Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 22 Мая 2013 в 17:50, курсовая работа
Данная работа исследует фразеологические единицы английского языка.
And one more point: free word combinations can never be polysemantic, while there are polysemantic phraseological units, e.g.
To be on the go 1. to be busy and active
2. to be leaving
3.to be tipsy
4.to be near one´s end
have done with 1. Make an end of
2. give up
3. reach the end of
Two types of synonymy are typical of phraseological units:
To leave no stone unturned = to move heaven and earth
To haul down colours=to ground arms
In free word combinations synonymy is based on the synonymy of particular words (an old man = elderly man).
To haul down colours = to surrender