Develop mechanisms to ensure the quality of the university

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 22 Октября 2014 в 10:50, реферат

Краткое описание

As in most countries of the world system to provide educational services in the Republic of Kazakhstan is a collection of interacting components:
- successive educational programs and state educational standards and orientation at various levels ;
network realizing their educational institutions, regardless of their organizational and legal forms , types and species;
- education authorities and their subordinate agencies and organizations .


1 Scientific fundamentals of quality management
1.1 Methodological approaches to quality management of higher education
1.2 Quality education - as a factor of sustainable socio-economic development of the country
1.3 International experience evaluating the performance of schools
2 Analysis and evaluation of the development of higher education in Kazakhstan
2.1 Status of the higher education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan
2.2 Analysis of models of quality management of higher education
2.3 State control and promotion of vocational education
3 Develop mechanisms to ensure the quality of the university
3.1 Socio- economic assessment of the attractiveness of the university
3.2 Internal quality assurance activities of the university

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Speaking of expert judgment , it is important to note that the U.S. professional public organizations, such as associations of physicians or lawyers play an important role , they are rigorously evaluated programs of universities, because we are interested in raising the prestige of their professions and getting professionals confidently oriented in their field . In Europe, these associations appeared later , but now their number increases .

You should also pay attention to the experience of the countries closer to Kazakhstan on the state and development of higher education , especially those where the combined system of the state assessment of public evaluation and self-evaluation . Such countries to the modern Kazakhstan , in a sense are the countries of Eastern Europe and the CIS countries , so it makes sense to consider in terms of the comparative evaluation system in the countries of the given region.

In Estonia, the licensing and accreditation of educational institutions is carried out by the Council for Quality Assessment in Higher Education . The Board consists of academics, representatives of professional bodies and organizations involved in the support of research. Opening universities must meet the requirements on issues relating to space, faculty and programs. Private universities additionally controlled committee that checks them into the educational and financial regulations. According to the University Act , the Council for Quality Assessment also provides accreditation , which should be conducted at least once every seven years and covers both the program and the educational institutions themselves . Ie accreditation, on the one hand , involves evaluating the quality of the program , qualifications of teachers , the level of knowledge of students and the effectiveness of the learning process , and on the other - assesses the activities of the university as a whole.

In the Czech Republic there is an accreditation agency , which as well as the Estonian Council accredits and regular evaluation of the higher education system . However, in the Czech Republic , as in many other countries , schools of higher education are monitored and evaluated by the Inspectorate of the Czech schools. That is, there can be seen a certain parallelism in the assessment bodies . In addition, on its own initiative schools can be evaluated and independent experts.

In Latvia, the accreditation of public and private high schools conducted under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Science, at least once every six years in accordance with regulations approved by the Cabinet. Accreditation of universities must be approved by the Council for Higher Education , after consultation with foreign experts and officially recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science . The Ministry also publishes newspapers in the list of accredited institutions and programs .

In Slovenia , on the contrary , universities jointly establish the Committee for Quality Assessment in Higher Education , and are responsible for overseeing . In Poland, in accordance with the law of universities themselves assess the quality of education . At the same time the Polish Council for Higher Education offers three levels of assessment : accredited status , a basic level of quality and the highest level of quality. The accreditation procedure was also introduced in Hungary and Croatia . For example, in Croatia every five years an expert committee appointed by the Ministry of Science and Technology , evaluates the quality and effectiveness of teaching , as well as academic and professional activities .

For the Russian Federation , whose experience is important for Kazakhstan , there originally was a system of several separate types of assessment , where the licensing procedure is separated from the testing procedures. However, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of November 12, 1999 (№ 864) , in order to improve the estimation procedures of universities , a new procedure " comprehensive evaluation of the higher education institution , based on the re- unification of procedures ( regular) licensing, certification and accreditation of the state " . This solution is a principled and makes ordering in the scope of the assessment , which until recently had been split in the Russian Federation .

In general , it should be noted that in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe ( in terms of development of education close to Kazakhstan ) , the modern system of licensing, certification and accreditation in the second half of the 90s , in fact, only built and tested . To a certain extent this process is completed , and still .

