Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 10 Октября 2013 в 15:56, реферат
Today, we haven’t country or society where social groups and individuals are seen as closed and all-sufficient phenomena. They are included in the general mutual relations and intersectionality. Universal interconnection, intersectionality and relationships are natural highly complicated and conflicting processes of globalization. Globalization - is general and all-round process of cultural, ideological and economic integration of Government, state associations, national and ethnic unity, which is an accompanying phenomenon of modern civilization. Countries and peoples of the world exist in conditions of growing interaction. The accelerated rates of development of civilization and the progress of the historical processes have raised the question of the inevitability of global relationships on their deepening, strengthening and liquidation isolation countries and peoples.
Ministry of education and sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakh -Аmerican University
Department of general sciences and the humanities
Speciality: Theory and practice intercultural of communication
Cultural Globalization in Kazakhstan
Аlmaty, 2013
Today, we haven’t country or society where social groups and individuals are seen as closed and all-sufficient phenomena. They are included in the general mutual relations and intersectionality. Universal interconnection, intersectionality and relationships are natural highly complicated and conflicting processes of globalization. Globalization - is general and all-round process of cultural, ideological and economic integration of Government, state associations, national and ethnic unity, which is an accompanying phenomenon of modern civilization. Countries and peoples of the world exist in conditions of growing interaction. The accelerated rates of development of civilization and the progress of the historical processes have raised the question of the inevitability of global relationships on their deepening, strengthening and liquidation isolation countries and peoples.
Insularity and isolation from the world in own limits which was ideal society of the agrarian type. For a modern society characterized the type of person who eternally transgresses the established boundaries and acquires new appearance always movable primarily motives of updates and changes. The next historical processes determined the increasing convergence of the peoples and countries. The following historical processes determined the increasing convergence of the peoples and countries. These processes covered more and more space and conditioned the general historical progress and a new stage of internationalization. Today, globalization has become a process of building a new unity of the world, leading the direction of which is the intensive spread of economy, politics and culture of the developed countries in the multiform area of increasing and backward countries. These extensive processes are mostly voluntary. The general process of globalization to the cause necessary and deep changes in the rapprochement and mutual cooperation of nations and states. The general process of globalization is causing the necessary and deep changes in the rapprochement and mutual cooperation of nations and states. This is followed is a process of rapprochement and unification of the standard living and quality. The world comes together to resolve inter-state or local regional problems. Mutual rapprochement and integration are accompanied by processes that can be dangerous to the identity of minority peoples and nationalities. Here it means establishment of the norms and standards, which still day remains a problem for developed countries.
The concept – Culture
Culture - historically a certain level of development of society and the individual, expressed in the types and forms of organization of human and life of activity. The concept of culture used to characterize the material and spiritual level of development of certain historical periods, socioeconomic formations, specific societies, peoples and nations (eg, ancient culture, the culture maya), as well as specific areas of activity or life (work culture, fine arts, culture life). In a narrower means, the term "culture" refers only to the sphere of spiritual life of people. In ordinary consciousness "culture" serves as a collective image that combines art, religion, science, etc. It is culture that distinguishes humans from all other creatures.
Thus, the culture - it's all material and immaterial products of human activity, values and recognized patterns of behavior, objectified and accepted in all communities is transmitted to other communities and future generations.
Globalization culture in the Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is the ninth biggest
country in the world. It has its own traditions and identity. Also my country is an economically independent country.
It has faced a problem of globalization for the last thirty years. Globalizations
have some negative and positive effects on my country.
Negative effects appeared in economy and culture. Globalization has
destroyed an industrial section of economy. Many manufacturing facilities
were closed. A lot of workers were forced to change their professional
fields. In present time the extractive industry depends of developed
countries. It forced to use only those technologies which were supplied
by developed countries. Moreover, the extractive manufacturers had to
undersign on disadvantageous contracts with their partners. Also, Kazakhstan
had a big problem with brain drain. For last thirty years a lot of talented
scientists have left their country. This process slowed down the growth
economy because country forfeited of its own know-hows. Globalization
in the Kazakhstan had strong influence on the culture. People from big
cities of Kazakhstan prefer to eat the same food as the Europeans. But
this kind of food is greatly different from Kazakh cuisine. For example,
people prefer to buy pizza or hamburger rather than plov or manty. Our
teenagers don't know own cinematography. They watch only American or
European movies. If you see people in the any of biggest cities in other
country you should be think, that it is one of the European cities.
They wear jeans and suits. In addition, if we take the women’s who
lived thirty years ago, that we saw they didn't wear jeans or smth like
that, because it was disturbed their religion. Also changed and language.
Many youth of Kazakhstan doesn’t know their own language. They prefer
to learn English and Russian because they cannot find a good job without
these skills.
However, Kazakhstan has received some positive advantages
from globalization in economy and culture. Globalization has aided a
growth of modern house building. In our days many Kazakh people can
live in comfortable apartments, than it was in past times. Every year
salary grows up. Many new factories were opened for last thirty years.
Foreign owners were ready to pay bigger salary to good workers than
they paid in past. Now people can buy cars, but before it was very
difficult. People hadn’t money and choice for buy the car. Now, our
streets are so rich with different kinds of cars. Globalization has
had positive effects on culture. A lot of Youth Kazakhs learn in foreign
universities. They became more experienced specialists then their fathers.
Household activities have changed very much. Now, we have a lot of mechanical
assistants at home. They made our life easier and comfortable than before.
Also, we have more time for vacation and chance for travelling. Before
our people couldn't travel to any point of the world. Now, economy of
Kazakhstan is growing and people earn enough money for travelling.
Kazakhstan has experience
new period in its life. This time is difficult but useful for my motherland.
Globalization is necessary process in the world, but each country, not
only Kazakhstan, has both some benefits and some weaknesses.
1. Морева Любава Михайловна, к.филос.н., проф., программный специалист по культуре Бюро ЮНЕСКО в г. Москве.
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