The Concept Of development of foreign language education

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Сентября 2013 в 23:07, реферат

Краткое описание

Intensely developing integration processes in the last decade, the growth of professional and academic exchanges, deepening international cooperation stimulated the progress of foreign language education. In these circumstances, foreign language becomes a powerful tool of intellectual potential of a society that is becoming in modern history, one of the main resources of the development of the new State.


Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
The purpose and objectives of the concept ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
The State of foreign language education in Kazakhstan today
этапе ………………………………………………………………………………
The basic directions of development of foreign language education....................
Management of the system of continuous education of foreign language ................
The main directions of improving training
the teaching staff at INJILI............................................................
Stages of realization concept............................................................
Expected results implementation of the concept.....................................

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Training of OIA at the initial stage will give students the opportunity to use the acquired knowledge and skills into practice and everyday life: understood on hearing speech teachers, the substantive content of lightweight, mainly texts of the folklore character, based on visual appearance; participate in the elementary ètiketnom dialogue (introduction, congratulations, gratitude, greeting); ask the interviewee by asking direct questions (who, what, where, when), and answer the questions of the interlocutor; briefly talking about himself, his family, other; make small object description, pictures; read aloud the text, observing the rules of pronunciation and intonation models; read to myself with a full understanding of academic texts, with understanding of the substantive content of the original texts, Lite available in content and linguistic material; write a brief greeting (happy birthday, happy new year), based on a sample.

The first stage of primary education of foreign language in the 12-year-old school provides the basis for the development of sustained and continuous foreign language education.


b) foreign language education (5-10 km classic)

In accordance with the principle of continuity and succession of learning a foreign language at the stage of basic education (5-10 km classic), based on the starting teaching level achieved in 2-4 classes, implies a further more in-depth formation and development of foreign language competence. Main content (General education) level of training students in foreign language corresponds to levels A1 (5-7 kl.) and A2 (8-10 cl.).

Cognitive process at this stage, as in later stages is organized: spheres of communication and concentrically subject of the previous step is picked up, expands, adds a number of new speech topics. Development of communicative speech activity progresses in stages: from the reproductive nature of porcine reproductive and productive and continue to be productive.

The level of foreign language teaching in 5-7 classes should provide students with an opportunity to communicate: with their overseas peers and adults in limited standard situations social, educational and employment and socio-cultural spheres of communication, understood by listening and reading texts, including texts of a pragmatic nature, built mainly on a familiar linguistic material, write a card, fill in the form, send a letter similar to the sample.

In 8-10 classes (level A2 anti-aircraft gunner) is a further development of communicative-intercultural competence consisting of all its components: expansion of the grammatical and lexical lows, consolidation of language and speech skills, development and socio-cultural discourse skills. Content and education technology must provide students

  • ability and willingness to vary and combine language material, focusing on specific communicative tasks in the most common standard situations of communication envisaged by the program;
  • ability to conduct a ritualized the dialogs, as well as a panel discussion (unison, argument); ability to assert anything and justify this;
  • do a brief message in keeping with the core areas and topics of communication;
  • to comprehend and understand short authentic texts of informative, descriptive and pragmatic nature;
  • read and understand the main contents of the light of the authentic texts of different genres, to express their attitude to read;
  • fill out a form, write a letter, written to prepare a brief summary with the text-based.


Renewal and development of foreign language education in the primary school may be directed to the

  • foreign language learning in the context of cross-cultural paradigm, which has a big personality-developing capacity;
  • development of skills to represent his native country and culture, and the culture of the country in a foreign language studied language in intercultural communication;
  • familiarize students with the basics of self-observation and self-evaluation in foreign language;
  • development of self-learning capacity, intellectual and creative abilities in the process of language learning and intercultural dialogue – and the country's national language.


in foreign language education) the mean:


  • at the stage of profile of learning (11-12 kl.)


