Develop mechanisms to ensure the quality of the university

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 22 Октября 2014 в 10:50, реферат

Краткое описание

As in most countries of the world system to provide educational services in the Republic of Kazakhstan is a collection of interacting components:
- successive educational programs and state educational standards and orientation at various levels ;
network realizing their educational institutions, regardless of their organizational and legal forms , types and species;
- education authorities and their subordinate agencies and organizations .


1 Scientific fundamentals of quality management
1.1 Methodological approaches to quality management of higher education
1.2 Quality education - as a factor of sustainable socio-economic development of the country
1.3 International experience evaluating the performance of schools
2 Analysis and evaluation of the development of higher education in Kazakhstan
2.1 Status of the higher education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan
2.2 Analysis of models of quality management of higher education
2.3 State control and promotion of vocational education
3 Develop mechanisms to ensure the quality of the university
3.1 Socio- economic assessment of the attractiveness of the university
3.2 Internal quality assurance activities of the university

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1 Scientific fundamentals of quality management

1.1 Methodological approaches to quality management of higher education

1.2 Quality education - as a factor of sustainable socio-economic development of the country

1.3 International experience evaluating the performance of schools

2 Analysis and evaluation of the development of higher education in Kazakhstan

2.1 Status of the higher education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan

2.2 Analysis of models of quality management of higher education

2.3 State control and promotion of vocational education

3 Develop mechanisms to ensure the quality of the university

3.1 Socio- economic assessment of the attractiveness of the university

3.2 Internal quality assurance activities of the university









1 Scientific fundamentals of quality management

1.1 Methodological approaches to quality management of higher education

As in most countries of the world system to provide educational services in the Republic of Kazakhstan is a collection of interacting components:

- successive educational programs and state educational standards and orientation at various levels ;

network realizing their educational institutions, regardless of their organizational and legal forms , types and species;

- education authorities and their subordinate agencies and organizations .

“The key in this collection are the educational institutions , which are not only the main” actuators " education system , but also the main , if I may say so , " form of existence " of the educational system . Because the quality of educational programs , and management education is manifested ultimately , it is through the quality of educational institutions. Moreover, the very education authorities and state educational standards comprise substantially only the necessary (and often only minimal ) legal and regulatory framework , base platform on which to base their activities and educational institutions. And finally , most importantly : that educational institutions directly, and most of all (and the time and intensity of contacts ) interact with the customers themselves and the recipients of educational services , which alone can objectively evaluate the quality of the existing education system .

Thus, the determinant of the quality of the education system as a whole is a level of quality educational institutions, and, more precisely , the level of quality of their educational services.

Separating from the full range of educational institutions namely universities , I would like at the outset to pay attention to two things.

The first is especially true for high school and reflected in the fact that the activities of universities performed today in an increasingly competitive . It currently has a very strong influence on the desire of universities to earn , retain and increase its popularity, ie , if we talk in a modern , become the most competitive. Achieve this without the provision of quality educational services impossible. But any comparison requires a matching mechanism . This made it very urgent task of comparative monitoring and universities, and in general the problem of quality control of universities.

The second circumstance is more general. It is that the educational system at all levels , including at the level of a single institution , it is a "single functional system of evaluation and quality management education" , having all the attributes of the system - the purpose of the operation , structure , algorithm ( process) , quality ( efficiency ) of the operation , as well as technical (technological ) realizability . This feature of indicated, in particular in the papers . This fact has far-reaching consequences and that it is fundamentally important when choosing methods of quality management facility, including the university.


The results of operations of higher education institutions are manifested in several forms , namely in the form of :

- The services of an educational nature ;

- Scientific and technical products ;

- Integrated products based on scientific and technical products and educational services ;

- Instructional products.

Although the activities of a university, as a rule, present the entire spectrum of the above activities , educational services (education) , of course, are crucial - for the provision of their universities , in fact, created.

This is crucial , since clearly defines the main ( target ) component of any university activity - the provision of educational services. So work states : " ... special attention should be paid to the quality of educational services as one of the most important criteria for evaluating educational activities " have their own characteristics , discussed in detail in the works. Here, under the educational services understand the "volume of academic and scientific information as the sum of knowledge of general education and special character and skills transmitted person to a particular program ."

We draw attention to an important feature of educational services , namely, this type of service exhibit the same characteristics as any service as such. There are several features , among which:

- Low degree of tangibility . Indeed, "it is impossible to date of purchase, full taste , see, hear or smell all that body of knowledge and practical skills that will get citizen , acquiring educational services ." ;

- The inseparability of educational services from its source , ie from the " scientific-pedagogical staff of the university , its logistics , information and financial resources, or , in other words , the total scientific and educational potential of the university" ";

- With intangibility and inseparability of educational services related " impossibility of their storage and transport, dispersion and the locality of educational institutions and the market for these services" ;

- Impermanence quality. " The uneven level of accumulated scientific and educational potential of the university and objectively determines the different levels of quality of educational services , so the level of preparation of students for the same specialty often dramatically different in different universities ."

