Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Декабря 2013 в 01:15, реферат
Family plays a very important role in our life, no doubt. And, of course, the happier we are in our family life, the more successful we are in professional spheres. English people say: not every house can be called home! And it is true! Your home is your castle! The place where you can hide from the difficulties and problems of the day, the place, where you can feel at ease, the place, where you can be yourself.If house can exist without family, home- never. Home should be filled with smiles and laughing of children and their parents, heart-talks of close people and happy faces. There are different kinds of families: big and small families, with the only child and with the crowd of children.
Family relationships
Family plays a very important role in our life, no doubt. And, of course, the happier we are in our family life, the more successful we are in professional spheres. English people say: not every house can be called home! And it is true! Your home is your castle! The place where you can hide from the difficulties and problems of the day, the place, where you can feel at ease, the place, where you can be yourself.If house can exist without family, home- never. Home should be filled with smiles and laughing of children and their parents, heart-talks of close people and happy faces. There are different kinds of families: big and small families, with the only child and with the crowd of children. Families, where there are siblings and their parents, families with half-brothers and sisters, stepmothers and stepfathers, foster parents and foster children, families who live with grandparents or without them, with uncles and aunts and many others, families which stand out in a crowd and typical families. There different kinds of marriages also: there can be marriage of convenience, marriage between two old friends, marriage made by love or love match, marriage made on the internet and unregistered marriage, when the two live in common law. For me personally the ideal family is where parents love each other and their children, where you can rely on and confide in your relatives, where you can hand all your problems over and cry on somebody`s shoulder, because you fell tired and need to relax. Of course, there is no ideal family. You know old proverb: all happy families are happy in the same way, all unhappy families are unhappy differently. I think so too. In some families problem can be in spouses, you know, when they are getting round each other or taking in. And I think they are not happy, however, every person has his own perversion. Maybe they enjoy doing it and in such a way they liven their marriage up. In other families both of the spouses have their own way and that makes them pick on each other, because both of them are getting on about their work all the time! And finally they risk to drop out of their marriage. There are also couples were both of the spouses try to keep yourself to yourself and they don`t want to share their ideas and problems with each other, because both of them are too self-confident and independent and have a mind of their own. There are number of other families, because there is a family skeleton in each home. But I think it takes all sorts to make a world.Family life is not an easy thing, of course, and you are to work hard to be happy in your marriage. You can not just tie the knot and be sure that it is the happy end, because real life has just started after you did it. If you want to be head over heels in love and wear your heart on your sleeve all your life, you should not be selfish and egoistic, you should be frank, open and sincere, and more than that you should be diligent and hard-working. That is true that all`s fair in love and war but you should remember also that honesty is the best policy and if you want to be happy you should be honest first of all. That doesn`t mean of course that you should see things in black and white and always speak your mind openly, because then you can hurt other people`s feeling. But if you want to get the top in happy family life you should try to put yourself in other people`s shoes, not to show off and to be in the public all the time.I think that ideal family is the family of 5 people: parents and 3 kids. When there is the only child in the family (s)he always feels anole or takes too much care because he is an apple of his parent`s eye. And generally (s)he can grow and egoistic, arrogant and selfish. And when there are 3 children they learn to defend and to share with each other from the early childhood. More than that, they learn how to look after each other and to keep an eye on the youngest ones. These kids will never be lazy or idle and of course they will not become selfish and egoistic.
As for me I was brought up in a family of …………….