Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Января 2013 в 20:23, курсовая работа
Accounting has been defined as “the process or art of recording and verifying accounts”. This in itself is not very informative. More helpful would be to review accountancy in much broader terms as a database of information about the activities of an organization which is expressed in monetary terms. It must answer three important questions:
Accounting has been defined as “the process or art of recording and verifying accounts”. This in itself is not very informative. More helpful would be to review accountancy in much broader terms as a database of information about the activities of an organization which is expressed in monetary terms. It must answer three important questions:
The information required is concerned with profits, growth, liquidity and solvency which is needed in order to help effective decision -making. The role of the accountant is to record and account for transactions over a period of time and to communicate or report the resulting information.
Who requires the financial information? Two groups, one internal and one external, are interested in the performance of an organization. The internal group is comprised of the owners, managers and employees. Owners, both existing and potential, want to know how their investment has performed and what its future prospects are. Managers require financial information in order to review the success of past decisions and to help formulate and control future plans. Finally, the employees are interested with respect to job security and the company's ability to meet pay claims. The external group includes the government and creditors. The government requires financial information to verify tax liabilities and creditors are interested in order to assess the creditworthiness of the organization.
With all these needs to satisfy, what form should the information take? The volume and detail of business information is so immense that whatever form is chosen it must be condensed. In this unit we will look at the three principal statements: the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement or Profit and Loss Account and the Funds Flow Statement.
Discuss the following points.
1. Accountancy has two distinct branches: Financial Accounting and Management Accounts. Which one accounts for the past?
2. Which one aids the planning and control of present and future events?
8.2 Look through the following vocabulary notes which will help you understand the text and discuss the topic.
financial accounting |
финансовый учет |
to verify |
сверять, сличать |
accountancy |
бухгалтерская отчетность, делопроизводство |
an accountant |
бухгалтер с управленческими функциями |
accounting |
бухгалтерский учет |
accountancy profession |
бухгалтерское дело, учетные работники, бухгалтеры |
bookkeeping |
бухгалтерия, счетоводство |
an account |
счет, отчет |
to account for smth |
отчитываться о ч/л |
liquidity |
ликвидность |
solvency |
платежеспособность |
to communicate information |
сообщать информацию |
to report information |
предоставлять отчет, докладывать |
prospects |
перспективы |
to meet pay claims |
удовлетворять требования о выплатах |
tax liabilities |
налоговые обязательства |
liabilities |
обязательства |
current/short-term liabilities |
текущие/краткосрочные обязательства |
long-term liabilities |
долгосрочные обязательства |
assets |
активы |
current/short-term assets |
краткосрочные/текущие активы |
fixed assets |
долгосрочные/необоротные активы |
(in)tangible assets |
(не)материальные активы |
to assess |
оценивать |
assessment |
оценка |
creditworthiness |
кредитоспособность |
condensed |
сжато выраженный |
the Balance Sheet |
Балансовый отчет |
the Income Statement or Profit and Loss Account |
Отчет о прибылях и убытках |
the Funds Flow Statement |
Отчет о движении средств |
the Cash Flow Statement |
Отчет о движении наличных средств |
the Directors' Report |
Отчет совета директоров |
the Chairman's Statement |
Отчет председателя |
the Auditor's Report |
Аудиторский отчет |
the Annual Report |
Годовой отчет |
Notes to the Accounts |
примечания/пояснения к отчетности |
Statistical Tables |
Статистические таблицы |
the Added Value Statement |
Отчет о добавленной стоимости |
accounting concepts |
учетные принципы |
accounting conventions |
методы и процедуры учетной практики |
an assumption |
допущение, предпосылка |
going concern |
принцип непрерывности деятельности предприятия |
consistency |
принцип постоянства (применения учетных методов) |
accruals |
начисления |
matching concept |
принцип соответствия |
prudence and conservatism |
