Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Сентября 2013 в 23:07, реферат
Intensely developing integration processes in the last decade, the growth of professional and academic exchanges, deepening international cooperation stimulated the progress of foreign language education. In these circumstances, foreign language becomes a powerful tool of intellectual potential of a society that is becoming in modern history, one of the main resources of the development of the new State.
Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
The purpose and objectives of the concept ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
The State of foreign language education in Kazakhstan today
этапе ………………………………………………………………………………
The basic directions of development of foreign language education....................
Management of the system of continuous education of foreign language ................
The main directions of improving training
the teaching staff at INJILI............................................................
Stages of realization concept............................................................
Expected results implementation of the concept.....................................
Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
Almaty, 2010
"The concept of the development of foreign language education of Kazakhstan».-Almaty:
Kazakh University of international relations and world languages named after abylai Khan, 2006 g.
Scientific management -PhD, Professor, academician IAHE
Kunanbaev S.s.
Compilers: Kunanbayev S.s.
Karmysova M.k.
Ivanov A.
Arenova Etc.
Zhumagulov, B.
Abdygapparova S.k.
"The concept of education development of Kazakhstan till 2015 provides a complete, deep modernization of education at all levels. Based on the principles of State education policy "concept of foreign language education of Kazakhstan determines the positions of a new methodological approach, objectives and content of foreign language education in accordance with the international standard requirements.
Idea modernization of foreign language education in the form of the tiered model for unity, continuity and continuity of all stages of general education system. A system-level approach promotes the exit into the world educational and informational space.
© Kazakh University of international relations
and world languages named after abylai Khan, 2006 g.
Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
этапе ………………………………………………………………………………
the teaching staff at INJILI........................
The concept of development of foreign language education strategic direction for education development extrapolates RK for qualitative upgrade of the domestic foreign language education and training in the field of professional training, qualification meet global standards.
Intensely developing integration processes in the last decade, the growth of professional and academic exchanges, deepening international cooperation stimulated the progress of foreign language education. In these circumstances, foreign language becomes a powerful tool of intellectual potential of a society that is becoming in modern history, one of the main resources of the development of the new State.
Through the study of language as a reflection of socio-cultural reality as a phenomenon of culture – national and universal, a picture of inofonnoj picture of the world, is the ability to seamlessly communicate in our own communities and in other societies, prevent and overcome conflicts arising from historical, political and religious differences. Thus, through the language creates a sound basis for international and interkul′turnogo understanding.
However, as shown by the analysis of the current state of foreign language education in Kazakhstan, despite certain achievements in this area, the overall level of foreign language teaching students how middle and high school, does not correspond to the modern social order.
The objective necessity of modernization of the domestic system of foreign language teaching is embodied in the staff of the University"The multi-leveled model of foreign language education",meeting the requirements of the 21st century. this model to define the exact number of levels and their meaningful aspect for every type of educational institution provides the implementation of the principles of continuity, the continuity and sustained development of foreign language quality education. It harmoniously combines the substantive content of the domestic system of teaching foreign language and international-standard control mechanism of foreign language teaching for each level. Move to the level of the educational process can significantly improve the quality of foreign language education.
Tier model of foreign language education as a dynamic structure of general education reform programme represents a real step towards the accession of Kazakhstan into the world educational space.
The orientation of the educational system of the Republic of Kazakhstan for competence approach in the content of education is reflected in the teaching of foreign languages in the formation of intercultural competence as an indicator of the articulation of the human capacity to participate effectively in intercultural communication inoâzyčnom level. The specificity of targets and substantive aspects of foreign language education in the context of cross-cultural paradigm was that as a central element of the tiered model is trained as an educational process and as the subject of intercultural communication.
The concept of development of foreign language education in the Republic of Kazakhstan lays the foundations for the development of the State language policy, modernization of the national system of foreign language education and provides the basis for streamlining the regulatory control and methodical documentation in the field of teaching foreign languages.
1. the purpose and objectives of the concept
The purpose of the concept – identification of the main directions of development of foreign language education, the establishment of a national multi-leveled model of continuous and sustained foreign language education for occurrence of Kazakhstan in the world educational space.
The Concept Of Task:
at the present stage.
Foreign language education as a component of the overall system of national education cannot be considered in isolation from the environment in which it operates and develops. Expanding the integration processes, the growth of professional and scientific exchanges, deepening international cooperation and collaboration in the past decade have encouraged the progressive development of foreign language education. In this sphere in the educational system of Kazakhstan, there have been significant positive changes both in content and in institutional terms:
However, despite these positive developments, the foreign language education in the Republic is characterized by a number of negative phenomena.
The lack of a unified methodological framework for continuing and further education and foreign language variable character – unified regulatory it security (gosstandartnyh and software requirements) resulted in the arbitrary choice of educational institutions of foreign training programs and educational materials without any correlated with domestic conditions of teaching, understanding of the expected results of the trainees and the criteria for their evaluation, natural growth of innovative experiments, development of chaotic market of educational services of OIA to '' fill '' gaps of State inoâzyčnoobrazovatel′noj .
