Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 30 Октября 2013 в 19:02, курсовая работа
Health, beauty and good mood is something that can not be bought at any price, but only can be create it self. In an effort to become a better sport helps a lot of people. On the shelves of the shops are more and more products with the words "do not contain GMOs", "fitness", etc. A healthy lifestyle is gaining popularity, media coverage, and becomes more and more attractive. Fitness involved many people who care about their own future, they want in 60 and 80 to be active and healthy.
Introduction 3
History of fitness in the world and Russia 3
General characteristics and structure of a specific international market 6
Definition and classification of Russian and Western fitness centers 7
The concept of "chain of fitness clubs" 11
The content of fitness clubs: trainers, group programs, additional services. 12
Ways to attract customers. 18
Conclusion. 20
References: 22
Appendix 23
Just more recently become popular workout TRX. The TRX Suspension Trainer is the original, best-in-class workout system that leverages gravity and one's bodyweight to perform hundreds of exercises. Person is in control of how much he wants to challenge himrself on each exercise - because he can simply adjust his body position to add or decrease resistance.
This equipment is quite expensive (one-strap around 3,000 rubles) and at first it can only deal with the coach, which also entails additional costs. For example, the services of a personal trainer in the network are from SPORTLIFE 6500rubley.
Group programs - it's a great opportunity to get and keep fit, lose weight, improve metabolism, strengthen the cardiovascular system, develop flexibility, balance and coordination, to get a lot of positive emotions!
All group classes vary in style, the focus and intensity.
Cardio - nothing like walking, running, jumping, cycling and other active physical exercise, stimulates the cardiovascular system, which directly helps to lose weight.
Aimed at developing and strengthening the muscle mass on particular muscle groups. Strength training contribute to "build" the missing volume in some places and in other weight loss, due to which there is a correction of body shape.
This high-intensity training. The components of interval training, tend to be: running, jumping, combined with Step-platform, strength training, boxing and other elements of martial arts. Interval programs are full of dynamics, power, emotion and energy. The main condition of interval training - alternating power and aerobic work, as well as the alternation of exercise intensity in the format of one lesson.
Trains are not separate muscle groups (both large and small), but also the deep muscles.
Thanks to them, the body performs the correct static and dynamic work, keeping the spine in the correct position, counteracting the forces of gravity.
Functional training affects the design and operation of the whole body and not only its parts. The result is an optimal human functioning.
The basic principle of functional training - adaptation to stress that determine the appearance of functional strength, flexibility, stability, balance, and coordination. This type of training - the perfect way to maximize your athletic performance as well.
For each person it is very important to be able to express themselves, and dance can do it in the most beautiful manner. A standard set of each club-etoLatina, Hip-HopandBellyDance. Recently, the popularity gained Zumba-mix Latina, Hip-Hopandaerobics.
These include Boxing, MixFight, Thai boxing, etc.
Additional services at the health club are all services. Provided for a fee. They are:
It should be noted that, for example, functional diagnostics, carried out in the network of clubs SPORTLIFE, for the first time is free and is included in the contract. The client has the right to pass it every year for free, and if he wants to go through it before, then it will already be a fee.
Price solarium fitness clubs are above average compared to other beauty or tanning studios. But it is better to follow them, because of the quality of services provided depends also, and customer loyalty to the company and the brand.
The price of a massage depends on several factors:
Price is determined by the child klmnaty in different clubs in different ways - parents pay or per hour or per visit, unlimited in time. In children's rooms sits teacher who looks after children, just a lot of toys and cartoons.
Fitness bar is often a third-party company, renting a place in the fitness center. Customers can purchase sports nutrition, as well as make an order for kaku is interesting products. Fitness bars reputation is just as important because it is the money of the firm. This involves education and training bartenders in order to enhance their skills
Basically, the desire of the customer to buy a club card is influenced by:
Indeed, one of the biggest complaints customers are technical problems in the clubs (water shortages, the bane of all new clubs), and service. That is why the main focus is to improve service. At a recent conference IHRSA keenly discussed the quality of service, staff training, motivation for improvement. Most networks are taking on interesting experience of foreign colleagues, where service industries developed much higher. Control aerikanskih and European clubs more closely follow tendentsyamifitnes industry, quickly react to them and as a result improve their company. Below is a list of the latest trends, compiled Committee IHRSA.
To do this, they have the necessary material means, free time, and most importantly - an incentive as long as possible to maintain their body healthy mind.
Given this trend, sports clubs are paying great attention to the development of specialized training programs for people age. A feature of such activities is to focus on their functional component.
As a result, work with elderly clients requires a new coaching staff skill levels. In this regard, the global fitness market there are training programs, workshops and seminars aimed at preparing professionals able to offer elderly clients with safe and effective fitness (Appendix 1)
The rapid spread of obesity among children in the background of the crisis of physical education in modern American schools forced the White House to decide on the promotion of a healthy lifestyle through a program of "Let'sMove!". This has a direct impact on the level of demand for the services of a fitness club, whose equipment and training programs tailored to the characteristics of the child's body.