Those who are acquainted with the ever common characteristics of services to easily see all the listed features that are typical for any service as such. However, educational services and have their own characteristics :

- first, the peculiar character of the educational activities it difficult to assess the consumer properties of university services. Do potential customers (consumers) today there is only one possibility and, moreover, an indirect evaluation of the educational activities of a particular Graduate School - based on the collection and analysis of the opinions of those who have already used or now uses its services, or relevant advertising;

- secondly , unlike the real material production processes of creation and use of services are connected : the moment of creating faculty of the university educational services at the same time serves the initial moment of their consumption by students.

Separately, it should stay at the facilities and obtain educational services. While the subject of a provision of educational services - school , facilities receiving educational services (consumers) it can be many: graduates of secondary (full) education, primary and secondary vocational education , as well as professionals interested in improving individual skills or retraining .

In the provision of educational services institution can interact :

- with the state. ;

- from single individuals ( applicants , students );

- from the individual specific enterprise (organization );

All these features do not change the main point: the main activities of the university - the provision of services in the field of higher education.

Thus, based on the above can be concluded that:

- A combination of elements that make up the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan , the most important in terms of providing high quality education are educational institutions that are being forced to act in the face of increasing competition between them. Especially strongly it affects the activities of higher education institutions .

- University educational system falls into the category of functional systems and has all the attributes of the system ;

- Educational services - a key activity of the university;

- By nature , despite the presence of certain features , educational services are a typical type of service and have all the properties inherent to services as such.

Given the enormous importance of the education system , the question of the actual looks as educational services and an integrated approach to its management .

Quality - a complex concept , which characterizes the efficiency of all aspects of strategy development , organization of educational process , marketing and others . The most important component of the entire system of education quality is the quality (in the broadest sense of the word ) graduates . While the latter should be considered , on the one hand, as consumers ( information that they receive in high school ) , with other vendors as their knowledge and skills to the employer. Under the control of the quality of the graduate will understand the constant , systematic , purposeful process of working on all levels to the factors and conditions that ensure the formation of the future specialist optimum quality and the full use of his knowledge and skills .

The quality of education is based on three key grounds :

objectives and content of education ;

- level of professional competence of the teaching staff and the organization of their activities;

state of the material and technical and scientific information base of the learning process .

Questions that have the quality of education , the results (products) of the educational process - still pose the most discussion among experts in the field of education , and quality management .

According to ISO 9000-2001 quality - is the degree of conformity of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements . In terms of pedagogy educational process is defined as the transfer and development of socio- cultural experience , as well as the formation of its ability to enrich .

In 2002, the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan defines that quality education is considered in two aspects .

- quality results of the educational process : compliance level of knowledge of students and graduates of the standards ;

Specifications of this quality assurance system : the content of education , the level of training of students , teaching staff , information and methodological support , logistics training quality used educational technologies , scientific activities.

The interconnectedness of all aspects of the quality of higher education is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - The main aspects of the quality of higher education

Also determined that the stakeholders of the university are: consumers ( applicants , students, parents , businesses and organizations ), the Ministry of Education and Science , the administration of administrative-territorial units , Council of Rectors of the regions , employment , media , secondary schools and special educational institutions; employees of the university.

And multifaceted discussion is the issue of quality management in higher education, so first we define the quality management system at the university itself, and then give a list of systems used in real practice.

Under the quality management system of the university management system refers to direct and control an organization with regard to quality, ie set of organizational structure of the university , documentation ( internal regulations , procedures documented procedures , guidelines , work instructions ) , processes and resources needed to implement quality management . Speaking of the quality management system of the university , it is necessary first of all to define the model , according to which it will be built . Thus, under a model of quality management system means a collection of principles, methods , indicators and requirements for various aspects and processes of the organization, the criteria for determining the level of perfection of these processes and methods for their evaluation, which together determine all the processes of the organization to achieve the desired results quality .

Currently in the world there are 10 of the most common models of quality management systems in higher education , including the following models:

  1. Model - quality management system according to ISO 9001 ;
  2. Model - based total quality management ;
  3. Model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and its modifications for higher education ;
  4. Model - Government awards and the Ministry of Education in the field of quality;
  5. Model - Center for Policy Studies in Higher Education (CHEPS) University of Twente (Netherlands);
  6. Model of the Netherlands Association of Universities (VSNU);
  7. Belgian- Dutch model ;
  8. Model - American National Quality Award "Baldrige National Quality Award" in the field of education;
  9. Model - benchmark for Australian universities.

However, we know that the standards ISO 9000 and similar regulations are designed for the benefit of certification of industrial products.

Quality system certification as a necessary element , helps companies identify their niche in the field of sales is helpful step in the competition , promotes access to foreign markets and improve product quality , which ultimately allows you to increase profits. An important result of the introduction of the quality system is to improve the company image . The company's success even in any direction one can justify the cost of development of the quality system. As these areas conform to the activities of higher education institutions ?