консерватизм |
realization principle |
принцип реализации |
revenue |
выручка, доход |
cost |
стоимость, себестоимость |
rules of thumb |
«на глазок», из опыта, приближенно |
objectivity |
объективность |
separate entity |
самостоятельная хозяйственная единица |
a legal person |
юридическое лицо |
money measurement |
принцип денежного выражения |
historic cost |
первоначальная стоимость |
to be valued at cost |
оцениваться по себестоимости |
to fall/decrease in value |
понизиться в стоимости |
depreciated/written down in value |
списанный, обесцененный |
double-entry |
двойная запись |
an entry |
проводка, запись |
a posting |
разноска хозяйственных операции по счетам бухгалтерского учета |
a transaction |
хозяйственная операция |
the code of practice |
кодекс профессиональной этики |
professional accountancy bodies |
профессиональные бухгалтерские организации |
a 'true and fair view' |
достоверное и объективное представление |
performance |
результаты деятельности |
to own |
владеть |
to owe |
быть должным |
Shareholders' funds/capital |
акционерный капитал |
limited liability companies |
Share capital |
складочный капитал |
Ordinary Share Capital |
складочный капитал в форме обыкновенных акций |
part ownership |
Authorized Share Capital |
объявленный уставный капитал, разрешенный к выпуску акционерный капитал |
Issued Share Capital |
выпущенный акционерный капитал, выпущенные акции |
equity |
собственный, чистый капитал |
reserves |
фонды, резервы |
share premiums |
надбавка к номинальной стоимости акций |
revaluations |
переоценка |
retained profits |
нераспределенная прибыль |
to be due |
подлежать |
debentures |
долговые обязательства |
the balance sheet date |
дата составления Баланса |
bank overdraft |
банковский овердрафт |
dividends payable |
дивиденды к оплате |
goodwill |
гудвил, цена фирмы, деловая репутация компании |
vehicles |
транспортные средства |
stocks/inventories |
товарно-материальные запасы |
debtors/accounts receivable |
дебиторская задолженность, счета к получению |
creditors/accounts payable |
кредиторская задолженность, счета к оплате |
cash |
денежные средства |
the trading account |
торговое сальдо |
the profit and loss account |
отчет о прибылях и убытках |
the appropriation account |
счет распределения прибылей |
sales revenue/turnover |
выручка от продаж |
cost of goods sold |
себестоимость реализованной продукции |
direct labor |
прямые затраты на оплату труда производственных рабочих |
production overheads |
производственные накладные расходы |
gross profit |
брутто-прибыль, валовая прибыль |
trading/operating profit |
операционная прибыль |
selling expenses |
расходы по реализации товаров |
administrative costs |
административные расходы |
profit before tax |
прибыль без вычета налога |
less |
за вычетом |
after-tax profit |
прибыль за вычетом налога |
net profit |
чистая прибыль |
ordinary dividends |
дивиденд по обыкновенным акциям |
solvent in the short term |
платежеспособный в краткосрочном периоде |
commitments |
anticipated outflows |
ожидаемый приток наличности |
anticipated inflows |
ожидаемый отток наличности |
working capital |
оборотный капитал |
fixtures and fittings |
принадлежности и инвентарь |
an invoice |
счет-фактура, накладная |
a pro forma invoice |
ориентировочный счет-фактура |
a fiscal year |
фискальный/налоговый год |
an accounting period |
отчетный период |
a nominal ledger |
номинальный регистр |
a journal |
учетный регистр |
a trial balance |
пробный баланс |
depreciation/amortization |
списание, износ/амортизационное списание |
stock valuation |
инвентарная оценка, оценка запасов |
work-in-progress |
незавершенное производство |
finished goods |
готовые товары |
8.3 Reading
The Basics of Financial Accounting
The production of financial accounts is largely governed by three sets of influences: accounting concepts, accounting conventions and legislation. These have been developed over the years so that different accountants producing accounts for different organizations in various activities can do so using similar methods.
Accounting concepts There are four basic assumptions which underline the production of a set of accounts.
Accounting conventions Many conventions have been adopted over the years as tried and trusted 'rules of thumb'. Five principal ones are:
Some concepts and conventions are so fundamental that they have been incorporated into legislation and/or the code of practice of the professional accountancy bodies. All these concepts, conventions and legislation are concerned with ensuring that the information statements present a 'TRUE AND FAIR VIEW' of the organization and its performance.
