The American System of Government

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Апреля 2014 в 19:51, реферат

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The United States of America today is a federation, or association, of states The fifty states of the USA make one independent nation But before 1776, the King of England ruled thirteen colonies in America The colonists were angry with the King because of taxes1 and in 1775 they started the war for their independence from England The colonists won the war and then the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and signed by the leaders of the former colonies in Philadelphia on July 4,1776 Thus, a new nation was born and another name for July 4th is Independence Day.

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The American System of Government

The United States of America today is a federation, or association, of states The fifty states of the USA make one independent nation But before 1776, the King of England ruled thirteen colonies in America The colonists were angry with the King because of taxes1 and in 1775 they started the war for their independence from England The colonists won the war and then the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and signed by the leaders of the former colonies in Philadelphia on July 4,1776 Thus, a new nation was born and another name for July 4th is Independence Day.

As the United States grew, more states joined the union The last two states to join were Alaska and Hawaii Each state has its own name, more than half of which have names of American Indian origin Each state has a flag with colours that have a special meaning for the state and is the symbol of the state.

About 250 million people live in the USA The people of the USA come from all over the world They often named some American cities after where they came from For example, in the United States you find Paris, Rome, Delhi, and Frankfurt.

The USA as a union of states is ruled by the federal government whose power is limited by the Constitution All other powers belong to individual states The federal government has three branches: the legislative, the executive and the judicial Each branch has some control over the other two branches.

The legislative branch is called Congress It consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives There are 100 senatorstwo from each state and 435 representatives; their number from each state depends on the size of the state's population.

The executive branch consists of the President, the Vice President, the Cabinet and the thirteen Departments The President has the power to reject any bill of Congress He also appoints all Supreme Court Justices According to the US Constitution, a President must be elected every four years and can serve only two terms This became law in 1951 Before that, the law was different In fact, Franklin Roosevelt had been President for 12 years since 1933 till 1945.

The US President is not chosen by a direct vote of the people He is elected by the Electoral College which is made of 538 electors It means that the candidate who wins a state's popular vote usually gets all of the state's electoral votes The election is always held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

Traditionally, the candidates belong to one of the two main political parties: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party The Republicans tend to be more conservative and have more support among the upper classes The Democrats tend to be more liberal and have more support among the working class people.

The first President of the USA was George Washington Presidents of the USA were different people Among its 43 Presidents twenty-two were lawyers, four soldiers, four farmers, four teachers, two writers, two busi nessmen, one tailor, and one actor Eight of them did not have a college education.

The White House, the official home of the US President, was not built in time for George Washington, its first President, to live in Its construction was begun in 1792 and it was ready for its first resident, President John Adams in 1800.

The judicial branch of the national government consists of the Supreme Court, eleven Circuit Courts of Appeals, and ninety-four District Courts This branch explains and interprets laws and makes decisions in lawsuits It has power over the other two branches because it can declare their law and actions unconstitutional.

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