Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Марта 2013 в 19:01, курсовая работа
Предметом данного исследования выступают коммуникативные стратегии и тактики речевого поведения, реализующие функцию одобрения.
Объектом настоящего исследования выступает выражение одобрения как вербальная составляющая коммуникативных стратегий и тактик.
Цель работы состоит в том, что чтобы изучить и описать лексические средства реализации тактики и стратегии одобрения в кооперативных диалогах художественного дискурса.
д) She could definitely see herself working here.
“It's perfect,” she told Chris, placing her briefcase on the desk and looking around.
“Good,” Chris said. “The last guy who was here was extremely organized, and all those folders there will explain very clearly what exactly it is you need to do.
12) Right
Ключевой элемент right - true or correct as a fact [http://oxforddictionaries.
a) He stopped pumping and paused. “Yeah, well, we’re not so gree-aat together now, missy. I think he’s seeing someone else. Right. I’m going to put two shades of blond in; a golden color and the blond you had before.
б) “No, not yet, Mum. To be honest I haven’t even started looking; I don’t quite know what I want to do.”
“You’re right,” her mother nodded.
в) “Holly, what are you doing for your birthday?” asked Abbey, leaning across toward her. She was clearly dying to get out of the conversation she was having with Richard.
“Oh, that’s right!” shouted Ciara.
г) “OK then.” Holly was relieved. “You better leave while your car is still there.” Once again her humor was lost on him; he was peering out the window to check.
“You’re right; it’s still there, thank God. Anyway, nice to see you and thank you for the tea,” he said to a spot on the wall above her head.
д) “But don’t you think this would be a great opportunity
to catch up with your old friends? You know, invite them to a barbecue; it’s a nice, relaxed atmosphere.”
“Yeah right, what would I have to tell them when they start asking questions?
е) “So you’re going in?”
“Have to face the music sometime,” he said, grimly stabbing out his cigarette with his foot.
Holly thought about what he’d said. “I suppose you’re right.”
ж) “What is it that you do?” Daniel asked her loudly, breaking the silence.
“Oh, Geoffrey runs his own business,” she said, proudly turning to her husband.
“Oh right, but what is it that you do?” Daniel repeated.
з) “I’m just waiting for a computer,” she explained. “I’m finally looking for a job,” she said proudly.Even saying the words made her feel like less of a vegetable.
“Oh right.” He turned to face his computer and shut down the screen.
и) She wanted to look like she was experienced, intelligent and highly
confident. But she would need more than a firm handshake to succeed in proving that.
“That’s right,” she said, placing her handbag on the ground beside her and resting her sweaty hands on her lap.
к) “I see you’ve been out of the workforce
for over a year now, am I correct in saying that?” He lowered his head and stared at her over the rim of his glasses.
“Yes that’s right,” Holly nodded.
л) “Well then, see?” he replied. “I’m sure he hopes you’re not miserable without him either. You’re supposed to be enjoying your life.”
“You’re right,” Holly said, perking up.
М) “That’s the way it works,” he said matter-of-factly.
“Whatever you say.” Holly rolled her eyes.
“He’s right, actually,” Jack added after a while and everyone stopped chewing to stare at him.
13) Well
Ключевой элемент well -in a good or satisfactory way; in a satisfactory
state or position [http://oxforddictionaries.
a) “Maybe I'll call around later and we can have a chat.”
“No thanks, Mum, I'm OK.”
“Well, all right then . . . give me a ring if you change your mind. I'm free all day.”
б) “He needs to know that his actions will lead to serious consequences so he will not repeat them.”
“Ah well,” she said, raising her voice a few octaves, “he's missing all this yummy food.
в) “Would you like to come in or are you just passing through
“Well yes, I'll come in for a little while so.”
г) . “Well, he wasn't here,” she said, looking around the club, “but he was here,” she put her hand on her heart.
“Ah, I see,” he said, finally understanding. “Well then, you were even braver the other night
than I thought, considering the circumstances,” he said gently.
д) Honestly, the princess and I will be no trouble at all, just let us in for a few drinks,” she pleaded.
Mustache Man stared down at the two of them then raised his eyes to the sky. “All right then, go on in,” he said, stepping aside.
е) Ciara screamed away from the phone, “Dad, Holly agrees with my idea.”