WorldClass Russia took up this idea and for 5 months in different schools of Moscow led gymnastics coach of fitness clubs, free and specially designed programs. The survey of students showed that the lesson of physical culture has become so much more interesting, because the pitch was fun and lively.
In connection with this modern fitness clubs seeking to expand a list of suggested group activities, regularly introducing new items into your schedule. According to the 3024 North American clubs (members of IHRSA), continues to enjoy great success group cycling and outdoor-training program. Also, the popularity of weight training and a variety of dance classes (the most recent successful project has been recognized Zumba-a combination of energetic dance spectacular and intensive workout using classical movements of salsa, bachata, merengue, and the like.
The success of any sports club is impossible without taking into account the current trends fitness industry. However, do not forget that the time-tested exercises and equipment never lose its relevance.
Based on the 3024 North American clubs, IHRSA made a rating of the most popular exercises like using a variety of equipment, and without it:
The same chart was compiled, including not only the classes in the fitness and cardio rooms, as well as programs and group (Appendix 2)
Fitness clubs use a variety of techniques to attract their potential customersklby.
The effectiveness of such advertising has no expiration date, it is always relevant. When there is little money on advertising in the first place need to be more attentive to customers, relying not only on the extension of their own cards, but also to attract their friends. If a person is satisfied with the club, which he attends, if he sees a genuine interest in himself, he will recommend the club to friends, family and colleagues. And in this endeavor, it must be supported and encouraged. There are several basic ways: notify clients of the club on the shares held by the sales department; bonus when renewing a club card customer who brought his friends to the club, guest visits for the participants of in club events or an opportunity for the customer to bring his friend to club event. The indisputable advantage of these stocks is that it is formed by a community of people that have the same status in the society. In addition, access to the fitness center with friends is much more interesting.
Many health clubs now put forward proposals for competitive pay. From time to time the club announce discounts (usually no more than 15% of the cost of the card), offer special conditions for corporate customers, regular customers (discounts when renewing), seniors and children.
"Cross-promotion - is expanding its customer base through the exchange of target groups of two or more partner companies. This method of attracting new clients is an efficient and cost-effective. Costs are only required to manufacture promotional products. The only significant thing to consider is choosing the right partners. They should be with you in the same price segment and provide related services, that is, there should not be overlapping interests. For example, for fitness centers such partners can become health and beauty centers, restaurants, supermarkets, beauty salons, manufacturers of sports equipment, etc.
Without a budget on Internet advertising today is not able to do any one club. This budget does not have to be large. The Internet is important manufacturability. Internet - this is the most extensive field for promotional activities. If the fitness club has its own website, then you should definitely hire an IT-specialists, who will keep it in good condition. The site can be located any information. For example SPORTLIFE turned himself into a full-fledged information portal site, which in addition to the training schedule and the price of tickets, customers can find all the latest news, features, contests, see all the coaches (this is important, especially for those who are going to deal with individually), as well as read useful articles and watch training videos from a network of trainers.
In addition to the website, the company can soda accounts in social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte, InstagramandFoursquare, which are now so popular.
To attract customers, many fitness operators offer a list of services related not only to fitness, but also with leisure: the organization of the day of birth, children's events (FitnessHouse) corporate and tourist activities (WorldClass)
In the fitness industry one of the key competitive advantages is the staff of the fitness club, which is important to maintain the existing customer base. To have in the team winners of various international championships, presenters and professionals is a mandatory rule for large networks. Online clubs SPORTLIFE teaches international absolute champion body-fitness among women Lyudmila Somkina, master of sports of international class in boxing Igor AvanesyanIskanderCasimir who is world champion in arm-wrestling, and many others.
Stiff competition in the segment of business is already pushing clubs to use different marketing approaches, whether workshops of international fitness presenters, unique training programs or classes at the exclusive equipment (SPORTLIFE, WorldClass, Fizkult).
The dynamics of the fitness market plays into the hands of customers, they get more opportunities, high-quality service and excellent equipment. However, they are always ready to help coach the clubs that will prompt that it is better to do and how to train.
Now the industry is going in the new directions, towards the promotion of sports and healthy lifestyle. More and more, there are activities for community involvement in fitness. For example, WorldClass decided to start from children: for 5 months coachs of network conducted physical education classes, which are so unloved by many students. According to experts WorldClass and teachers recognized that children become more active and attend classes in the intact felt better during the school year.
Also, some network suit flash mobs and assist in the organization of urban sports events. Industry develops, and with it developed and the people who care about their health and beauty
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Информация о работе Marketing research of international market of fitness