Особенности распространения английского языка в компьютерном мировом пространстве

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Января 2014 в 10:05, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

The process of any society’s development submits to certain laws. One of the tendencies of the XX - XXI centuries is the process of globalisation which mentions all spheres of life: political, economic, cultural etc.
Globalisation process influences directly the international relations. The borders between the states are erased; there are some political and trading alliances which unite a lot of different countries.
The society passed through different stages of development. The modern world is a society of information. At the time of huge speeds and globalisation we have to learn how to extract the information and also to be guided in numerous information sources.


Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
Chapter 1 Globalisation---------------------------------------------------------------------5
1.1 The definition of globalisation-------------------------------------------------5
1.2 The role of globalisation in development of English language----------- 7
1.3 Penetration of English language into Japanese ----------------------------- 8
Chapter 2 Informatisaton of society------------------------------------------------------10
2.1 The role of information revolutions------------------------------------------10
2.2 The history of the Internet------------------------------------------------------11
2.3 The role of English language in the world informatisation --------------- 12
Chapter 3 Loanwords------------------------------------------------------------------------14
3.1 The definition and the role of loanwords-------------------------------------14
3.2 The classification of loanwords-----------------------------------------------15
3.3 Loanwords in the area of information technologies------------------------ 16
Chapter 4 Features of computer loanwords--------------------------------------------- 18
4.1 Loans in operators of a programming language---------------------------- 18
4.2 Computer terms------------------------------------------------------------------18
4.3 Communicative language in the Internet-------------------------------------21
4.4 The relevance of loans using---------------------------------------------------27
The list of literature---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33

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Особенности распространения  английского языка

в компьютерном мировом пространстве

(на английском  языке)


Выполнил: Бакаев Никита,

ученик 9 б  класса

Научный руководитель:

Морева О.В.,

учитель английского  языка

Нижний Новгород


The Contents


Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3                                                                                                                                                                    

Chapter 1 Globalisation---------------------------------------------------------------------5

1.1 The definition of globalisation-------------------------------------------------5

1.2 The role of globalisation in development of English language----------- 7

1.3 Penetration of English language into Japanese ----------------------------- 8

Chapter 2 Informatisaton of society------------------------------------------------------10

2.1 The role of information revolutions------------------------------------------10

2.2 The history of the Internet------------------------------------------------------11

2.3 The role of English language in the world informatisation --------------- 12

Chapter 3 Loanwords------------------------------------------------------------------------14

3.1 The definition and the role of loanwords-------------------------------------14

3.2 The classification of loanwords-----------------------------------------------15

3.3 Loanwords in the area of information technologies------------------------ 16      

Chapter 4 Features of computer loanwords--------------------------------------------- 18

4.1 Loans in operators of a programming language---------------------------- 18

4.2 Computer terms------------------------------------------------------------------18

4.3 Communicative language in the Internet-------------------------------------21

4.4 The relevance of loans using---------------------------------------------------27


The list of literature---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33




The process of any society’s development submits to certain laws. One of the tendencies of the XX - XXI centuries is the process of globalisation which mentions all spheres of life: political, economic, cultural etc.

Globalisation process influences directly the international relations. The borders between the states are erased; there are some political and trading alliances which unite a lot of different countries.

The society passed through different stages of development. The modern world is a society of information. At the time of huge speeds and globalisation we have to learn how to extract the information and also to be guided in numerous information sources.

The last information and computer technologies and appearance of the global network have made huge impact on process of formation so-called lingua france - language of the international dialogue for people for whom it is not native.

Underlining the topicality of the chosen subject it would be desirable to notice that in the modern world the English language became such a language.

Promoting the role of English language is caused historically: expansion of trading and economic relations, domination of the USA in the world economy and the politics etc. These facts increase interest to the English language as the mean of communication with other cultures. There are great opportunities of visiting the English-speaking countries. The youth is fond of pop culture (music, cinema) let out in English. The desire to communicate and understand contemporaries leads to communication by means of computer technologies most of all.

So the aim of our work is

To achieve the aim we have to do the following tasks:

1) to consider the definition and the role of globalisation in development of English language;

2) to analyse the role of English language in the area of the world information;

3) to define spheres of use of English language in computer space;

4) to find out the features of the computer English language on the results of the received researches.

The practical value of the work consists in possibility of use of the material and results of the given research at the lessons of English language, at the lessons of the Speech Culture, in daily communication, and also at the further research of computer lexicon.

In our work the analysis of the following sources of anglicisms have been carried out:

1) Means of virtual communication of teens, adults and professional groups: SMS; dialogues in social networks (Contact, Schoolmates); forums (youth, experts on IT);

2) Mass media: magazines "COMPAWORLD", «Linux Format»;

3) Dictionaries: Modern Russian, the Dictionary of Loans, electronic dictionaries.

During the research were used works on researches of globalisation (Maslovsky M. В), informatisation (Lezhbin V. M), loans (Maslov J.S.). And also articles of various authors in magazines «Philosophy Questions», "Sociology".


