Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Октября 2015 в 20:16, реферат
Now the active appeal to inclusive education thanks to which all children with limited opportunities of health can get quality education at comprehensive school and by that to have equal opportunities for active realization of the abilities in society is around the world observed. In this connection, preparation of professional shots for work with children of different opportunities becomes one of the most important tasks of the higher school. Development of conceptual bases of training of future teacher in the conditions of inclusive education becomes the most important and multilateral problem demanding carrying out careful researches. In this article on the basis of the analysis of tendencies of development of the higher education in Kazakhstan and abroad the purposes, tasks, methodological approaches and the principles of preparation of pedagogical shots for social and pedagogical work at inclusive school are considered.
- the principle of creativity and success assumes use of modern educational technologies which would provide training of specialists of high qualification, answering modern требовани¬ям.
- the principle of a freedom of choice is aimed at the development in students of subjectivity and self-updating in pedagogical process of higher education institution. The teacher's task – to create conditions for a constant choice the student of strategy of education, forms and ways of the organization of pedagogical process and activity in higher education institution.
Activity approach (L.S. Vygotsky, P. Ya. Galperin, A. N. Leontyev, Zh. Polittser, A. Vallon, L. Sev, T. Tomashevsky, M. Forverg, etc.) training of future teacher for social and pedagogical work in the conditions of inclusive education is in recognition of that development of the person is carried out in diverse forms of activity and is caused by internal needs of the person.
The basic principles of activity approach are:
- the principle of subjectivity means an orientation of impact of the teacher on consciousness of the student, on excitement of independent judgment and implementation of own activity;
- the principle of cooperation consisting in the organization of joint activity of the teacher and student directed on achievement of success in pedagogical process. A task of the teacher is creation of the developing environment directed on formation at students of professional and personal competences.
- the principle of design, designing and creation of a situation of the bringing-up activity assumes creation of the atmosphere of development in students of socially important qualities and properties of the personality.
- the principle of a reflection of activity is connected with creation of conditions for development of ability of the student to introspection, self-judgment and reconsideration that stimulates processes of consciousness, enriches "Ya-concept" and promotes integrity and dynamism of internal human life, helps to stabilize and harmonize the emotional world, to mobilize strong-willed potential, flexibly to operate it.
System approach (Afanasyev V. G., A.A. Bogdanov, G. Simon, P. Druker and A. Chandler, etc.) is approach to objects of reality as system, it assumes the constant account and use in the course of knowledge and practical activities of the lawful communications inherent in systems. [12]
The basic principles of system approach are:
- the principle of integrity of training of future teacher for social and pedagogical work in the conditions of inclusive education assumes that all elements of system of the higher education represent a whole. That is, all of them are subordinated to the general principles, the purposes and tasks.
- the principle of hierarchy is considered as set of elements of system, each of which has a certain value and is subordinated to other elements or itself subordinates to himself other elements of system.
Active functioning of system, and in particular its integrating influence on process of training of future experts, is provided with an integrated approach.
Integrated approach, - V. Karakovsky speaks, - is urged to provide the highest productivity of system. It is education tactics. Strategy of education is defined by broader approach - system. [13, 18].
The integrated approach assumes use of all potential of teaching and educational process.
The integrated approach can be provided on condition of unity of the purpose, tasks, the content of training of future experts, its methods and organizational forms. Methods and forms of the organization of training of future experts have to answer the purpose, tasks and the concrete content of education following from them.
The basic principles of an integrated approach are:
- the principle of unity of the purpose, tasks, contents, forms, methods of training of future teacher for social and pedagogical work in the conditions of inclusive education;
the unity of classroom and out-of-class work assumes an orientation to a naformirovaniye of the complete identity of the student on the basis of the organization of various kinds of activity of future experts (educational, public, labor, informative, esthetic, etc.);
- accounting of age and specific features of students.
Deontologichesky approach (K.M. Kertayev) of training of future teacher to social and pedagogical work in the conditions of inclusive education considers an education orientation on the development in students of a professional duty providing it steady professional behavior.
The basic principles of deontologichesky approach are:
- the principle of humanity consists in turn of all education system to the world of the person, the world of culture and a hominifying of knowledge, assumes an individualization in formation of the personality and her humanistic qualities. [14, 63-64]
Specifics of observance of the principle of humanity in training of future teacher for social and pedagogical work in the conditions of inclusive education consist in formation of humanistic belief and the humane relations, in education of philanthrophy and respect of human dignity at younger generation. [15, 7]. The main requirements of implementation of the principle of a humanization of training of future teacher are:
1. Humane attitude towards the identity of the student;
2. Respect of its rights and freedoms;
3. Respect of a position of the student;
4. The respect of a human right to be oneself;
5. Nonviolent formation of the demanded qualities;
- the principle of tolerance means tolerant, respect for all students even not inspiring sympathies, the correct understanding of forms of self-expression of students and ways of manifestations of human identity.
- the principle of empathy consists in understanding the teacher of internal state of students, their thoughts, feelings, orientation on experiences of students, ability to rise on a position of another, to get on with people around and to adapt in society
Competence-based approach to training of future experts assumes assimilation by students not of separate knowledge and abilities, and complete ideas of professional activity and abilities to carry out social and pedagogical tasks in the conditions of inclusive education, adequately using the gained professional knowledge and abilities.
The basic principles of competence-based approach are:
a) the maintenance of an educational program means not studying of a concrete profession, but development of the key, basic, special competences allowing to react quickly to changes of labor market;
b) a continuity of professional education during all human life;
c) transition from subject training to mezhpredmetno-modular on компетент. [16]
hus, in modern conditions the problem of preparation of pedagogical shots for implementation to social and pedagogical work in the conditions of inclusive education in this connection, we developed the conceptual bases of training of future experts including the purpose, tasks, the main approaches and the principles to the organization of complete pedagogical process of higher education institution is staticized.
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