Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Января 2012 в 08:44, контрольная работа

Краткое описание

I . Укажите пары слов, близких по значению.

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          ТАГАНРОГСКИЙ ИНСТИТУТ  УПРАВЛЕНИЯ И ЭКОНОМИКИ                                                                                                        


                                                       Заочное отделение 



                                                     КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА                              


                                                         по дисциплине                                                                                                                      




                                                              на тему:



Выполнил(а) студент(ка)                    _____________/__________________/       

группы  №_________                                     (подпись студента)                                 (ФИО студента) 

№ зач.кн.____________                       «____»_____________________20__г. 

Принял                                                  ______________/_________________/

«___________________»                          (подпись преподавателя)                  (ФИО преподавателя) 




                                          Таганрог 20___г. 


I . Укажите пары  слов, близких по значению.

1) development

2) problem

3) result

4) pleasure

5) several

6) sole

7) social

8) to answer

9) to find out

10) to believe

a) some

b) progress

c) think

d) single

e) respond

f) difficulty

g) learn

h) outcome

i) public

j) enjoyment

II . Укажите пары  слов, противоположных по значению.

1) active

2) basic

3) often

4) mental

5) reality

a) unimportant

b) fantasy

c) seldom

d ) passive

e ) physical

III . Выберите  английское словосочетание, соответствующее  русскому.

1)лежат в основе событий  a)events underlie; b)to underlie events.

2)поступок    a)an act of behavior; b)acting behavior.

3)предмет психологии   a)the subject-matter of psychology; b)the object of psychology.

4)выдвинуть точку зрения   a)to move a viewpoint ; b) to advance a viewpoint.

5)гуманисты считают   a) humanists approach;   b) humanists believe.

IV . В каждом  ряду найдите слово, выпадающее  из данной тематической группы.

1. a) body

2. a) change

3. a) affection

4. a) instinct

b) human being

b) modification

b) strain

b) intellect

c) personality

c) action

c) tension

c) values

d) individual

d) transformation

d) pressure

d ) degree

V . В каждом  ряду найдите слово, объединяющее  данную тематическую группу.

1. a) ego b) id c) superego d) force

2. a) creativity b) courage c) characteristics d) humour

3. a) process b) improvement c) development d) upbringing

4. a) behaviorism b) approach c) psychoanalysis d) humanistic school

VI . Выберите  слово, подходящее по смыслу.

1. The book is well-known, and it is often … to.

a. specified, b. founded, c. referred.

2. Alice was … that somebody was watching her.

a. conditional, b. conscious, c. internalized.

3. Can’t you make you little boy … himself?

a. depend, b. pressure, c. behave.

4. The doctor examined the patient and … that he was ill.

a. concluded, b. advanced, c. valued.


I . По выделенному  словообразовательному элементу  определите часть речи.

1) neurobiological

2) conscious

3) personality

4) basically

a ) существительное

a ) прилагательное

a ) наречие

a) наречие

b ) прилагательное

b ) глагол

b ) существительное

b ) прилагательное

II . По выделенному  словообразовательному элементу  определите, какое из английских  слов соответствует предъявленному  русскому.

1) улучшение 

2) психоаналитик 

3) смелый 

4) творческий 

a) improve

a) psychoanalyst

a) courage

a) creativity

b) improvement

b) psychoanalytic

b) courageous

b) creative

III . Выберите  русское словосочетание, соответствующее  английскому.

1) a result of changes     a) результат изменяется    b) результат изменений

2) the study of a human being   a) ученый человек   b) исследование человека

3) mental health       a) психическое здоровье b) психически здоровый

4) existing theory     a) существующая теория  b) теоретическое существование

5) to depend on the actions  a) зависимость от действий   b) зависеть от действий

IV . Выпишите  предложения, в которых сказуемое  стоит в страдательном залоге. Подчеркните сказуемое .

1. Fried potatoes are often eaten with meat.

2. Fred was singing from five to six yesterday.

3. I am at home on Sunday mornings.

4. English is spoken all over the world.

5. The patient was annoyed at that remark.

V. Выберите правильный вариант .

1. The delegation …  in New York a week ago.

a) has arrived, b) arrived, c) was arrived.

2. He … just …  the new film.

a) has … seen, b) have … seen, c) seen … -

3. When the plane took off, the passengers … how to use life jackets.

a) were shown, b) was shown, c) are showing.

4. The children … doing their homework yet.

a) didn’t finish, b) aren’t finished, c) haven’t finished.

5. Yesterday all my troubles … so far away.

a) have seemed, b) haven’t seemed, c) seemed.

Прочитайте и устно переведите текст

1. Just as there are different ways of describing any act of behaviour, there are also different approaches to psychology. The analysis of psychological phenomena can be approached from several viewpoints . One approach to the study of human beings specifies the neurobiological processes that underlie behaviour and mental events.

2. The view that behaviour should be the sole subject-matter of psychology was first advanced by the American psychologist John B. Watson in the early 1900s. He believed that, although man may be at times an active agent in his own development and behaviour, he is still basically what his environment makes him. Therefore, the basic problem is to find out how man behaves or responds as a result of changes or improvements in the environment or stimuli. This approach is often referred to as stimulus-response or S-R psychology.

3. Another approach to the study of man is psychoanalysis, founded by Sigmund Freud. Freud concluded that personality and our degrees of mental health depend on the actions of three major forces: the id – our unconscious instincts, the ego – our conscious self or intellect, and superego –  the conditional reflexes of social rules and internalized values. The ego, or self, is often under strain to withstand the pleasure forces from the id, pressured by reality forces of environment and the moral forces of our upbringing (superego). The ego and the superego are mere tips of the id. It is what is underneath that really counts.

4. The humanistic school view is that man becomes what he makes of himself by his own actions and thoughts. It is concerned with the topics having little place in existing theories and systems: e.g. love, creativity, self-actualization, higher values, humour, affection, courage and so on. Humanists believe that man is born basically good, and that conscious forces are more important than unconscious forces.

5. Present-day psychology is a complex and differentiated research system extending throughout general, social, developmental, pedagogical, child, medical, engineering psychology.

Задания к тексту

I. Укажите предложения,  которые соответствуют ( Yes ) и не соответствуют ( No ) содержанию текста.

1. Психологические  явления могут рассматриваться  с различных точек зрения.

2. Бихевиористы считали, что поведение человека всегда обусловливается окружающей средой.

3. По определению  З. Фрейда, Я и Оно находятся под давлением Сверх-Я.

4. Стимул →  реакция – основная формула  гуманистической школы. 

5. Представители  гуманистической школы полагали, что каждый человек создает  себя сам. 

II . Найдите и  укажите абзац, где говорится  о понятиях, которым уделяется  мало внимания в существующих  теориях и системах.

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