The Right to Know Vocabulary

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Апреля 2013 в 20:31, реферат

Краткое описание

There is always an argument concerning whether or not to tell a terminally ill patient the
truth about his condition. The first vocabulary word that we have is the word Argument; it is
a noun meaning a discussion or a debate, like if you don’t agree with something you give your
opinion and you will start an argument about that matter.

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The Right to Know
Hello! Welcome to the vocabulary for the lesson “The Right to Know”
There is always an argument concerning whether or not to tell a terminally ill patient the
truth about his condition. The first vocabulary word that we have is the word Argument; it is
a noun meaning a discussion or a debate, like if you don’t agree with something you give your
opinion and you will start an argument about that matter. It is an oral disagreement or a verbal
opposition. Then we also have the word concerning, it is a preposition that means related to
something or about something. Moving on, we also have the phrase terminally ill patient; it
means that the person is in serious and severe illness. There is a possibility that the person will
die soon.
Many people say that patient with an incurable disease have the right to know that truth.
Patient is a person who is under a medical care or a person who is ill in the hospital. The next
word here is incurable; this is an adjective meaning not curable or cannot be cured, so the
illness of her husband will never be cured no matter how they treat him.
I feel qualified to comment because three days ago we had a memorial service for my
husband. The word qualified here is an adjective meaning to have the right to do something.
So the phrase qualified to comment is that she feels she has the right to express her opinion
about the matter. Comment on the other hand is a noun meaning opinion or interpretation. So
when you want to say anything about something it is a comment.
He was given six to twelve months to live—that was less than two months ago. In this
sentence, the doctor gave her husband only six to twelve months only to live, after those
months there is a possibility that the husband will die. This usually happens when you are
having a very serious illness and the doctor cannot cure you sickness anymore, so you will
soon die.

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After the initial shock, we made what time he had left count. In this sentence, we have the
word initial, in this phrase the word initial is used as an adjective which means occurring at
the beginning, so it happens at the start. Shock in this sentence is a noun which means sudden
and violent happenings, so initial shock means the first shock. The phrase we made what time
he had left count means while her husband was still alive they made him happy, they spent
time together and they cherished all the memories.
My husband was only 45 years old and he had never been sick so getting such news was hard
to take. This sentence means that the illness of her husband was not that easy for them to
accept because her husband is still young to suffer that kind of disease.
Seven of his longtime friends from five states came to visit us. The word longtime means it
has been happening for a long period of time, this friends could be his friends when her
husband was still in school or university, etc. So they went to their house and visit her
I cannot describe how much that meant to my husband. He accepted his impending death and
helped me plan the service. The word impending here is an adjective means about to happen
or will happen soon. Impending death means he will die soon and in this paragraph her
husband accepted that he will die soon and he was able to help his wife in the preparation for
his memorial service.
At 42, I wasn’t prepared to cope with it, but he gave strength to me and our children, 16 and
21. Number 42 here is the age of the wife when her husband died, so the wife was 42 and her
husband was 45 they have two children ages 16 and 21. Moving on, we also have the word
cope here; cope is a verb meaning to overcome your problems or difficulties. Like for example
if you are having a huge problem, you must deal with your problem you need to overcome it,
you need to solve your problem. Moreover, the word strength here is a noun meaning strong,
you are having a power a force or courage.
I am all for total honesty. I say, tell your loved one the truth. The phrase I am all for total
honesty means that she is for the truth. She doesn’t want to lie to her loved ones, if there is a
problem she will tell it to her loved ones because they have the right to know the truth.
The chances are that he knows it already. He can read it in the eyes of those he loves and who
are caring for him.

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1. Why does she think she is qualified to comment on this subject?
2. Why was the news so hard to take for his family?
3. Was she prepared to cope with the tragedy? How did she cope with it?
4. Do people usually know the truth about their illness? How?
5. Do you think the patient has the right to know their illness? Why?
6. If one of your family members had a terminal illness, would you tell the truth?
7. Do you think it is always better to tell the patient the truth?
8. If you had just six months to live, what would you do?
9. What are some diseases that are incurable?
10. Would you want that your friends will visit you if you have an impending death?
11. How would you accept an impending death?
Additional Questions
1. Her husband has what?
Her husband has an incurable disease.
2. Who felt qualified to comment?
The wife felt qualified to comment.
3. She felt qualified to comment about what?
She felt qualified to comment about telling the truth to patients who have incurable disease.
4. Her husband was given how many months to live?
He was given 6 to 12 months to live.
5. What did they do after the initial shock?
They made what time he had left count.
6. What do you mean by the phrase “we made what time he had left count”?
It means that they will spend more time with the patient and love him more, cherished the
memory together.
7. How old was her husband when he got sick?
He was 45 years old.
8. How many friends visited them?
Seven friends visited them.

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9. What did her husband accepted?
He accepted his impending death.
10. Her husband also helped her in what?
Her husband helped her plan the service.
11. How old was his wife when her husband died?
She was 42 years old.
12. How many children do they have?
They have 2 children.
13. What was she not prepared?
She wasn’t prepared to cope with the situation.
14. What did her husband gave her and his children?
He gave them strength.
15. How old were his children?
They are 16 and 21 years old.
16. What did they do together?
They cope together.
17. Who is for total honesty?
The wife is for total honesty.
18. What do we need to tell our loved one?
We need to tell them the truth.

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