The Balance Sheet is a statement of the financial position of an organization at a given date. It shows the organization's resources on that date in terms of what it owns and what it owes, i.e. its assets and liabilities and shareholders' funds. Money and resources have been provided by the owners (shareholders) and creditors which have been invested in various assets. The organization is responsible for repayment or safekeeping of these funds. The money owed to creditors is known as Liabilities and that of the owners as Shareholders' Funds.
In simple terms the Balance Sheet is made up of two elements, a source of funds and a use of funds. The first is normally divided into two sections, Shareholders' Funds and Liabilities, while the latter details the assets acquired. This can be summarized in Table 1 using traditional horizontal format.
Each section can be further divided to provide more detail.
Shareholders' Funds can take many forms, the most common of which in limited liability companies are:
Table 1 Horizontal format for balance sheet
Liabilities represent any monetary amount owed by the organization to another party. Long-term liabilities are borrowings which are not due to be repaid for at least 12 months. These comprise long-term bank loans and debentures, which are borrowings from the public.
Current liabilities are debts which require payment within 12 months of the balance sheet date. They comprise creditors, bank overdraft, taxation and dividends payable.
Assets are items owned by the business and can be of two forms: tangible and intangible. Intangibles include management skills or goodwill and as such are not normally shown in the Balance Sheet. The tangible assets are broadly divided into fixed and current assets.
Fixed Assets are long-term resources of the business which are designated to be used for more than one accounting period. They include such items as property, plant and machinery, office equipment and vehicles.
Current Assets comprise short-term resources which will be used up or change their form during the next 12 months. The constituent parts will be stocks, debtors and cash.
The Profit and Loss Statement shows revenues and expenses and the resulting profit or loss for a given period of time (normally a year). The overall statement can be divided into three parts: the trading account, the profit and loss account and the appropriation account.
Table 2 Trading account
The trading account details the sales revenue of the period less operating expenses to give a trading or operating profit or gross profit.
Table 3 Profit and loss account
The profit and loss account starts with gross profit, deducts overhead expenditure (selling and administrative expenses) to arrive at an operating profit and then adds any income from non-operating sources to arrive at a total profit figure. From this total is deducted interest. The final figure is the profit before taxation.
The appropriation account shows how Profit is distributed or “appropriated”. Some of it will be appropriated by the government as taxation. Part of the remaining after-tax profit will be distributed to shareholders in the form of dividends.
Table 4 Appropriation account
The balance remaining is retained in the business to help finance future operations. It is added to Shareholders' Funds in the Balance Sheet under section Reserves.
Funds Flow Statement The main long-term objective of a business is to make a profit but in order to do this it must remain solvent in the short-term. The business must possess adequate liquid funds in order to finance its current operations. If a firm does not possess sufficient funds to meet its short-term commitments it can be forced to close. It is vital for a firm to keep a close control of the flow of funds in a period so that it ensures the anticipated outflows are adequately covered by anticipated inflows. The Funds Flow Statement details from where the sources of funds were obtained and how they were used or applied. The main sources of funds are:
The main application or use of funds are:
The total sources of funds less the total uses of funds will give the net increase or decrease in funds during the year and represents the overall change in working capital such as stock, debtors, trade creditors and cash.
Cash Flow Statements From March 1992, public companies have been required by a Financial Reporting Standard to present a Cash Flow Statement instead of a Source and Application of Funds Statement. This places far greater emphasis on cash inflows or outflows in an accounting period.
