Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 12 Января 2014 в 17:39, контрольная работа
In Anglo-Saxon cultures, what is generally tested is how much the individual can contribute to the tasks of the organisation. In these cultures, assessment centres, intelligence tests and measurements of competencies are the norm. In Germanic cultures, the emphasis has always been made on the quality of education in a specialist function. The recruitment process in Latin and Far Eastern cultures is very often characterised by ascertaining how well that person ‘fits in’ with the larger group.
Selecting international managers
Approaches to selection vary significantly across cultures. There are differences not only in the priorities that are given to technical or interpersonal capabilities, but also in the ways that candidates are tested and interviewed for the desired qualities.
In Anglo-Saxon cultures, what is generally tested is how much the individual can contribute to the tasks of the organisation. In these cultures, assessment centres, intelligence tests and measurements of competencies are the norm. In Germanic cultures, the emphasis has always been made on the quality of education in a specialist function. The recruitment process in Latin and Far Eastern cultures is very often characterised by ascertaining how well that person ‘fits in’ with the larger group. This is determined in part by the elitism of higher educational institutions, such as the “grandes ecoles” in France or the University of Tokyo in Japan, and in part by their interpersonal style and ability to network internally. If there are tests in Latin cultures, they will tend to be more about personality, communication and social skills than about the Anglo-Saxon notion of “intelligence”.
Though there are few statistical comparisons of selection practices used across cultures, one recent study provides a useful example of the impact of culture. A survey which was conducted by Shackleton and Newell compared selection methods between France and the UK. They found that there was a striking contrast in the number of interviews used in the selection process, with France resorting to more than one interview much more frequently. They also found that in the UK there was a much greater tendency to use panel interviews than in France, where one-to-one interviews are the norm. In addition, while almost 74 per cent of companies in the UK use references from previous employers, only 11 per cent of the companies surveyed in France used them. Furthermore, French companies rely much more on personality tests and handwriting analysis than their British counterparts.
Many organizations operating across cultures have tended to decentralise selection in order to allow for local differences in testing and for language differences, while providing a set of personal qualities or characteristics they consider important for candidates. Hewitt Associates, a US compensation and benefits consulting had difficulties extending its key selection criteria outside the USA. It is known for selecting ‘SWANs’: people who are Smart, Willing, Able and Nice. These concepts, all perfectly understandable to other Americans, can be interpreted in a different way in other cultures. For example, being able may mean being highly connected with colleagues, being sociable or being able to command respect from a hierarchy of subordinates, whereas the intended meaning is more about being technically competent, polite and relatively formal. Similarly, what is nice in one culture may be considered naive or immature in another. It all depends on the cultural context.
Some international companies, like Shell, Toyota, and L’Oreal, have identified very specific qualities that they consider strategically important and that support their business requirements. For example, the criteria that Shell has identified as most important in supporting its strategy include mobility and language capability. These will be more easily understood across cultures because people are either willing to relocate or not. There is less room for cultural misunderstandings with such qualities.
Упражнение 1
Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст.
Упражнение 2
Определите, верны ли следующие утверждения. Исправьте���* неверные утверждения:
1. Many international organizations have decentralized selection.
2. They look for different personal qualities in different cultures.
3. The SWAN’s people who are Smart, Wiling, Able and Nice.
4. The definition of some qualities can lead to cultural misunderstandings.
Упражнение 3
Письменно ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста:
1. What types of differences exist in the approaches to the selection of candidates in various cultures? There are differences not only in the priorities and how the candidates are tested and interviewed for the desired quality.
2. What is tested in Anglo-Saxon cultures? How much a person can contribute to the organization's objectives.
3. Is the emphasis on the quality of a specialist’s education in Germanic cultures? yes
4. The recruitment process in Latin cultures is determined by personality, communicaton and social skills, isn’t it? Yes it’s
5. Does France usually resort to one interview in recruitment practices? Yes it’s
6. One-to-one interviews are the norm in the UK, aren’t they? No isn’t
7. What companies rely more on personality and handwriting analysis? It’s French company
8. What does “SWAN” stand for? It’s mean people who are smart, Willing, able and Nice.
9. How can “being nice” in one culture be interpreted in another? It all depends on the cultural context
10. What criteria has Shell identified as most important when selecting candidates? It are mobility and language features
Упражнение 4
В тексте говорится о том, что для различных культур важны различные качества при подборе персонала. Сопоставьте характеристики с различными культурами:
1. Anglo-Saxon (UK, USA, Australia etc.) a) ability to fit in with the organisation
2. Germanic b) the relevant kind of education for the job
3. Latin f) ability to carry out relevant tasks and jobs
4. Far Eastern c) the right intellectual or technical capabilities
Упражнение 5
Текст содержит словосочетания, обозначающие методы тестирования и оценки, используемые при отборе кандидатов. Соединив слова из двух колонок, образуйте эти словосочетания. Переведите их на русский язык:
1. tests of b) communication
2. personality d) tests
3. panel a) interviews
4. one-to-one f) interviews
5. handwriting g) analysis
6. tests of e) tests
7. intelligence c) social skills
Упражнение 6
Найдите в тексте слова, близкие по значению слову skill — «навык» (не менее 5 слов). Составьте 3 предложения с этими словами и расскажите о своих навыках и способностях.