The situation is compounded by the shortage of staff, able to fully ensure the training of OIA, LSP and LAP across the multilevel foreign language education, the abolition of State-funded retraining system of training of personnel on IA, weak their reproduction and, as a consequence, low availability of secondary education teachers. All this has had a negative impact on the quality of teaching at all levels of the Republican and foreign language education: a large portion of graduates, having under the sovereignty of the Republic of real opportunities for personal and professional contacts with native speakers, find some difficulties in implementing a communication in a foreign language.
The planned expansion of temporary borders and foreign language education for periodization full satisfaction of the modern social order to the professionals who know practically and professionally on the international standard level of one or more of the OIA, requires serious modernization of the quality management system of foreign language education, which, in turn, implies the need to:
foreign language education
3.1. theoretic-methodological fundamentals of the development of foreign language education.
One of the major flaws of the traditional system of teaching foreign languages-the confusion of conceptual frameworks. Therefore, new methodological decision, rather than the introduction in educational process of individual, let the good, but the disparate receptions, allows you to define anthropological (humanist) approach, implemented through the student-oriented teaching as the conceptual basis of foreign language education. Humanistic concept means that the educational process creates the optimal conditions for the development of the individual trainee.
The humanistic concept of a completely new methodological area with a distinct dominant implemented through cross-cultural goal, selection of content and technology foreign language education, an adequate process of formation and development of personality, able to participate effectively in intercultural communication. The transition to a new cultural-forming system of foreign language education does not restrict the learning process only lingvokul′turnymi language country settings. A significant place in the learning process should take lingvoètnokul′tura trainee.
From the perspective of a new methodological approach is the reorientation of celezadannosti in learning a foreign language. As a aims is not "foreign language learning" as such, but "foreign language education", in which the contents are not only pragmatic knowledge, skills and abilities, but also personal development by means of foreign language in parallel and interconnected learning the language and culture.
To achieve the new conceptual reorientation basis celezadannosti in studying substantial basis subject-IA-leveled model of foreign language education becomes a communicative sphere, which is determined by the speech subject and composition of model situations to achieve a sufficient level of foreign language-teaching and the transition to a professionally-oriented foreign language education.
In addition to innovative conceptual approaches to the definition of the celezadannosti and substantive content of foreign language education with new methodological positions to be decided and the use of educational technology.
In keeping with the multicultural paradigm of simulated system of teaching foreign language for the development of nekognitivnyh and intellectual (cognitive) aspects of the learner's personality: in the process of mapping the various conceptual systems (of the real world and worldview) trainee enriches our consciousness through the international reality and means of structuring.
Cultural-forming system of foreign language education, simulated in the form of a tier of learning a foreign language, is based on the proven principles of the national education system, the basic principles on world educational systems, as well as on the functioning of the forecast model in changing socio-economic conditions. These principles are:
3.2. the system of continuous and sustained foreign language education.
The radical changes in methodological, substantive and technological basis of the foreign language education require the creation of a unified national system of foreign language education. Tier model of mastering foreign languages as the most satisfying modern requirements of society represents the system. Structural components are interrelated and interdependent levels of the national education system: basic education, primary, secondary, post-secondary vocational, undergraduate, graduate. All system components are functionally and aimed at ensuring a certain level of foreign language teaching. Interconnection, interdependence and layering components of the system are presented in table 1.
The integrity of the foreign language is ensured by common methodological subsystem platform, a single normative-managing and content database, as well as the introduction of a single monitoring and evaluation mechanism for foreign language competence.The main objective of foreign language education – formation of secondary language person willing and able to cross cultural, foreign language communication is achieved through the implementation of, out of the goals and objectives of the individual levels that ensure continuity and continuity in the formation of foreign-language skills, as well as specific indicators of the quality of teaching in accordance with the international standard requirements.
These requirements are based on the program "pan-European standards and competency levels of language proficiency, with uniform requirements to the level of teaching languages for all European countries. In this model, there are 6 levels of teaching with a set of educational programs and corresponding to each level of certificates. these levels are denoted by the letters A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, which disclosed in paragraphs 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3 concept.
Designated levels of harmonized with features of the national educational system and in accordance with the concept of educational framework are implemented as follows:
One of the important features of the new system of foreign language education, conceptually based on the tier approach is its focus on the final result, i.e. the definitely celezadannyj level of teaching.
This system is a combination of international quality assessment scale with domestic substantive content, unifies the qualification and qualitative requirements for the end results in levels of foreign language teaching for all types of educational institutions that have variant content-educational routines at each level.
3.2.1. the levels and content of foreign language in secondary education:
(a)) primary foreign language education (2-4 kl.)
Elementary foreign language education is the first stage of a new 12-year-old school, which are tasks that meet global trends of education development.
Study of OIA in primary schools aims to achieve the following objectives:
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