Иностранный язык в моей жизни и моей будущей карьере

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 14 Сентября 2013 в 15:16, реферат

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There are many different languages in the world. Some of them are spoken spread all over the world. There are languages that are very difficult to learn, others are very easy. I think learning foreign language is not an easy task and it takes a lot of time and effort.
English is one of the most important languages nowadays. This language is becoming more and more popular and now it is hard to live without knowing it.

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There are many different languages in the world. Some of them are spoken spread all over the world. There are languages that are very difficult to learn, others are very easy. I think learning foreign language is not an easy task and it takes a lot of time and effort.

English is one of the most important languages nowadays. This language is becoming more and more popular and now it is hard to live without knowing it.

There are many reasons, why we begin to study foreign languages. One studies a foreign language to be able to communicate with other people who speak this language, other study it for future career.

Everyone asks when it is better to start studying. It is easy when you a child. You are open for knowledge and you think more about learning than about other problems. When you are an adult it isn’t so easy. It requires much patience, time, efforts.

I have been studying the English language since the first class. I treated the English language carelessly from the 5th to the 9th class. I changed my attitude to the English language in the 10 class . I began to do my homeworks well and I began to go to the tutor. I also began to study English myself at home in my spare time. My favourite subjects at school were mathematics and English. My teachers were well-educated people with broad outlook and deep knowledge of the subjects. They encouraged me in my desire to become an economist. I didn't make a blind choice. It was not a sudden flash either.

I always wanted to become an economist because like to read books of economics, research articles and analyze them . Nowadays this profession has become one of the most useful, modern and interesting.   It is very important for a specialist in business matters to be a skilful user of computers and to speak at least one foreign language. It should better be English as it is the most popular language of international business communication. You'll be able to follow business developments in the world by listening to radio and TV news, by reading newspapers or magazines, or by getting in contact with your business partners abroad.

So, I’ll do everything to become a good economist and I’m sure I’ll never regret my decision to follow this career.

Personally, I think that to know foreign languages today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist. So let`s to learn foreign languages and discover with them many interesting things in our life!


Министерство  сельского хозяйства и продовольствия

Республики  Беларусь

Учреждение  образования

«Белорусский  государственный аграрный технический  университет»




кафедра иностранных языков №2





УСРС на тему:

«Иностранный язык в моей жизни и моей будущей карьере»



                                                          Модуль № 1




Выполнила  студентка 1 курса

Факультета ФПУ

                                                                                                               Группы 97эо

                                                                                                                   Яхимович А.Б.



Минск 2013

Ключевые слова:


  • to research - изучать, исследовать
  • to regret - сожалеть
  • task – задача
  • tutor – репетитор
  • skillful – умелый
  • follow – следить
  • abroad – за границей
  • spread –распространение
  • to be able – иметь возможность
  • require – требовать
  • attitude – отношение
  • outlook – кругозор
  • deep – глубокий
  • encourage - поощрять




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