Summing up , I would like to emphasize that the main ways to measure within the American system of higher education institutions are to evaluate the professional experts , through specialized accreditation assessment and self-assessment , and within Europe - is evaluation and accreditation, often by government agencies such as the Finnish Council for Higher Education Evaluation (Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council), National Evaluation Committee of France (Comite Nationale d'Evaluation), the National Agency for Higher Education in Sweden (National Agency for Higher Education (Hogskoleverket), the German Research Council (Wissenschaftsrat). higher structures often are public bodies : Ministry of National Education , Research and Technology of the French Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia etc.

Comparison of the current mechanism in Kazakhstan assessment of higher education institutions of higher education evaluation systems in developed countries shows that Kazakhstan School is premature to completely switch to the American system of self-evaluation and external evaluation of the professional associations . Of course, this does not mean the rejection of self-esteem or from public scrutiny - in the long term . But at the moment when , on the one hand, universities still missing departments assessment and analysis and , on the other hand, in the social sphere underdeveloped professional associations, which could act as experts for Kazakhstan retains full realization of the potential relevance of the state assessment . At the same time , of course, should not be completely abandon procedures of public evaluation and self-esteem. However, these forms of assessment of higher education should be introduced gradually.


















2 Analysis and evaluation of the development of higher education in Kazakhstan

2.1 Analysis of the state system of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

During the years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan system of higher education has passed a difficult way of development. Transformation in higher education can be traced to the stages of reform , specific in its content and direction from the formation of the legislative and regulatory - legal framework for higher education (Phase 1 , 1991-1994 ). To modernize and update the content (Phase 2 , 1995-1998 years ) to decentralize the management of education financing , expansion of academic freedom of universities (Phase 3 , 1999-2000) ,the strategic development of higher vocational education ( Phase 4 , 2001-2011),  and modern,  improving the competitiveness of education, human capital development by providing access to quality education for sustainable economic 5 growth (2011-2020).

The rights of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan to education enshrined in Article 30 of the Constitution . The Basic Law of the State promulgated the constitutional foundations of the right to education and has direct legal regulation mechanism of the constitutional provisions in the field of education.

Development of higher education in the country is closely connected with the problems and socio-economic development of society and the laws in the first place , the transition state of the economy on a system of market relations , causing the need for specialists market orientation , changing requirements for the content of their training.

Formation of market relations in higher education accompanied by a reduction public education and public funding allocated to education; the destruction of a unified system of centralized provision of education research and teaching , software , instructional documentation and training materials ; decline in the quality of education.

All this caused the need to reform higher education, the development of the legal framework for its regulation , the definition of the concept of development of the higher education system , its modernization , including the improvement of the management and financing and the main directions of its development.

As a result of the reforms in higher education in recent years there has been some positive trends, including the democratization of higher education and a gradual shift towards decentralization of its management; diversification of the composition and structure of higher education institutions and their funding sources; formation of a new legal and regulatory framework and its further improvement; the focus of higher education in educational activities to European standards .

Formation and development of the educational system in the Republic of Kazakhstan is based on national traditions and world concepts in the field of education .

The basic concept of the development of higher education of Kazakhstan is the rejection of the state monopoly on education, resulting in the country formed the educational services market, where the function equal rights and non- governmental institutions of higher learning .

Since 2001, the country introduced classifier training areas and specialties of higher professional education , revised in accordance with the International Standard Classification of Education , UNESCO recommended the States signatories to the Lisbon Convention . In universities with appropriate licenses may be implemented educational programs of secondary , primary and secondary vocational education. Citizens with higher education may receive a fee second higher professional education in a shorter period .

Currently, institutions of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan are divided into three types: classical university , specialized university or academy and institutions related to the higher education institutions of university type .

10 years of Kazakhstan on the number of students per 10,000 population is the leader among the CIS countries, as evidenced by the statistics, is not inferior to many developed countries . In 2004/2005 academic year, the figure in the republic was 497 people . For comparison, in Russia - 480 , United States - 494, Poland - 466 Hungary - 330 , Italy - 314 , Germany - 262 people .

