Отчет по практике учителя английского языка

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Сентября 2013 в 16:08, отчет по практике

Краткое описание

My subject teacher Zharkenova K. M. She is young teacher who recently graduated from University. She has approach for every student, which allows promoting the level of knowledge of language in a whole class. Children love the subject of foreign language in school, firstly, because lessons always interesting and enthralling, secondly, they see how a teacher behaves to them, and reciprocate one's feelings. Her students hand over successfully examinations, take part in municipal, regional Olympiads.

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                       Report of practice




                                                                           Student of 2 course

Group 2Ai-11


Khamzin Myrzagali Kenesbaevich


Place of passing of practice: «Nechaev`s basic school»

Kostanay region, Nechaev settlement.


Period of passing from 13.05 to 15.06. 2013


Teacher: Zharkenova Kunsulu Maratovna

School director: Sarsenbaeva Tatyana Sagymbekovna

The head of the teaching department: Bazhkeeva Shynar Galymbekovna





                                        Kostanay, 2013


I`m the student of the 2nd course of Kostanay Humanitarian College Khamzin Myrzagali Kenesbaevich passed practice in «Nechaev`s basic school» in settlement of Nechaev.

Material and technical base of school have: Twenty classroom, one gymnasium, one workshop,  athletic hall, assembly hall, dining-room, medical cabinet and library. There is one computer classroom. There are also computers in library.  All informative equipment has an access in the internet.    The school is one floor. The school corresponds to the euro standard.

This is only school where children can study in this settlement. Before this year at this school there were classes studying in Kazakh language,   but this year Kazakh classes closed because there were few pupils studied there. From 2010 year school changed the status and began to be named Nechaev`s Basic School.

The director of this school is Sarsenbaeva Tatyana Sagymbekovna .The head of the teaching department is Bazhkeeva Shynar Galymbekovna. There are 30 teachers in this school; many of them have a large experience of work. There are also young teachers that recently graduated from university.

My subject teacher Zharkenova K. M.  She is young teacher who recently graduated from University. She has approach for every student, which allows promoting the level of knowledge of language in a whole class. Children love the subject of foreign language in school, firstly, because lessons always interesting and enthralling, secondly, they see how a teacher behaves to them, and reciprocate one's feelings. Her students hand over successfully examinations, take part  in municipal, regional Olympiads.

Zharkenova K. M. tries to support good relationships with the parents of pupils. They quite often come to her with questions touching not only the studies of their children but also such, as a choice of one or another section, clubs for a child. All of it says that Zharkenova Kunsulu during the time of work with a class was able to earn large authority, as for children, and so for their parents.




I passed practice in a period from May, 13, 2013 for June, 15 of current year. During this time it was succeeded to conduct the greater amount of lessons, visit lessons of other specialities, to visit the lessons of other teachers and students-practicum’s. For period of practice I tried myself in a role of teacher of English.


Study was conducted in one changing. The subject of English passed only in five classes. I conducted 16 lessons in 5,6,7,8,9 classes, in the process of that I fully felt deeply difficult teaching activity , with all problems arising up during work with children, but also gladness, from cooperation and possibility of influence and educating of pupils of the school. All lessons passed without lags and on positive estimations. During practice used next methods: method of evidentness (presentations, projects, placards, pictures, fragments of films), verbal method (conversations, explanations, and discussions), practical method (exercises, tasks on cards, tests, and questionnaires) and method of stimulation (creation of situations of success, encouragements). It was difficult but sometimes pupils tried to support speech in English. The use of different types of activity (listening comprehension, talking reading and letter) was not caused complications for children, as they are already ready to such different types of work. I made an effort enter and a bit novelty in lessons and thought of the different tasks oriented to group, individual and project activity. Difficult children there were units in a class, serious violations of discipline were not observed. Certainly knowledge of pupils a bit worse than in town schools, but all pupils worked persistently on lessons and they wondering in learning English.

There is a lucky enough for me to cooperate with remarkable teachers having large teaching experience, which helped me fully to feel myself real teacher. My tutors gave methodical advices to me, as more successfully and fruitfully to conduct lessons and extracurricular events with pupils, gave description of class as a collective and separate students, provided educational and methodical literature.

 In time of practice I visited 6 lessons. All lessons were professionally prepared. Beside the lessons of English, I also visited lessons on other specialities, such as: geography, biology and Russian. All lessons were very saturated, many teachers used modern technologies: projectors, interactive boards. Every teacher has the own method of teaching. There is much useful information for me in teaching. Passing practice I was a teacher of English and helper of class leader. Also during practice I executed work not only as a teacher but also as a translator.



Classes are eccentric enough on the level of capture of the school program. On the subject of English at most guys’ progress reposes on a middle level. Mainly, that especially made me happy it is presence of enormous interest to study a language and culture of Great Britain, and also interest to work on a lesson. Greater part of pupils on lessons is attentive, shows activity in the receipt of knowledge, and executes homework. Among the students of class there are very capable guys. They can analyses, draw conclusion, able to summarize and to work on a lesson independently.