Chapter 1 Globalization

1.1 The definition of globalisation

During last decades the scientists who investigate the development of a society speak about globalisation process. The opinions about the background of the given process differ. Some researchers – historians – say that some traits of globalisation were showed already during an antiquity epoch. Particularly, the Roman empire was one of the first states who had confirmed the hegemony over the Mediterranean and had led to a deep interlacement of various cultures and beginning of inter-regional division of labour in the Mediterranean. Others - economists - find the background of globalisation in XII-XIII centuries when with the beginning of market relations’ in the Western Europe began the rise of the European trade. Political scientists consider that as the special phase of the international relations globalisation started only several decades ago but its formation has not come to the end to the beginning of the third millennium. However it attracted public attention only in 1990s. Because of the huge range of political sights in a modern world science and politics there is no common definition of globalisation, as well as there is no common opinion about a term background. This rather new term widely adopted in the scientific and political literature some decades ago is used in each of public scientific disciplines in the special value.

In our work we understand globalisation as «the process of the international economic, political and cultural integration and unification. The basic consequence of this process is the international division of labour, migration of the capital flows, human and industrial resources, standardisation of the legislation, economic and technological processes all over the world, and also the rapprochement and even the merge of cultures of the different countries. It is an objective process which covers all spheres of society’s life. As a result of globalisation the world becomes more connected and more dependent on all its subjects. There is as increase of the general states of problems, and a widening of the number and types of integrated subjects».

So by saying the term "globalisation", scientists often mean the following processes:

  • the  expansion of activity and the world distribution of transnational corporations;

• the existence of some supernational organisations - the United Nations, the NATO, "G8", EU, etc. which influence the other countries;

• the formation of the uniform financial market which increases the influence on economy of some countries, regions, companies by means of new financial tools;

• the formation of difficult economic interrelations of regions;

• the increase of the international population shift;

• "Americanization" and culture "europeanization";

• the formation of so-called “ethnoplanetary” thinking (ability of people to represent inhabitants of the Earth before the inhabitant of the certain country);

• the increase in communication of the different countries, cultures, nationalities, etc. thanks to the Internet, television, radio;

• the universal development of the English language as the global language.

In our research the greatest interest represents the process of cultural globalisation as from our point of view the concept "language" is connected with the concept "culture".

The author makes conclusion that the cultural globalisation leads to the rapprochement of business and consumer culture between the different countries of the world and to the growth of the international communication. Modern films go out in many countries at the same time; books are published and become popular by readers from the different countries. The huge role in cultural globalisation plays the development of the Internet.

On the one hand it leads to the popularisation of some kinds of national culture all over the world. On the other hand the popular international cultural phenomena can force out national or transform them into the international. Many people regard this process as the loss of national cultural values and fight for the revival of national culture.

Despite of the disputes concerning advantages and disadvantages of the present process it is impossible to deny that fact that the concept of globalisation is connected with the concept of Americanization. So Hollywood produces the most part of films for the world. The most computer corporations were founded in the USA: Microsoft, Intel, AMD and many other which make considerable impact on the world economics. This process is connected with a dominating role of the USA in the world, definitively established after disintegration of the USSR.

From our point of view that the modern globalisation is based on the English-American model of a society, its economy, policy and culture. Such model of a society and culture is closely connected with the English language which claims the role of the first world language.

1.2 The role of globalisation in development of English language

The role and the status of English language have been constantly changing. The process of its existence constantly varied from the processes of its distribution (by a gain, colonisation) to the other effect – the rejection.

Usually the language becomes international and even global for the reason that people who speak it possess the certain power. In case of English language we understand the power as political, military, scientific, technical, economic and cultural leadership. As the reason the English has reached a world championship in functional sense.

We think that the knowledge of English language nowadays gives some advantages:

1. The success in career.

2. English language is the language of the international communication.

3. English language is a business language.

4. The chance to study at many prestigious foreign universities.

5. The most part of the interesting and necessary literature is published in English.

6. The most part of useful pages in the Internet is written in English.

7. All international competitions and conferences are spent in English

8. The most part of computer programmes and applications are made in English.

Relation of forces change at the same time. We can’t surely say whether English will be an international language in hundred years. It will depend on the power which its possessors will have. We may imagine that other languages will become more important.

1.3 Penetration of English language into Japanese.

One of the countries - competitors for the USA is Japan which along with the USA has high degree of computer development. The number of Americanisms in the modern Japanese language is very great and may be hardly counted as almost each English word can be borrowed at least as a part of combinations. There are many compound words and word combinations which are created from English roots in Japan and have no English parallels: wan-man-basu or wan-man “the bus without the conductor”, no-airon “a product which cannot be ironed”, no-mai-kaa-dee “day when it is recommended to abstain from using privately owned vehicles”. Loans in Japanese language are written by the special alphabet - katakana, and it is possible to meet the whole texts almost entirely written by this alphabet, only with small impregnations of hieroglyphs and other alphabet - hiragana. Such texts consist of Americanisms with addition of only grammatical elements, a minimum of necessary verbs and Japanese own names.

