Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Октября 2013 в 20:33, контрольная работа
… was born in …, Kazakhstan …, 1990. He was born in the family of ordinary workers. His mother, Larissa was a very hard-working and intelligent woman. For keeping the family and help her husband with paying bills, she worked at three jobs same time. His father, Andrew, was an ordinary miner. He was conservative in his views, but despite of this, he was quite modern in communicating with his son. Dmitry grew up in a very modern and free communication family. He was brought up quite correctly, that in the future affect his career and professional growth.
… was born in …, Kazakhstan …, 1990. He was born in the family of ordinary workers. His mother, Larissa was a very hard-working and intelligent woman. For keeping the family and help her husband with paying bills, she worked at three jobs same time. His father, Andrew, was an ordinary miner. He was conservative in his views, but despite of this, he was quite modern in communicating with his son. Dmitry grew up in a very modern and free communication family. He was brought up quite correctly, that in the future affect his career and professional growth.
In 2014, he graduated …. Also, this year, he won the Green Card, thus providing him and his family a great future. In 2015, Dmitry moved to Los Angeles, California. There he bought a small house in the West- Hollywood, which was burned sooner by his competitors.
In 2016, Dmitry quit his job and took out a loan to start a business. On the taken money, he built a French Restaurant and gathered the best chefs of the West Coast. Later, in 2021, he opened a chain of restaurants throughout the west-coast . By 2025, under his direction were the top 30 French restaurants.
In 2026 he organized a fund for the maintenance of his restaurants, and the management company . In 2027, the management company absorbed the fine network of French restaurants East Coast . This was the first serious mistake Dimitriy. From 2027 to 2030, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. Dmitry was considering options of sale the company.
During these years he started drunk and even using drugs. However, in 2029 at a bank , where he asked for another loan, he met his future wife.
Fiona Goode was 27 years old. She was quite rich and self-sufficient woman. October 29 2029, Fiona and Dmitry announced about their engagement. They were married on November 21 of the same year. In 2030, they created a common family fund, so the company was able to get out of the crisis and regain its top position.
In 2035 Dmitry overcame a passion for drugs and alcohol after the course of treatment and rehabilitation. In 2037 they had a son Evan, and two years later a daughter Kate.
Dmitry died at age 54 of a heart attack in his office, in 2047.