A fundamentally new approach to the Organization of the third stage of secondary education is its specialization. The introduction of profile of learning involves an in-depth pre-professional training students in three areas: socio-humanitarian, natural-scientific and technical.

The main difference of foreign language education at the end of high school is that foreign language (s) is a means of implementing the profile of learning. Defined profile thrust is achieved by restructuring the content of training, i.e. reduction of general education subjects and the introduction of the authentic teaching material, future-oriented specialty students.

Bringing authentic materials that meet the age characteristics and personal interests of high school seniors must ensure their familiarity with the elements of the vocational guidance and retraining in an area where the language is spoken, acquaintance with the features of the chosen profession and the role of foreign language in mastering future profession in admission of scientific, technological and cultural progress in expanding the overall Outlook in the profile chosen destinations. Working with profile-oriented learning materials should result in some increase as productive, and, in particular, receptive language minimum compared to the previous phase of training, as well as to some increase in knowledge, including background and skills in all types of speech activity that ensures the improvement of communicative competence in General and contributes to creating a solid base for further professionally oriented doučivaniâ in high school, to use IA in professional activity.

Learning content and the technologies used should ensure that as final results teaching high-school graduates the opportunity to:

  • establish and maintain social and profile-oriented contacts within a limited number of sectors and situations of communication envisaged by the program; implement the communicative interaction according to accepted this society standards of speech and behavior nerečevogo;
  • understand the meaning of and associated with the main content details sounding texts, news reports on the radio and television broadcasts;
  • read, using different strategies and understand authentic short non-fiction, journalistic texts, as well as pragmatic texts: advertisements, news reports, etc.; Express impressions and give a reasoned assessment;
  • write short simple letters, the contents of which are autobiographical data, daily affairs, personal preferences, etc.;
  • meet the requirements of profile orientation training: fill in a form, write a formal letter.


This problem relates to the third level of the training level (level B1). In this case, students complete high school by OIA can correspond to pan-European and global standards.

Renewal and development of foreign language education at the stage of profile of learning can be directed

  • to harmonize the objectives, content and methods of teaching the subject in specific variant programmes and educational materials;
  • on the development of foreign language learning profile programmes Variant;
  • on strengthening personal and substantive orientation of training content ratione materiae;
  • on the improvement of teaching technologies that can enhance creative-creative teaching level.


  • in special schools (with in-depth study of foreign languages in schools with a number of subjects in a foreign language)


In conditions of variable character development education in Kazakhstan is supposed to be maintaining and further improving the organizational-legal form of secondary schools, specialized schools (with in-depth study of OIA and the schools teaching some subjects in OIA) holding a special niche in the area of secondary foreign language education.

Specific to this type of foreign language education is the study of OIA as profiling discipline, with the 1-St class along with the Kazakh and Russian languages;

  • deepening of linguistic, philological and general scientific horizons of students;
  • further expansion of the communicative and intercultural competences of learners;
  • development of all pupils personality: their attitudes, feelings, aesthetic views, thinking, culture, intellectual work, socializing, needs further self-education and cognitive activity;
  • inter discipline integration of learning;
  • assimilation of concepts and subjects taught in the metalanguage of OIA;
  • and in General, graduates of these schools is to achieve a more advanced compared to the primary school of the European level training level for IYA (B2).

Wider than the main school Mastership communicative competence of students of this school allows them to understand the type of hearing long speeches, reports on the studied subject, TV shows and movie content on a standard language; read literary prose and non-fiction texts, articles on contemporary issues of culture and science; interact with a sufficient degree of lightness with a native speaker, engaging in conversation in familiar situations of communication, reporting and defending their views; a clear and detailed way to express orally and in writing their thoughts on a wide range of issues, developing our point of view, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of resolving disputes; write letters expressing their own point of view on these events.