In 2004/2005 academic year, the higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan functioned 181 college students with a total enrollment of 747.1 thousand people. Growth in the number of universities in different periods of life of the republic has its own pace. During the years from 1927 to 1970 , their number increased from 1 to 44 . Between 1970 and 1986 the number of universities has increased to RK 55 and remained stable until 1991.

Formation of market relations in the country is reflected in the higher education system : formed non-state sector of education, have been developing alternative forms of education , a growing number of private universities , the number of students at them , including a fee. Already in 1994, the republic had 89 institutions of higher education ( 1991 - 55 ) . In 1996, their number has increased by 1.6 times and amounted to 111 units. From 1996 to 2004 the growth rate of the number of universities in the average age is 10-20 % , the maximum increase in the number of universities accounted for in 2001 - 185 and he later reduced to 181 - in 2004. Population dynamics of the Republic of Kazakhstan universities represented in the figure 2.

Despite the growth in the number of higher education institutions of Kazakhstan and accessibility of higher education , which is manifested in the growth of the contingent of students talking about equal access to education, according to Ms. Shoji ( representative of the UN Human Development Program in Kazakhstan ) Kazakhstan early. By world standards, at least 30 % of the adult population should have higher education. Kazakhstan this level can not provide. Impact (including ) the uneven distribution of higher institutions in the region .

Figure 2 - Dynamics of the universities of the Republic Kazakhstan

University training center can be considered Almaty, which focuses third of all higher educational establishments (34.6%) , which is a contingent of more than 20% of the total number of students Kazakh universities . In the two regions of the country (Karaganda and South Kazakhstan region ) concentrated 17% of the institutions of Kazakhstan, 5 out of 14 regions have from 5 to 10 universities , a total of 28.8% of the number of all the universities, in 6 regions of Kazakhstan have from 2 to 4 universities (10.2%) . Rapidly growing number of high schools in the city capital of the republic - Astana 14.3%.

Inequality in the distribution of high schools by region, and a correspondingly high concentration of specialists with higher education in some regions and the lowest - in the other , can not cause disparities in regional labor markets .

Statistics show that the growth of schools RK more than 3 times during the period from 1991 to 2005 due mainly to an increase in the higher education system of the republic population private universities due to the development of educational services market and the emergence of its private sector . If the 1994/1995 academic year, the number of private higher educational institutions in the country was 32 units ( 31.7% of the total number ) , then in 1997/1998 academic year , they accounted for 53.4 % of all existing higher education institutions ( 71 of 133 ) in 2003/2004 - 74.4% ( 134 of 180 ) and in 2004/ 2005 academic year - 71.8% (130 of 181 ) . One of the urgent problems of training in rapid growth of higher education institutions is a problem of the quality of education .

In order to improve the quality of training in the country, especially in recent years , a number of measures to tighten requirements for the quality of education in terms of its monitoring and evaluation. With the 2003/2004 academic year MES banned admission to universities students recruited through the test below 40 points ( 40 points - the minimum threshold for entering higher education , appropriate assessment "satisfactory" ) . Closed universities , whose activity does not comply with licensing . According to statistical reports , in 2002/2003 academic year, the republic had 8 universities less than in 2001/2002 academic year . Since the beginning of 2002, after passing the certification was closed 10 universities , 30 branches of universities, more than 100 licenses revoked . In 2004/2005 academic year, according to the results of state certification in 23 universities licenses revoked on 83 specialties of higher and postgraduate education and suspended for varying periods of validity of licenses 22 universities in the field of 106 [138, p.23 ] . Close 4 state high school , but at the same time open 5 state pedagogical universities. Overall, however, statistics show that as part of the higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan is currently dominated by non-state universities , whose share in their total population is 71.8 %.

