Seasons and weather in our parts

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Апреля 2013 в 11:21, реферат

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Winter begins in November, but we have the first snow and frosts already in October. Winters are quite cold here. The temperature can fall down to 35-40 degrees bellow zero. We have much snow. The river freezes. But Arkhangelsk is a port with all-the-years round navigation. Ice-breakers make channels for the ships to pass. But not all winters are typical. Sometimes it is abnormally warm (it is above 0). Snow and ice melt. There are even floods. It is a real disaster for people in villages when water comes to their houses. It happens due to global climate change.

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Seasons and weather in our parts

We live in the north west of Russia, not far from the White Sea, from the Arctic. We have 4 seasons: winter, summer, autumn, spring.


Winter begins in November, but we have the first snow and frosts already in October. Winters are quite cold here. The temperature can fall down to 35-40 degrees bellow zero. We have much snow. The river freezes. But Arkhangelsk is a port with all-the-years round navigation. Ice-breakers make channels for the ships to pass. But not all winters are typical. Sometimes it is abnormally warm (it is above 0). Snow and ice melt. There are even floods. It is a real disaster for people in villages when water comes to their houses. It happens due to global climate change.



Summer is very short, just 2-3 months: half of June, July and half of August. In summer we never have a guarantee for nice weather.

Summers are different every year. Sometimes it is hot and dry. Then we have forest fires, it is very dangerous for villages and settlements they can be destroyed by fire, people lose their houses. Besides there is a problem of smoke in the cities. The river can dry and become shallow. It is a problem for navigation.

Sometimes summer is rainy and grey and cool (t =14-15 o). Many people go to the south (to warm places) for holidays to the Black and Azov Seas, to Egypt, Turkey. People travel, go to fishing, lazy in the sun and yet sun tanned, go to swimming and bathing. But the water in the river is very dirty, it is polluted by the industry. In the White Sea water is often ice, cold and besides it is very shallow. The beach is dirty. People play football and beach volleyball. People go to hiking to the forests. But there are a lot of mosquitoes there. People go to their dachas work in the gardens, grow vegetables, berries, etc. Young people do roller-skating and cycling. People drink a lot of beer.



Autumn begins in September. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. The leaves turn yellow, red and brown and fall to the ground. Most birds fly away to warm countries. There is a short spell of dry sunny weather in September which is called Indian Summer. It is a beautiful time when the sky is cloudless, the trees around are golden, the air is transparent and it is still warm. September is also rich in fruit and all kinds of vegetables. It gets colder towards the end of September, and mists and drizzle begin. In October we have some really chilly days.



In March it gets warmer and warmer. The sun becomes hotter and brighter. The days grow longer, the snow and ice gradually melt away. Spring comes and nature awakens to new life after its winter sleep. The air is fresh. All kinds of plants and flowers appear. The ground is covered with bright-green grass, and first flowers, the trees are full blossom. Birds return to the North from their winter stay in the South and start building their nests. The days are warm.

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