Becoming familiar with the curriculum of lessons, the first week of practice I gave lessons every day. Quickly becoming acquainted I passed to the lessons. Because it was the end of year I tried to know what children in the flow of year didn`t understand well, and we repeat these themes. Also we passed new themes. Lessons were on the most different themes. In a day I conducted for two lessons because there is only one changing. Some lessons I conducted own and some with the presence of teacher.


The 13th of May I conduct the first lesson in 5th class. Theme of the lesson was:

Summer Holiday

After my hard and busy school year my summer holidays began. I felt happy and began to plan a lot of wonderful things to do during my summer vocation. 
I was dreaming about far South countries I always wanted to visit. For example I dreamed to visit, Greece islands or Singapore beaches. But I had to go to the Azove seaside with my relatives. The water was very warm there because you know Azove Sea isn’t deep. There were a lot of beautiful fair trees and bushes there. There were different kinds of entertainments there. 
Some kinds of water Mountains and water scooters and discos. 
There was nothing to do all day except lying in the sun and get a wonderful tan. I was playing with my little sister on the sand and in the waves teaching her to swim. Later on I returned to Kherson and spend some time in town going out with my friends, reading, listening to music, watching TV, playing computer games. After that I went to the sports camp where I spent seven days with my friends. 
It was very useful experience for us because we had to get up very early, to train a lot, and to rest very little. But it made us stronger and healthier. 
I was very happy to return home and to spend several days in my summer cottage, I helped my grand-pa to dig the garden, to water plants, and to gather fruits and vegetables. I was fishing with my grand-pa sometime successfully and we were cooking our fish together. Only humorous insects were spoiling my good humor. I was enjoying floating in the boat swimming in the river and helping my grandparents. 
During my summer holidays I made many new friends, read a lot of interesting books. 
Got to know a lot of useful things. Now I feel ready to get back to school. 
I am happy to meet my friends and teachers.

The third lesson was in 7th class. Theme of lesson:

Our planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but nowadays it's the only place where we can live.

 People always polluted their surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a serious problem. People lived in rural areas and did not produce such amount of polluting agents that would cause a dangerous situation in global scale. With the development of overcrowded industrial highly developed cities, which put huge amounts of pollutants into surrounds, the problem has become more and more dangerous. Today our planet is in serious danger. Acid rains, global warming, air and water pollution, and overpopulation are the problems that threaten human lives on the Earth. In order to understand how air pollution affects our body, we must understand exactly what this pollution is. The pollutants that harm our respiratory system are known as particulates. Particulates are the small solid particles that you can see through rays of sunlight. They are products of incomplete combustion in engines, for example: internal-combustion engines, road dust and wood smoke. Billions of tons of coal and oil are consumed around the world every year. When these fuels are burnt, they produce smoke and other by-products, which is emitted into the atmosphere. Although wind and rain occasionally wash away the smoke, given off by power plants and automobiles, but it is not enough.. These chemical compounds undergo a series of chemical reactions in the presence of sunlight; as a result we have smog, mixture of fog and smoke. While such pollutants as particulates we can see, other harmful ones are not visible. Among the most dangerous to bur health are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and ozone or active oxygen. If you have ever been in an enclosed parking garage or a tunnel and felt dizzy or lightheaded, then you have felt the effect of carbon monoxide (CO). This odourless, colourless, but poisonous gas is produced by the incomplete burning of fossil fuels, like gasoline or diesel fuel. Factories emit tons of harmful chemicals. These emissions have disastrous consequences for our planet. They are the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains. Our forests are disappearing because they are cut down or burnt. If this trend continues, one day we won't have enough oxygen to breathe, we won't see a beautiful green forest at all. The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear wastes, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in our seas. Every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out forever. If nothing is done about it, one million species that are alive today may soon become extinct. And even greater threats are nuclear power stations. We all know how tragic the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster are. Fortunately, it's not too late to solve these problems. We have the time, the money and even the technology to make our planet a better, cleaner and safer place. We can plant trees and create parks for endangered animals. We can recycle our wastes; persuade enterprises to stop polluting activities, because it is apparent that our careless use of fossil fuels and chemicals is destroying this planet. And it is now more than ever apparent that at the same time we are destroying our bodies and our future.

The 14th of May first lesson I conduct in 8th class

Theme of lesson was: Past Continuous 


The Past Continuous



Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

... + was/were + IV

Was/Were ... +  IV ?

... was/were not +  IV

I was playing.

Я играл. (в то время, когда... )

Was I playing?

Я играл?

I was not (=wasn't) playing.