8.4 Comprehension
8.4.1 Answer the questions using the active vocabulary and Unit 8 Glossary.
1. What is the production of financial accounts largely governed by?
2. What are the accounting concepts?
3. What are the accounting conventions?
4. What are all these concepts, conventions and legislation concerned with?
5. What three basic financial statements do you know?
6. What does the Balance Sheet describe?
7. How is the accounting equation typified in the Balance Sheet?
8. What the basic elements of the Balance Sheet?
9. What are the most common forms the Shareholders' Funds can take?
10. What do reserves consist of?
11. What is meant by liabilities? Current liabilities? Short-term liabilities?
12. What is meant by assets? Tangible assets? Intangible assets? Current assets and fixed assets?
13. What does The Profit and Loss Statement show?
14. What parts сan it be divided into?
15. Compare all terms meaning 'profit' used in these accounts.
16. Why is it vital for a firm to keep a close control of the flow of funds in a period?
17. What are the main sources of funds shown on the Funds Flow Statement?
18. What is the main application or use of funds?
19. How can the overall change in working capital be estimated?
20. What is the difference between the Cash Flow Statement and the Funds Flow Statement?
21. What can happen to a firm if it does not possess sufficient funds to meet its short-term commitments?
22. Why should accountants follow the principle of Prudence and conservatism?
8.4.2 Mark these statements T(true) or F(false) according to the information in the Text and Unit 8 Glossary. If they are false say why.
1. An account is a section in a ledger devoted to a single aspect of a business.
2. Assets represent what a business owes or is due.
3. Liabilities represent what a business owns or is due.
4. Assets are the uses of funds.
5. Liabilities are the sources of funds.
6. Accounting concepts are the same as accounting conventions.
7. The Balance Sheet shows revenues and expenses and the resulting profit or loss for a given period of time.
8. The Balance Sheet is a snapshot of the company's financial position on a certain date.
9. Current Assets comprise short-term resources which will be used up or change their form during the period of more than 12 months.
10. Intangibles include management skills or goodwill and as such are normally shown in the Balance Sheet.
11. The profit and Loss statement is a summary of all the accounts of a business.
12. Overdraft is the withdrawal of funds in excess of one's present balance.
13. The Cash Flow Statement is a report which shows the flow of money in and out of the business over a period of time.
14. Matching means adopting the same procedure every time for recording and measuring items.
15. An entry is part of a transaction recorded in a journal or posted to a ledger.
16. Gross profit is the balance of the trading account assuming it has a debit balance.
17. An invoice is an original document either issued by a business for the sale of goods on credit or received by the business for goods bought.
18. Money measurement means that all company assets and liabilities are measured in a common unit, money.
19. Profit is the excess of expenses over revenue.
20. A share premium is the extra paid above the face value of a share.
8.5 Language practice
8.5.1 Match the English terms in the left-hand column with the definition in the right-hand column.
1 |
Account |
A |
A report which shows the flow of money in and out of the business over a period of time. |
2 |
Invoice |
B |
A column in a journal or ledger to record the 'To' side of a transaction |
3 |
Assets |
C |
A column in a journal or ledger to record the 'From' side of a transaction. |
4 |
Matching principle |
D |
This is a class of fixed asset which includes office furniture, filing cabinets, display cases, warehouse shelving and the like. |
5 |
Double-entry bookkeeping |
E |
A method of analyzing the sales and expenses which make up those sales to a particular period. |
6 |
Overheads |
F |
A section in a ledger devoted to a single aspect of a business. |
7 |
Cash flow statement |
G |
Assets of a non-physical or financial nature. An asset such as a loan or an endowment policy are good examples. |
8 |
Fiscal year |
H |
An account which shows the gross profit or loss of a manufacturing or retail business, i.e. sales less the cost of sales. |
9 |
Realization principle |
I |
A system which accounts for every aspect of a transaction - where it came from and where it went to. |
10 |
Current liabilities |
J |
An amount of money put into the business (often by way of a loan) as opposed to money earned by the business. |
11 |
Fixtures and fittings |
K |
A term describing an original document either issued by a business for the sale of goods on credit or received by the business for goods bought. |
12 |
Capital |
L |
The balance of the trading account assuming it has a credit balance. |
13 |
Debit |
M |
These are the costs involved in running a business. |
14 |
Trading account |
N |
The term used for a business's accounting year. The period is usually twelve months which can begin during any month of the calendar year (e.g. 1st April 2001 to 31st March 2002). |
15 |
Intangible assets |
O |
They represent what a business owns or is due. |
16 |
Credit |
P |
The principle whereby the value of an asset can only be determined when it is sold or otherwise disposed of, i.e. its 'real' (or realized) value. |
17 |
Gross profit |
Q |
Debts which require payment within 12 months of the balance sheet date. They comprise creditors, bank overdraft, taxation and dividends payable. |