Vector graphics and bitmap

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 20 Ноября 2013 в 17:51, практическая работа

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The picture number one is drawn in Microsoft Office Word and it is vectored image. In a vector drawing, you create control points. The lines in a vector drawing are created by the software and join up the control points that the user has drawn. In the file of image is saving information about types of graphic objects, numbers, that are needed to their reproduction and information about the line’s thickness and color and type of filling of their inner area.

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The theme: vector graphics and bitmap

The purpose: to understand the difference in vector graphics and bitmap

Comparing Paint and Microsoft Office Word

Our goal is to draw two similar pictures in Paint and word, and then to reveal the difference between them.






Picture №1


The picture number one is drawn in Microsoft Office Word and it is vectored image. In a vector drawing, you create control points. The lines in a vector drawing are created by the software and join up the control points that the user has drawn. In the file of image is saving information about types of graphic objects, numbers, that are needed to their reproduction and information about the line’s thickness and color and type of filling of their inner area.

Picture №2

The picture number two is drawn in Paint and it is bitmapped image. Imagine each pixel to be like a tiny square light bulb. Each pixel can be any colour you want and any brightness. If we look closely at this picture we’ll see rather blocky and crude structure made up from pixel building blocks. In real bitmap images, the pixels are tiny dots so the illusion of a smooth and realistic image is created.

Comparing Microsoft Office Word and Excel

The next our goal is to see the difference about pasting diagrams to Word in two different ways.

Using special pasting from Excel to Word diagram can be like photo. We can’t choose some points of diagram columns to change significance.

Though when we’ll use hot keys to paste diagram to Word we’ll have an ability to change significations.

Comparing size

Bitmapped images have more size than vectored images. For bitmap images, the most important aspect for file size is the proportions of the image itself. The larger the image, the more pixels it contains, as a result, the file size is larger. Size is also affected by format. Different formats have different properties, and save information in different ways. The size of vector graphics does not depend on the size of the image, but on its complexity. The more objects there are in a vector, the more algorithms it will need to contain in order to render those objects and the larger the file will become. In other words, a larger image with a few objects will have smaller size, than the smaller one with numerous objects.

Conclusion: in this laboratory work we revealed the difference between vector graphics and bitmap.

Информация о работе Vector graphics and bitmap