As though it seemed strange but in Japan the knowledge of English language (and the more so other foreign languages) is low. At school all of students study English language but this subject is one of the most unloved. The other Japanese who is not connected with English language professionally (e.g. works in the foreign trade firm) forgets English after school. One of American scientists who studied Japan has interrogated 461 informants. All of them once studied English language, but only 0,4 % use English at home, 5 % speak it with friends (including foreigners), 9 % use it in the professional area, and 54 % do not know it in general.

This situation confirms that the most developed countries of the world such as Japan, and especially the USA have no interest in foreign languages.

The interest of other countries in studying English language constantly increases. Moreover the gradual Americanization of Russian language is more noticeable. The part of English in Russian language is less than in Japanese though there is no restriction outside of which Americanisms are not supposed. Loans can get anywhere, including the heart of language first of all through mass media.


So the author makes the conclusion that globalisation process is the natural and integral process of a modern society. Its basic characteristic is the process of the international economic, political and cultural integration and unification. Most of all with the concept of culture is connected the concept of language. Nowadays one of the globalisation characteristics is the appearance of the international language – the English language. The fact is the English-speaking countries (the USA, the UK) are leaders in scientific, technical, economic and cultural areas.


Chapter 2 Informatisaton of society

We understand informatisation as the process through which new communication technologies are used as a means for furthering development as a nation becomes more and more an information society.

2.1 The role of information revolutions

In the history of civilisation’s development we meet some information revolutions. It means the transformations of public relations because of cardinal changes in information processing sphere. A consequence of similar transformations was acquisition by a human society of new quality.

· The First revolution is connected with the writing invention that had led to the huge qualitative and quantitative jump. There was a possibility to transfer the knowledge from generation to generation.

· The Second (the middle of the XVI century) is caused by the invention of publishing which had considerably changed the industrial society, culture, the activity organisation.

· The Third (the end of XIX century) is caused by the electricity invention. Thanks that telegraph, phone, the radio had appeared. They allowed to transfer and accumulate operatively the information in any amount.

· The Fourth (70th of XX century) is connected with the invention of microprocessor technology and the personal computer. On microprocessors and integrated are created computers, computer networks, date transmission systems (information communications). This period is characterised by three fundamental innovations:

- transition from mechanical and electric means of information transforms to the electronic;

- miniaturization of all sites, devices, cars;

- creation of programme-controlled devices and processes.

Last information revolution puts in the forefront new branch - the information industry connected with output of means, methods and technologies for manufacture of new knowledge. All kinds of information technologies, especially telecommunications become the major components of the information industry. The modern information technology is based on the achievements in the field of computer techniques and means of communications.

Information technology (ИТ) is the process which uses the complex of means and methods of gathering, processing and data transmission (the primary information) for reception of the new quality information about a status of object, process or the phenomenon.

The complication of industrial manufacture, social, economic and political life and the change in dynamics of processes in all fields of activity have led on the one hand to the growth of requirements for knowledge. On the other hand people need to create new means and ways of satisfaction of these requirements.

Rapid development of computer techniques and information technologies was an impulse to development of the society which is constructed on use of the various information. Such kind of the society received the name of an information society.

2.2 The history of the Internet

After launching of the satellite in 1957 by Soviet Union the Ministry of Defence of the USA has considered that on a war case the reliable system of information transfer is necessary to be done. The defensive advanced research projects agency of the USA (DARPA) suggested developing a computer network. This had been requested to the Californian University in Los Angeles, the Stanford research centre, the University of the State of Utah and the University of the State of California in Santa Barbara. The computer network was named ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). In 1969 as a project the network has united four these scientific institutions. All works were financed by the Ministry of Defence of the USA. Soon the network ARPANET started to grow and develop. The scientists from different areas of a science started to use it. In 1991 the World Wide Web became popular in the Internet.

So getting more and more popularity among people the Internet got the audience in 50 million users less than for 5 years. For comparison, radio got for it 38 years, television-13, and cable - 10 years.

Today the number of the Internet surfers in the world is about 2 billion, and the population of a planet in 2010 was 6,768 billion persons.

Being based in the USA the Internet developed, to be exact the cover zone became more and more. Essentially new reports of date transmission were developed for more high speed of date transmission and minimisation of possible errors and possibilities for unapproved penetration.

One of a distinctive trait of the Internet from other Mass Media is the construction in such way so that it cannot be disconnected completely, i.e. it has no common centre.

2.3 The role of the English language in the world informatisation

So the degree of distribution of language depends on what forces and technologies stand up for the people speaking this language. English language is the most popular now. And it’s thanks to those achievements which were discovered by the English-speaking countries.

The informatisation area did not become an exception. The English language is the basic language in which are written the computer programs of different levels of complexity. It can be simply explained. A computer language is a language as well. It has its own structure, norms of construction and partial norms of registration. The people creating such languages put a considerable part of native words to make the process of the writing such ‘texts’ as much as possible in a native language.

In the Appendix № 1 you can see the Programme of the solving square roots in programming language Pascal. It is the most elementary in a programming language. All commands are written in English. Even without knowledge of Pascal but knowledge of English we can solve these problems, as well as the computer (the Appendix № 2). To understand this algorithm you need the smallest knowledge of English language only. So the similarity of English and computer languages is shown once more again.

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