In general, the purpose of the quality system of industrial enterprise and the university did not have differences , but some of their differences are present. Certification of higher education in the truest sense of the word for the Republic of Kazakhstan - the case of an uncertain future .

Clearly stipulating the quality system requirements of the industrial enterprise , pointing out what should be done , what should be , these standards do not provide an answer to the question of how to do it, what tools to use. Therefore, the development of university quality of ISO 9000 can take the basic provisions : terminology , system approach, product life cycle , etc. Using the TQM philosophy in modern Kazakhstan reality , we should not forget about its post-Soviet conflicts with management , as convincing and colorful states in the work .













1.2 Quality education as a factor of sustainable socio-economic development of the country

The special role of education in the general cultural development of society, the formation of its spiritual and moral level , the development of economic potential and improving the welfare of the population supported the evolution of the development and progress of human civilization . At all times the level of education of the individual was the center of much public attention , defined social status and served as the basis of its material prosperity.

In the modern world, the development of education de facto recognized as the basis of socio-economic development of the state and the growth of welfare of its citizens.

According to the World Bank in a modern economy, the share of human capital in the formation of the national wealth is from 60 to 80%. A similar trend is observed in the dynamics of the components of the value of companies . Watson Research Uetta show that the structure of assets of the corporation «Nokia» 95 % are intangible assets, including qualifications, skills , talent workers and know-how .

In the second half of XX century it became apparent that the leading nation of the XXI century will be one that will generate the most effective education system. This led to a revision in the developed countries the role, place and mission of education in society and the need for its development priority .

The growing role in the global aspect of higher education is demonstrated by studies of UNESCO, which identified several global trends in higher education over the past decade. The most obvious and important of these are:

- Increase the number of students from 1960 to 1995, more than 6 times (13 and 82 million, respectively). At this rate in 2010 is projected to increase the number of students to 120 million by 2020 to 130-140 million people, or almost 2-fold increase compared with 1995 . This will lead to the expansion of the material and technical base of the system of higher education and the increase in its content ;

- Significant increase in state spending on its contents ( except for countries that were part of the socialist camp ) . In the U.S., these expenses increased 3 times in Western Europe - 3.4 times in China - 2 times in East Asia - 4 times. In the former socialist countries , a decrease costs by 25%;

- Increased migration of scientists in developed countries , bundle the unity of science and education, expanding the influence of the Anglo-Saxon system of multi-level education and the emergence of global educational megasystems . Currently a mega system include: USA (14 million students ), India ( 5.7 million ), China ( 5.7 million ) , Russia ( 4.4 million ), Japan ( 3.9 million ) , Indonesia (2.3 million ), Korea ( 2.2 million ), Germany ( 2.1 million ) , the Philippines (2 million ), Canada (2 million). At the same time the total number of foreign students studying in 28% U.S. , 12% - in the UK , 10% - in Germany. , 8 % - in France, 4% - in Russian , 3% - in Japan. Higher Education from the educational system has become a global industry education and training , are estimated at over U.S. $ 27 billion ;

- Openness and variability of higher education as a consequence observed in all spheres of life processes of globalization and standardization and expanding information technology capabilities . Integration in the economic and social integration has led to the higher education systems of Western European countries , where higher education is seen as one of the major national development priorities.

Today, the level and quality of education has a direct impact on the economic development of any country . Modern production is placing ever greater demands not only for the technical equipment , but also to the " armament " employees with the necessary knowledge and systematic expansion and renovation .

From this perspective, the level of education of the population of the region can be considered as one of the main factors determining the size of the gross regional product. There is a correlation between education and economic growth proved practice development of a number of states.

In the market to ensure sufficient investment in education is one of the most important policy challenges to support the educational potential of the country. Through the system of higher education and its quality, achieved life goals of the individual , employers and economic interests related to human resource development goals of the state and society.

Society's desire for self-development , its transformation into a " developed society " as the main objective and the success of this first of all determined by the development of education .

In the civilized , developed society, the goal of the state is to improve the lives of its citizens and is achieved through the development of national economy, providing all its branches highly qualified personnel , trained in tertiary education.

Employers as an economic system of the state interested in the labor force , which has developed professional skills and high workability , as the main factor increasing the efficiency and income. At the same time , effectiveness will not only profit , but also the performance of socially significant functions , including not-for- profit.

Modern approaches to the management of the organization based on the need to maximizing potential people working in it when the staff is seen as a key determinant of the performance of all other resources available to it . Experience the most successful domestic and foreign companies shows that investing in people , creating conditions for professional growth of employees and enhance their readiness to solve problems quickly and provide a high return on investment . Every year large Western corporations spend from 2 to 5 % of its budget on training and development of its employees.

The education sector in countries with developed market economies is one of the most highly profitable areas of investment funds. In addition, the educational sector has sufficiently low risk investment losses and income thereon . According to U.S. economists, one dollar invested in the development of education , brings three to six dollars in profits .

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