Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Ноября 2012 в 17:53, курсовая работа
Политическая система является одной из подсистемы общества, и играть существенной роли в нашей жизни.
Термин политическая система ссылается на признанный набор процедур для осуществления и получения целей группы.
Каждое общество должно иметь политической системы в целях поддержания признали процедур выделения ценных ресурсов. В политолог Гарольд Лассуэлл автора (1936) условия, политика, кто получает что, когда и как. Таким образом, как религия и семья, политическая система является универсальной культурной, это социальный институт, в каждом обществе.
Введение ...................................................... ......................... 2
ПИТАНИЕ ........................................................................... ......... 3
ВИДЫ ВЛАСТИ ............................................................ 4
Виды государственной ......................................................... 5
МОДЕЛИ структуры власти в США ............ 8
Заключение ............................................................ ................... 13
Резюме статьи ................................................................. 15
Each society must have a political system in order to have recognized procedures for the allocation of valued resources—in Harold D. Lasswell’s terms, for deciding who gets what, when, and how. We have examined various types of political authority and forms of government and explores the dimensions of the American political system.
Summary of the article
The article is headlined “Government and politics” (Государство и политика). This article comes from site www.articlesbase.come. The author of the text is Michael Newman, writer and economist. The article gives detailed information on different political systems and politics as a power. The author starts by saying that political system is one of the subsystem of society and that it plays powerful role in society.
Firstly the author makes it clear that power is at the heart of all political system. He says that there are three basic sources of power: force, influence and authority.
Further on he mentions that there are 5 basic types of government(monarchy, oligarchy, dictatorship, totalitarism and democracy) and gives brief description of all of these.
Also the author gives some examples, illustrating power structure in the USA. He enumerates basic models of political structure: Elite Model, The power Elite, The Ruling Class, Pluralist Model.
At the end of the article it is pointed out that power relations can involve large organizations or small groups. The author takes note of powerful role of law in the USA.
The author comes to the conclusion that each society must have a political system in order to have recognized procedures for the allocation of valued resources.
The article is of use for political scientists, sociologists and people who are involved in political life of society.