Ability, skill, practices, capability, test.
Practice that everyone needs to get a job.
The company must have the ability for customer support response.
Every company needs capability to implement the product in the market.
Упражнение 7
Выпишите из текста предложения с определительными придаточными, содержащими относительные местоимения: that — 2 предложения, which — 1 предл., who — 1 предл.; союзное слово where — 1 предл. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
They found that there was a striking contrast in the number of interviews
used in the selection process, with France resorting to more than one
interview much more frequently. Они обнаружили, что
существует разительный контраст в ряде
интервью, используемых в процессе отбора,
с Францией, прибегая к более чем одному
интервью гораздо чаще.
Some international companies, like Shell, Toyota, and L’Oreal, have
identified very specific qualities that they consider strategically
important and that support their business requirements. Некоторые
международные компании, такие как Shell,
Toyota, и L'Oreal, выявили весьма специфические
качества, которые они считают стратегически
важными и которые поддерживают их бизнес-требованиям.
A survey which was conducted by Shackleton and Newell compared selection methods between France and the UK. опроса, который был проведен Шеклтон и Newell по сравнению выборе методов между Францией и Великобританией.
It is known for selecting ‘SWANs’: people who are Smart, Willing, Able and Nice. Он известен выбрав «лебеди»: люди, которые умны, Willing, способных и Ницце.
. They also found that in the UK there was a much greater tendency to use panel interviews than in France, where one-to-one interviews are the norm. Они также обнаружили, что в Великобритании было гораздо большую тенденцию к использованию панели интервью, чем во Франции, где один-на-один интервью являются нормой.
Упражнение 8
Определите тип следующего условного предложения, выписанного из текста. Преобразуйте данное предложение в оставшиеся три типа, изменив формы глаголов в главном и придаточном предложениях. Укажите типы преобразованных условных предложений:
If there are tests in Latin cultures, they will tend to be more about personality, communication and social skills than about the Anglo-Saxon notion of “intelligence”. (declarative sentences)
what are the tests in the Latin culture? Interrogative sentences:
Let's make tests about Latin culture. Imperative sentences:
oh you done tests of Latin culture! Exclamatory sentences:
Упражнение 9
видовременную форму глаголов-с
1. ... candidates are tested and interviewed ... present simple
2. ... the emphasis has always been made on the quality of education...preset perfect
3. A survey which was conducted by Shackleton and Newell ...past simple
4. It is known for selecting “SWANs” present continuous
5. These concepts, all perfectly understandable to other Americans, can be interpreted in a different way ... simple present
6. Similarly, what is nice in one culture may be considered naïve ... simple present
7. These will be more easily understood across cultures ... simple future
Упражнение 10
Письменно переведите третий абзац.
Хотя есть несколько статистических сравнений выбор методов, используемых в разных культурах, одно недавнее исследование представляет собой полезный пример влияния культуры.Опроса, который был проведен Шеклтон и Newell по сравнению выборе методов между Францией и Великобританией. Они обнаружили, что существует разительный контраст в ряде интервью, используемых в процессе отбора, с Францией, прибегая к более чем одному интервью гораздо чаще. Они также обнаружили, что в Великобритании было гораздо большую тенденцию к использованию панели интервью, чем во Франции, где один-на-один интервью являются нормой. Кроме того, в то время как почти 74 процентов компаний в Великобритании использовать рекомендации от предыдущих работодателей, лишь 11 процентов опрошенных компаний во Франции использовали их.
Упражнение 11
Дайте краткие письменные ответы на вопросы, связанные с отбором менеджеров для международных компаний:
Look at the teams within your organization. Static or fluid in nature - many have been assembled to handle tasks that are highly complex. To manage this complexity, individual team members bring a different combination of skills requiring a coordination of efforts. Effective communication skills play an important role in allowing individuals to maximize their strengths as well as minimize their weaknesses. This often directly impacts how successful an organization is in achieving their goals.
3. How can you measure interpersonal skills? Interpersonal skills are not currently being assessed in many basic communication courses. A major reason for this may be the lack of a valid and flexible assessment format. An extensive review of social skills research and the data from a previous study were used to generate a sample of 25 molecular behavioral items relevant to the domain of conversational skill. These items were then selected for use in developing an instructional version of an interpersonal skills assessment form. In the first study, the behavioral items were used in self‐report recalled conversation format, and were found to substantially and positively relate to motivation, knowledge, and molar impressions of self‐competence in communicating. In all, the behaviors themselves explained 36 percent of the variance in self‐rated competence. In the second study, the behavioral items were used by instructors to rate the performance of subjects observed in dyadic get‐acquainted conversations. The behavioral items explained over 64 percent of the variance in the molar impressions of students’ competence, although rater bias clearly affected the ratings. Analyses indicated that rater effects are identifiable, localized, and therefore, probably manageable. Discussion centered around future uses of the Conversational Skills Rating Scale in classrooms and research.