Press in Britain

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 30 Октября 2013 в 08:02, творческая работа

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Compilation of the first printed messages attributed to Lord Burle in 1588 , when the Spanish armada appeared at the English coast . They had the characteristic features of newspapers and published under the title " English Merkur ".
The reliability of these data is very controversial , since more accurate information about the " English Mercury" have not survived , and seven newspapers , three and four printed manuscript held in the British Museum , and long considered the true copy of the " English Mercury" in 1839 were recognized as fraudulent , thanks to research Mr. Watts , the librarian of the British Museum .

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Golovchun Maxim




    • "... The British press has served us, the politicians, reliable leader, through it we learn about the desires and ideas of the nation. If the press did not fulfill these two critical functions, it would not deserve our respect. Let it be the motto of our journalists: «Be just and fear not!» (Truthfully and fearlessly!), Because only through this rare quality English newspapers are so high compared with the rest. " 
      Lord Rosberri
    • These days, the English press - one of the most powerful institutions in the country . Daily editions of the major newspapers of London are significant, some go up to a million copies. 
      The influence of the press in the national life of unparalleled : big ( "responsible " as they proudly call themselves ) express the opinion of the newspaper with great precision and clarity . 
      However, the British press - only representative of public opinion , and not its chairwoman . " The British public considers himself the supreme court , and newspapers out of respect for the sovereignty of public opinion to accept the role of subordinate judges, which is definitely not allowed impolite and rude contact with the defendant or knock him off ..."


Birth of the British press


    • Compilation of the first printed messages attributed to Lord Burle in 1588 , when the Spanish armada appeared at the English coast . They had the characteristic features of newspapers and published under the title " English Merkur ". 
      The reliability of these data is very controversial , since more accurate information about the " English Mercury" have not survived , and seven newspapers , three and four printed manuscript held in the British Museum , and long considered the true copy of the " English Mercury" in 1839 were recognized as fraudulent , thanks to research Mr. Watts , the librarian of the British Museum . 
      At the beginning of the XVII century, the printed sheets volatile considerably multiplied, and in 1622 in London had the first real newspaper founded by the originator of written statements Nathaniel Butterom called «The Certain of this Present Week». But prevailed in the last years of
    • First commercial announcement in the press, which is able to be advertising, was published September 30, 1658 , and it was advertised in the tea. 


. According to King Charles II, he alone had the right to publish  
political news. On this basis, all the newspapers were expressly prohibited , with the exception of the royal censor based Roger L'Estranzhem in 1663 «Intelligencer», coming out later twice a week under the name " London newspaper ." 
Since 1715 began to appear «London Post», founded by Mr. Harris and acquire yourself immortal fame with the publication of the novel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe ". 
In the second half of the XVIII century there was the first opposition newspaper «Public Advertiser», from 1769 to 1772 years to print the famous " 69 Letters of Junius ," in which with unprecedented boldness ridiculed the government of George II, and the identity of the author , in spite of all the efforts of the authorities, remained unknown . Subsequently , this issue has long caused controversy among historians. It is likely that the author of this brilliant apology for freedom was Sir Philip Francis . Thanks to the publication of "Letters Junius ' edition « Public Advertiser » increased by 3,500 copies , reaching the number of 7000 copies daily . 

The era of giants  


    • Along with political newspapers in the beginning of the XVIII century, was born and the other branch of English journalism in the form of so -called moral weeklies engaged initially on culture , whipping bad manners and tastes and are willing to indulge in philosophical arguments about God and the immortality of the soul. 
      The first of the weekly «The Tatler» (« The interviewee ") appeared in 1709 , edited by Richard Steele . Fictitious employee of the newspaper , the great English writer and satirist Jonathan Swift face , "Isaac Bikerstaf , Esq ," reasoned here about all the issues , to enjoy the attention of society : the monstrous outfits ladies, the military adventures of the Duke of Marlborough , Isaac Newton's conception of the world , etc. Mr. articles "Isaac Bikerstafa, Esquire", distinguished by great sense of humor, just ensured numerous magazine subscribers. In March 1713 Genre began publishing a new journal, «The Guardian» («Watcher"), which was successfully published to this day, being one of the most respected political newspapers UK. 
      A few decades after «The Guardian» has another authoritative newspaper published to this day, - «Morning Post». Its founder, the priest Henry Baer,


However, in 1785 at the «Morning Post» has its first serious competitor - «Daily Universal Register». In 1788, this new edition of the successful received its present name - «Times» - 
The founder of the «Times» was publisher John Walter , who created an exemplary technical organization of the newspaper. His son , John Walter , Jr. , who edited the newspaper from 1803, was not only a great editor , but also a visionary politician. 
In 1846 , on the basis of joint-stock company with the largest capital reserve was based newspaper «Daily News». Is an associate editor was assigned to the famous novelist Charles Dickens . In its program , the newspaper demanded civil equality and freedom of conscience, democratic legislation , reform schools and hotly defended all the cardinal points of English liberalism . But its expectations were not realized. Dickens did not detect the proper insight and ingenuity in matters of policy , and , as editor, he rose to the occasion , soon passing a newspaper in the other hand. 

The agency Reuters


      Central News agency of news for the British press agency Reuters is founded in 1851, when the telegraph began to spread . Israel Beer Yozefat , who later became Paul Julius , Baron von Reuter , invented the first transfer stock news by telegraph from Paris to London. The cable was laid on the bottom of the English Channel . 
      The story is nice and well known agencies : Reuters first conveyed the news of the death of Abraham Lincoln, the first to open an office in the Far East and South America, was the first to report the news on the radio. To avoid the pressure of the government during the Second World War , the agency has restructured , has closed a private company , which owned the British national and provincial newspapers, issued shares on the stock exchange until 1984 . Now , Reuters has become transnational.

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