Шығармашылық есептер арқылы мектеп оқушыларының физикаға қызығушылығын арттыру әдістемесі

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 06 Декабря 2013 в 00:09, автореферат

Краткое описание

Осы мақсатқа жету және ұсынылған болжамның дұрыстығын тексеру үшін мынандай зерттеу міндеттері анықталды:
− зерттеу тақырыбы бойынша психологиялық-педагогикалық, әдістемелік, ғылыми көпшілік әдебиеттерге талдау жасау.
− оқытуда шығармашылық есептерді пайдалану арқылы оқушыларының физикаға қызығушылығын арттырудың әдістемелік негізін айқындау.
− физикалық шығармашылық есептердің жүйесіне, мәніне, мазмұнына талдау жасау және оларды шығару жолдарын жетілдіру шараларын қарастыру.
− шығармашылық есептер негізіне қойылатын талаптар мен критерийлерді тұжырымдау.
− шығармашылық есептерді пайдаланудың әдістемесін жасау және оның тиімділігін тәжірибелік-эксперименттік жұмыс барысында тексеру.
− зерттеу мәселесі бойынша әдістемелік ұсыныстар даярлау.

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На защиту выносятся:

− теоретические и  методические основы повышения интереса учащихся посредством творческих задач;

− возможности творческих задач в повышении интереса учащихся и разработка их классификаций;

− критерии и требования к содержанию творческих задач по физике;   

− результаты педагогического  эксперимента.

Достоверность и обоснованность полученных в ходе исследования результатов обеспечиваются его теоретико-методологической базой, логичностью научного аппарата, использованием комплекса методов, адекватных цели, задачам, содержанию опытно-экспериментальной работы.

По теме исследования опубликовано 19 работ, в которых раскрыты основные идеи диссертации. Статьи опубликованы в научно-методических журналах «Поиск», «Білім», «Қазақстан кәсіпкері» и в сборниках материалов международных научно-практических конференций.

Структура диссертации. Диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, выводов, списка использованной литературы и приложения.

Во введении представлен научный аппарат исследования, обоснована актуальность темы, сформулированы цель, объект, предмет, гипотеза, задачи, научная новизна, практическая и теоретическая значимость, положения, выносимые на защиту, сведения по апробации и внедрению результатов исследования.

В первом разделе «Психолого-педагогические основы повышения интереса учащихся к физике средствами творческих задач»  по проблеме исследования проведен анализ психологической, педагогической и методической литературы; выявлены место и значения творческих задач по физике, способствующих повышению интереса учащихся; определены основы отбора творческих задач по разделу «Основы электродинамики».

Во втором разделе «Методика использования творческих задач для повышения интереса учащихся» разработана методика решения творческих задач различного содержания для формирования знаний и умений по физике; разработана методика решения творческих задач с использованием возможностей компьютера.

Описан анализ педагогического эксперимента, который доказывает эффективность используемой методической системы.

В заключении сформулированы выводы, обобщающие теоретические и экспериментальные результаты исследования и доказывающие эффективность разработанных форм и методов формирования знаний по физике.

Результаты исследования могут быть использованы в разработке программ, учебно-методических пособий и в учебном процессе обучения физике в общеобразовательных учреждениях, а также в Институте повышения квалификации педагогических кадров.












































Sariyeva Aigul Kamzayevna 


Methodology of raising students’  interest to physics by creative tasks 


13.00.02 – Theory and methods of education (physics)


Topicality of the research. Essence of physics, its methodic system in the context of scientific and technical progress and social development need constant improvement both in the structure and content. Analysis of education methods related to physics reveals that school students consider physics as one of most difficult and uninteresting school subjects. The result of research work with school teachers also revealed that the main problem is that the students are not interested in physics as a subject. This fact proves that education process in terms of physics needs improvement in methods and means. 

Objective of the research. Methodic grounding for increasing students’ interest in physics by creative tasks.

Object of the research. Physics training process in school on the basis of creative tasks. 

Subject of the research. Increasing interest of students to physics by creative tasks. 

The scientific novelty of the obtained results is as follows: 

1.    We have revealed scope of creative tasks in increasing students’ interest and worked out their classification; 

       3. We have determined criteria and requirements to the content of creative tasks on physics; 

4. Methods of increasing students’  interest on the basis of creative tasks;

       5. We have developed and tested methods of increasing students’ interest by creative tasks. 

The level of integration: the developed scientific and methodic system was introduced into teaching practice in secondary school-gymnasium №86 159 named I.Altynsarin, school-gymnasium №86 in Almaty and in some schools of East Region of Kazakhstan (2002–2009).

Theoretical and practical value of the research:

  • We have developed specifics of method to increase students’ interest in physics;
  • We have developed creative tasks selection criteria; 
  • We have compiled creative tasks which lead to development of educative and cognitive activities of the students;
  • The experimental results enable us to provide teachers with certain instruction on application of creative tasks to increase students’ interest in physics;
  • The experimental results enable teachers to select and apply creative tasks to increase students’ interest in physics;
  • We have used potential abilities of the students when performing tasks of creative nature;
  • We have introduced methods of solving creative tasks into the practice;
  • Method developed on the basis of creative tasks may be utilized to improve intentionality of task books, task system and didactic tools in the education process.

The propositions which have been advanced for defense are as follows:

− theoretical and methodical grounds of increasing students’ interest by creative tasks; 

− scope of creative tasks in increasing of students’ interest and their classification;

    − criteria and requirements to the content of creative tasks on physics;

    − students’ activities structure while performing creative tasks;

− results of pedagogic experiment.

Authenticity and validity of results taken during research are provided by its theoretical and methodical grounds, logicality of scholarly apparatus, use of method complex, reasonable goals, tasks, content of experimental work. 

We have published 19 works under the theme of the research to disclose main ideas of the thesis. The articles have been published in the scientific and methodical magazines “Poisk”, “Bilim”, “Kazakhstan Kasipkeri” and collected articles of international scientific and practical conferences.

The structure of the research. The thesis includes pages of typescript, figures, tables. The research structure includes introductory part, two chapters, conclusion, list of literature studied in the number of  units and  attachments.

Introductory part details scholarly apparatus of the research, topicality, object, subject, hypothesis, tasks, scientific novelty, practical and theoretical value, propositions advanced for defense, information on testing and introduction of research results.

The first chapter “Psychological and pedagogical foundations of increasing students’ interest in physics by creative tasks” includes analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodical literature on the theme of the research; here we have determined place and value of creative tasks on physics which shall increase students’ interest in the subject; worked out principles of creative tasks selection under “Fundamentals in electrodynamics”.

In the second paragraph “Methods of using creative tasks to increase students’ interest” we have developed methods of solving creative tasks of different content to create skills and knowledge on physics; developed methods of solving creative tasks with the help of computer capabilities.

We have also detailed analysis of pedagogic experiment which proves efficiency of the given methodic system.

The conclusion sets summary, general theoretical and experimental results of the research which prove efficiency of developed forms and methods to create skills on physics.

Results of the research may be used in developing programs, study guide and during education process in schools as well as in the Teacher Professional Development Institute.

Информация о работе Шығармашылық есептер арқылы мектеп оқушыларының физикаға қызығушылығын арттыру әдістемесі