Specialized school aims to develop in students a broader compared to the main secondary school intercultural communicative competence within the studied areas of communication, as well as disciplines and special courses, read on:

  • Introduction to the manner and conditions of life in the countries of the target language;
  • possession of these countries etiquette verbal and nonverbal behaviour;
  • knowledge of everyday and festive culture;
  • familiarity with child and youth subcultures;
  • learning social and general scientific issues and trends;
  • emotional contact and intellectual work with samples of high culture, science and technology;
  • as well as the ability to navigate the knowledge gained, take them and take interest, compare & find differences and commonality.

Usually, graduates of these schools, for the most part, are studying subjects with knowledge of OIA and perfectly with IYA, occupy a worthy position in the public service, requiring a high level of foreign language teaching. This fact testifies to the need for public concern in expanding the network of specialized schools (with in-depth study of OIA) and creating adequate conditions for their success.


  • in secondary technical and vocational educational institutions


Teaching in secondary vocational educational institutions is aimed at mastering the OIA in view of future professional activity of students.

To study in these institutions is the HIGHEST form of students communicative and intercultural competences based on integrated engineering and humanitarian content of foreign language education.

Graduates from these types of institutions are compared to the primary school of advanced European level of OIA (B1 + LSP basics – a language for special purposes in accordance with program requirements).

Mastering the communicative students professional competence involves their ability to interact with native speakers in situations of everyday, cultural and educational and professional communication, understand with hearing and read texts, General obŝegumanitarnoj, general scientific and assurance at focus, solve professionally oriented tasks problem character.

Familiarize the student with the overseas vocational-oriented information, through the unconditional favors motivation OIA to their chosen profession and their professional qualification development.


g) post-secondary foreign language education


Impact of post-secondary professional education includes training mid-level professionals, maintenance and managerial issues. Their importance is due to the high requirements of both professional middle-level cadres in the areas of production and services, and the functions they perform in organizations. To foreign language training middle management is further development of communicative-intercultural and professional competencies, sufficient to establish personal, cultural and professional contacts with native speakers, share experience and conduct business and professional correspondence.

Post-secondary training Mastership education phase involves mastering the European level B2 + LSP.

Feature of professional foreign language training at post-secondary education stage is mastering a language for special purposes (LSP) for its further use in professionally-oriented communication in a particular specialty in engineering-technological, social, humanitarian, scientific and technical or economic and business spheres.

The ultimate goal is a sufficient level of development of the LSP as a "tool" for the intellectual and social challenges of the future professional activity taking into account cross-cultural factors (type of industry, gender, age, status).


3.2.2. the levels and content of higher foreign language education:

Undergraduate foreign language education:


  • in specialized language institutes

Higher foreign language education is linguistically (specialized) and neâzykovom University. The radical changes in teaching foreign languages are not quantitative, but qualitative restructuring of the education, which is reflected in the shift to three areas envisaged by the European standard: learning a foreign language, basic language for special purposes and the language for academic purposes. Continuity of learning in the School-University "is that higher education is a Basic language in subsequent levels of the European standard. In teaching language for special purposes (LSP) is held for the first time the ratio of professional skills from the verbale, allowing students to master the OIA through situations of professional communication. Students master the language for academic purposes (LAP) will ensure continuity in learning between bakalavriatom and the Graduate Institute and will enable them to obtain the postgraduate education abroad.

The main trends of development of higher education foreign language are limited to the following provisions:

  • improving the quality of training of specialists in foreign languages (teachers, translators and specialists in international relations),
  • development of innovative foreign language education
  • integrating teaching with intensive research activity in the field of Linguistics, methodology of teaching foreign languages and intercultural communication,
  • the Institute of higher studies in foreign languages with the needs of society,
  • improving educational and information technologies in the field of foreign language teaching (early learning, distance learning, learning a language for special purposes, etc.).

