру в компьютерных онлайн-играх. |
lag |
Substitution |
Гайд |
руководство, в котором описана последовательность действий для достижения определенной цели. |
guide |
Jargons |
бб |
пока |
bye bye (bb) |
The first letters of an English word |
Найс |
прикольно |
nice |
Substitution |
Lol/лол |
смеюсь над тобой, неудачник |
laughing out loud(смех вслух) |
Substitution |
Асл |
кто такой |
asl( age/sex/location) |
The first letters of an English word |
ЗЫ |
P.S |
P.S(идентичные символы на раскладе клавиатуры компьютера) |
The English symbols on the Russian keyboard |
по моему́ скромному мнению |
In My Humble Opinion /In My Honest Opinion |
The first letters of an English word |
Сабж |
тема |
subj, сокращение от subject |
Jargons |
Никне́йм |
сетевой псевдоним |
nickname |
Substitution |
Офлайн |
Вне сети |
offline |
Substitution |
Онла́йн |
В сети |
online |
Substitution |
Флуд |
Повтор однотипной информации, засорение чата |
от неверно произносимого англ. flood — наводнение, затопление |
Substitution |
Тро́ллинг |
размещение в Интернете провокационных сообщений с целью вызвать конфликты между участниками, взаимные оскорбления |
trolling |
Substitution |
Скайпкаст |
Голосовое общения между
группой пользователей |
skypecast= Skype + broadcasting |
Composites |
Бан |
ограничении каких-либо прав пользователя/ запрет на вход |
ban |
Substitution |
Оверкво́тинг |
избыток цитат в тексте |
overquoting |
Substitution |
Модера́тор |
пользователь, имеющий более широкие права по сравнению с обыкновенными пользователями на общественных сетевых ресурсах(входит в администрацию проекта) |
moderor — умеряю, сдерживаю |
Substitution |
Фотожа́ба |
Изменение графики(изображения) с помощью графического редактора |
photoshopping/ photoshop contest / photoshop tennis |
Composites |
Некро́пост |
свежее сообщение в
давно заглохшую ветку |
от греч. νεκρός — мёртвый и англ. post посылать, сообщение |
Composites |
Личер |
пользователь Интернета, пользующийся ресурсами, предоставляемыми другими, но не предлагающий ничего |
leech — пиявка + англ. Суф. -er |
Substitution |
Флейм |
обмен сообщениями в местах многопользовательского сетевого общения, представляющий собой словесную войну, не имеющую отношения к первоначальной причине спора |
flame — огонь, пламя |
Substitution |
Чат |
средство обмена сообщениями по компьютерной сети в режиме реального времени |
chat — болтать |
Substitution |
Коннект |
связь с Интернетом |
connect |
Substitution |
Топик |
тема |
topic — «тема» |
Substitution |
Аська |
Программа обмена мгновенными сообщениями |
ICQ (название компьютерной программы) |
Jargons |
Юзверь |
пользователь |
user - пользователь |
Jargons |
Хомяк |
домашняя страница |
home Page |
Jargons |
Гестбук |
гостевая книга |
guestbook |
Substitution |
Скайп |
Skype - ПО |
Skype |
Substitution |