Develop mechanisms to ensure the quality of the university

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 22 Октября 2014 в 10:50, реферат

Краткое описание

As in most countries of the world system to provide educational services in the Republic of Kazakhstan is a collection of interacting components:
- successive educational programs and state educational standards and orientation at various levels ;
network realizing their educational institutions, regardless of their organizational and legal forms , types and species;
- education authorities and their subordinate agencies and organizations .


1 Scientific fundamentals of quality management
1.1 Methodological approaches to quality management of higher education
1.2 Quality education - as a factor of sustainable socio-economic development of the country
1.3 International experience evaluating the performance of schools
2 Analysis and evaluation of the development of higher education in Kazakhstan
2.1 Status of the higher education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan
2.2 Analysis of models of quality management of higher education
2.3 State control and promotion of vocational education
3 Develop mechanisms to ensure the quality of the university
3.1 Socio- economic assessment of the attractiveness of the university
3.2 Internal quality assurance activities of the university

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