“That's all very well,” Holly heard her dad yelling, “but I'm not paying for all those people to eat.”
ж) The place looks great,” she said, looking around, keen to distract him from the sight of her with a mouthful of kebab.
“Yeah, it worked well all right.” He looked pleased. Daniel was slightly more dressed than his staff members; he wore faded blue jeans and a blue Hawaiian shirt with big pink and yellow flowers
з) “OK, so my idea is to go ahead with the family dinner but to invite friends as well so that it can actually be an enjoyable night. What do you think?”
“Sounds good,” Holly agreed.
Ciara screamed away from the phone, “Dad, Holly agrees with my idea.”
“That's all very well,” Holly heard her dad yelling, “but I'm not paying for all those people to eat.”
14) Of course
Ключевой элемент of course - used to give or emphasize agreement
or permission [http://oxforddictionaries.
a) “You shouldn't put it there, it needs to be in a cool, draft-free location away from harsh sunlight and heat vents.”
“Oh, of course.” Holly picked the pot back up and searched around the room in panic for a suitable place.
б) She needed people around her, like today with Denise and Sharon, as they always succeeded in taking her mind off things. She phoned her mum and checked if it was all right for her to call around.
“Of course you can, love, you're always welcome here.”
в)“Oh, that's so cool, Holly! Are we gonna be in it?” she asked excitedly.
“Yeah, I think so. So we're all meeting up at Hogan's to watch it that night. You up for that?”
“Oooh, of course! I can bring my new boyfriend too,” she giggled.
г) “The karaoke guy?” Holly asked in shock.
“Yeah, of course! Oh Holly, I'm so in love!” she giggled childishly again.
Стратегия общения занимает важное, а может и центральное место в процессе коммуникации и выступает связующим звеном докоммуникативной фазы и собственно языковой реализации интенции говорящего. Мы выяснили, что каждая коммуникативная стратегия характеризуется неким набором тактик общения, которые, в свою очередь, обладают определенными вербальными признаками, общими для тактик во всех языках.
Коммуникативные стратегии являются гибкими и зависят от прагматических факторов: возраста коммуникантов, их пола, социальных ролей и предусматривают определенную коммуникативную тактику. Многие ученые дают разнообразные определения коммуникативной стратегии, однако, по сути, они говорят об одном и том же. В общем виде коммуникативная стратегия представляет собой план речевого и невербального поведения, способствующий достижению цели коммуникации и посредством которого контролируется оптимальное решение коммуникативных задач говорящего в условиях недостатка информации о действиях партнера, т.е. основными составляющими речевой стратегии также считается прогнозирование и контроль над осуществлением плана. Коммуникативные тактики, в свою очередь, рассматриваются как практические способы достижения плана, выбираемые или комбинированные в зависимости от коммуникативной стратегии.
Мы выяснили, что не существует единой классификации стратегий, разные ученые предлагают типологии, основанные на разных критериях. Так как мы рассматривали коммуникативные стратегии одобрения в рамках диалога, то мы обратились к классификации диалогов и разделили их на кооперативные и конфликтные, а также сделали вывод, что коммуникативная стратегия одобрения реализуется только в кооперативных диалогах и является его ключевой характеристикой, наряду выражениями благодарности, признания, в любви, извинения, выражение сочувствия, симпатии, дружеских чувств, комплиментами.
К конфликтным стратегиям относятся те, в основе которых лежит нарушение правил речевого общения — доброжелательного сотрудничества, искренности, соблюдения «кодекса» доверия, например: конфликты, ссоры, угрозы, проявление агрессии, злобы, ирония, ложь, уклонение от ответа.
Рассмотрев коммуникативные стратегии и тактики в рамках кооперативных диалогов на материале более 100 текстовых примеров одобрения, мы пришли к выводам
- для лексического выражения коммуникативной стратегии «одобрение» в английском языке адресант использует только лексические единицы с положительной коннотацией, а именно: great idea, great news, good news, sounds good, good point,good choice, proud of, cool, well done, good of you, good for you, right, well, of course, sure, wonderful idea, perfect, beautiful, well done и т.д.
- в кооперативных диалогах, тактической целью которых является реализация стратегии одобрения, полностью отсутствует лексика с отрицательной окраской.
- для реализации
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