Increasing the number of institutions of higher education has led to an increase in the overall student population of the Republic of Kazakhstan . Observed in the early 90s to reduce the number of university students in 1996 changed the trend of sustainable growth. As a result , the total number of students of higher educational establishments with 1996/1997 to 2004/2005 academic year increased from 280.8 to 747.1 thousand people , that is increased by 2.7 times . Including public universities - with 255.8 to 400.0 thousand people (1.6 times ) and in private universities - to 13.9 -fold (from 25 to 347.1 thousand people ) .

In the structure of the number of students of universities of Kazakhstan, the proportion of students of private universities contingent data is growing steadily : from 8.9% in 1996/ 1997 to 46.5% in 2004/ 2005 academic year , at the same time there emerging trend of reduction in the total cohort of students share of the number of students in public universities.

Name field



























































































Astana sity






Alaty sity






RK total






Table 2 - Contingent of higher educational institutions, people

However, occupancy of private higher educational institutions as at 2004/2005 academic year is an average of 3.0 thousand people, while public universities is more than 7.8 thousand people.

The country formed a multilevel structure of higher education aimed at increasing flexibility and providing its multistage vertical and alternative horizontally. Conditions are created for the daily education , part-time, evening and distance learning .

In 2004/2005 academic year, the number of applicants who passed the UNT and comprehensive testing with a passing grade of more than 40 , was 235,500 people. Even assuming that all of them will be full-time students , the share of this category of students in the overall student population this year ( 747 100 people ), the maximum is 65 %. That is the trend growth contingent students of correspondence courses remains relatively stable. This is due to a number of well-known reasons , including : loyal to the conditions for admission to universities for distance learning , the low cost of education ( compared to the full-time training ) , less stringent requirements for monitoring and evaluation of knowledge , the ability to combine work on the job and training university.

The system of higher education in Kazakhstan firmly established principle of dual track financing education costs : the expense of the republican budget and at the expense of the population that can be considered as one of the directions of expansion of its accessibility and democratization. This forms a clear upward trend in the number of students paying tuition at their own expense and the reduction in the number of students enrolled at the expense of the national budget. Statistics show that in the structure of the contingent share of students in all courses tuition paid in 2003/2004 academic year was 90% (45 % and 45 %, respectively, in public and private universities ) and in 2004/ 2005 academic year - 86% ( 40 % in government and 46% in private universities ) . Give the process an unambiguous assessment is not possible, since it is rather controversial.

As a negative point to note is that the increase in the number of students paid tuition is observed by a steady decrease of the share of students enrolled at the expense of the national budget. Despite the increase in the state order 2004/2005 academic year, 5,500 units (including 80 % - teaching specialty) , a decrease in the share of gross domestic product ( GDP) spent on higher education, while the costs for the acquisition of public higher education increase. From 1997 to 2001 the cost of financing higher education in the country's GDP declined from 4.7 to 3.3 . In recent years this figure in Kazakhstan is about 3.5%. Despite the fact that in tenge is a stable and a marked increase in the volume of funds allocated ( 15,506 million tenge in 2004 compared to 9344 million tenge in 2001) , as a whole for the successful development of education requires that funding was not less than 6% of the total GDP of the state . In the Republic of Kazakhstan in the next three years (by 2010 ) expenditure on education in GDP will increase to 4.1%.

As a positive process should consider the provision of higher education institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan of all forms of ownership equal rights to conduct educational activities and the creation of conditions for the development of a competitive market of educational services.

Statistics show that in Kazakhstan , as in many other countries , there is a glut of labor market specialists with higher education with a lack of specialists with secondary special education and the necessity existed for blue-collar jobs .

Providing industries with qualified personnel is one of the main objectives of educational institutions . To this end, in the Republic of Kazakhstan annually specifies the state educational order to form the student body by specialties . Prior to 2005/2006 academic year state contract was formed through the provision of state education grants and public education credits and 2005/2006 academic year - only by government grants .

It should be noted that the dynamics of receiving data above dynamics tests that shows the growth of the demand for higher education , not only among high school graduates , but also among the professionals who already have a secondary or higher education .

According to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 317 dated 13 March 2004 "On the introduction of a single national test " in 2004 for the first time during testing was combined final state certification of graduates of institutions of secondary education and entrance examinations in secondary and higher vocational education.

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