To higher foreign language education is the formation of professionals who know the OIA at the level, as recognized by the international community, and be responsive to the needs of society, the achievement of which is possible through the following tasks:

  1. the formation of a specialist that owns:
  • Basic language in accordance with the requirements of the European standard
  • foreign language for academic purposes to ensure continuity in the training between bakalavriatom and the Magistracy,
  • foreign language for special purposes in accordance with narrow specialization;
  1. introduction of planning education in foreign languages, adopted by the countries of the European Community;
  1. the formation of the new learning content, sootnesennogo with national and international standards.

Impact of education in a specialized University presented two cycles: the first cycle – 1-St, 2-nd courses, second cycle:-3-rd, 4-th course.

The first cycle is the continuation of the work on the base of OIA on two levels the European standard: level B2 and C1 level. Development of foreign language communicative competence, which was initiated in the primary school, the focus on the quality of OIA, a deep understanding of the culture of the target language-this is the main characteristic of the first cycle.

Level B2 (1 course) involves the formation of students at a sufficiently high level of language proficiency that allows direct participation in communication with native speakers, participation in conferences, understanding of the content of movies and TV shows, reading contemporary original literature, writing essays, etc. Level C1 is greater spontaneity and complexity in socially or professionally meaningful orally and in written communication. Learning at this level involves OIA: the ability to develop their point of view, a pragmatic text (e-mail, fax, essays, text for the Web site, etc.)  understand when reading the original journalistic, artistic or scientific-popular text, as well as a comprehensive understanding of the broadcast of any level of difficulty.

The second cycle is the formation of basic language at the highest level (C2), as well as language for specific and academic purposes.

Level C2. Reading comprehension text of any complexity and any content (from very specialized to large literary forms), listening as a living language, and for radio and television programs, feature films, the ability to issue the statement in a style appropriate for each specific situation of communication, as well as the ability to create a written text of any complexity (essays, summaries, critical analysis of professional written sources or literary work, etc.)   -all this is typical of communicative functions well educated native speaker.

Study on the characteristic of 3 course is to move to a foreign language communication skills for professional purposes, that involves, first of all, getting to know the all-professional situations, and then narrowly specialized (LSP) (4 course). In the last semester of undergraduate academic foreign language training (LAP), which will finalize the specialist at ' almost native speaker. "

Worldwide trend of safeguard linguistic diversity in higher education is reflected through compulsory second OIA and the Kazakh language in Russian audience.

Study of a second foreign language also starts in the third year and involves the assimilation programs levels A1, A2, B1 for first year (see foreign language education at the secondary level) and programme level B2 for the second year.

The program concludes with a final exam at each level, in conformity with the international exam specified level as on the first, and on the second.  Achieving students set level and training level of the educational program based on the credit system is fixed in the annex to the diploma of international standard that ensures the recognition of diplomas in foreign language education abroad.

In the long term impact of foreign language education (specialized) University involves ensuring the convertibility of diplomas, mobility of students and teachers with the aim of training and improvement of professional skills abroad.


  • in the non-language higher educational institutions

In terms of orientation towards scientific and technological and industrial development of social order in the educational field of '' foreign language '' in the system of non-language universities is to train professionals who know the OIA as means of establishing personal, scientific and cultural contacts with native speakers and mostly-as a tool for professional communication for effective exchange of experiences in future practical productive activity.

To help students achieve these universities set international standards of training should be carried out in the two IA stages: in the first phase (1kurs) assumes students master the 4-th (2) European level. Possession of OIA on the 4-ohm (2) means the student's ability to understand complex information on private, public, academic or professional areas of life, celebrating the budget argument and understand impliciruemye in general terms, as well as provisions in the texts of the avowed and direct communications; use the language fluently, grammatically correct and effective in conversation to personal, General and professional topics, noting the linkage made provisions to communicate without a noticeable deterrent when trying to express themselves, to provide the personal significance of events, to express their views clearly by providing relevant explanations; produce clear, systematically developed text with adequate allocation of significant provisions, necessary parts, developing their ideas and positions.

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