Я не играл.




was playing









was not playing

=(wasn't playing)




were playing









were not playing

=(weren't playing)



Сокращенные формы :   was not = wasn’t [wOznt];    were not = weren’t [wWnt] 


Past Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в прошедшем времени ( was, were ) и причастия настоящего времени смыслового глагола - Present Participle (IV-я форма или  ing-форма). См. Приложения: Правила образования и чтения -ing форм.   




Past Continuous употребляется для выражения:

(основные случаи употребления)

1. Действия, протекавшего в указанный момент в прошлом, который может быть обозначен:

а) обстоятельством времени;

б) другим прошедшим действием в Past Indefinite;

в) другим одновременным действием в Past Continuous;

г) контекстом или ситуацией.

2. Длительного действия, протекавшего в определен. период времени в прошлом.

Дополнительные  случаи употребления:

3. Для выражения запланированного будущего действия в прошлом.



1  Для выражения действия, протекавшего в указанный момент в прошлом. При этом ни начало, ни конец действия неизвестны. Указание времени совершения действия может быть выражено:

а)  Обстоятельством времени, например:

at noon   в полдень

at that moment в тот (этот) момент

at five o’clock  в пять часов

at 5.50 p.m. yesterday вчера в 5.50 вечера


Just think. Two days ago at this time I waslying on the beach in the sun.

Только  подумай. Два дня назад в это же самое время я лежал на пляже под солнцем.

It was raining at noon.

В полдень шел дождь.

What were you doing at that moment?

Что ты делал в этот момент?



б)  Другим прошедшим действием, выраженным глаголом в Past Indefinite:

When I came, my parents were having tea.

Когда я пришел, мои родители пили чай.

He was doing his homework when Ientered the room.

Он делал домашнее задание, когда я вошел в комнату.



Примечание: Обычное повторявшееся действие или факт в прошлом – Past Indefinite. Длительное действие, совершавшееся в определенный момент в прошлом – Past Continuous:

He wrote letters to his mother every week.

Он писал письма своей матери каждую неделю.

He was writing a letter when I entered the room.

Он писал письмо, когда я вошел в комнату.

Однако, иногда сама форма Continuous употребляется в придаточном предложении, когда длительное действие служит лишь фоном для главного события. Обычно в таких случаях употребляются союзы: when когда, while пока, в то время как, as пока, когда, just as как раз, когда:

While we were driving from Rome to Milan, our bus broke down.

Когда мы ехали из Рима в Милан, наш автобус сломался.

As I was coming here I met your brother.

Когда я шел сюда, я встретил твоего брата.



в)  Другим длительным одновременным действием, протекавшим в прошлом в течение одинакового промежутка времени и выраженным также в Past Continuous:

While he was speaking to the teacher I waswaiting for him.

Пока  он разговаривал с учителем, я ждалего.



Примечание: Если говорящий лишь констатирует факты – Past Indefinite. Если он хочет отобразить действия как процесс – Past Continuous:

While I did my home work, he rested.

While I was doing my home work, he was resting.

В то время  как я готовил уроки, онотдыхал.



г)  Ясно из контекста или ситуации, часто используется в художественных текстах описательного характера:

Little Mary came in. She was eating an ice-cream.

Вошла маленькая  Мэри. Она ела мороженое.

It was evening. I was writing a letter. Suddenly the door opened, and my brother came in.

Был вечер. Я писал письмо. Вдруг дверь открылась и мой брат вошел.



2  Для выражения длительного действия, протекавшего в определенный период времени в прошлом, но не обязательно непрерывно в течение всего этого периода. Время действия обычно поясняется обстоятельственными словами:

all day (long)   весь день

all summer   все лето

all the time  все время

the whole evening   весь вечер

from five till eight с пяти до восьми

on Monday last week в понедельник на прошлой неделе

during the war  во время войны


I was reading from 7 till 9 o’clock.

Я читал с 7 до 9 часов.

Sam was working in the garden all day.

Сэм работал в саду весь день.

At the end of June I was preparing for my examination.

В конце июня я готовился к экзамену.



Примечание: Если говорящий лишь констатирует факт – Past Indefinite. Если он хочет отобразить действие как процесс – Past Continuous:

I read all day yesterday.

I was reading all day yesterday.

Я читал весь день вчера.


Если действие с таким  обозначением времени является одним  из двух или нескольких последовательных действий, то употребляется только формаPast Indefinite:

I came home early, rested from five till six, and then worked the whole evening.

Я пришел домой рано, отдыхал с пяти до шести, а затем работал весь вечер.



Дополнительные  случаи употребления:

3  Для выражения действия, которое представляется будущим с точки зрения прошедшего времени и которое будет осуществлено, так как запланировано или ожидается. Употребляется в основном с глаголами движения: to come приходить, to go идти, to leave уезжать, to start отправляться и др.:

I said I was returning the next day.

Я сказал, что возвращаюсь на следующий день.

I couldn’t send word that I was coming.

Я не мог  послать сообщение, что приезжаю.

Информация о работе Отчет по практике учителя английского языка