Concept of scientific picture of the world

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 16 Ноября 2013 в 15:17, реферат

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The problem of the definition of «scientific world " and its relationship with science is complex and is currently being discussed by philosophers as well as representatives of the natural sciences.
However, the history of science suggests the existence for a long period of time a stable ideological " atmosphere" of the general concepts about the properties of reality, under which the developing science of time. The atmosphere is called the «scientific world ". It defines the limits of "reasonable» in terms of age hypotheses, and therefore encourages the formulation of some scientific issues and, conversely, does not promote or even prevent the occurrence of others. Thus the scientific world sets defined direction for the development and theory (guiding force for research in this area), and observations (for the development of technical base).


About science and scientific picture of the world………………………………4
Place the scientific picture of the world in the process of scientific knowledge............................................................................................................6
Structure and change in world view. Scientific Revolution…………………...11
Patterns of change in scientific picture of the world ………………………….12
The inevitability of change in world view…………………………….....13
On the patterns of change scientific picture of the world………………..14
Terms and stages of change scientific picture of the world……….…….15
About the "healthy conservatism"………………………………………….…20

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However, no scientific world disappears without a trace. Her most accurate model (the third element), as already mentioned, still often used, but it was only as conditional convenient ways to describe certain phenomena. So it was kind of heat with models and other weightless fluids , insult them , but has a purely subsidiary, mathematical and physical models of living in the modern aspects of physics – in magneto-hydrodynamics in images " energy flow " , and so on [3].



    1.   On the patterns of change scientific picture of the world


The question of the regularity of the process of changing scientific world and the formation of a new world view is the most significant problem in the general laws of the development of scientific knowledge.

At present, almost generally acknowledged that the development of knowledge comes not only calm the gradual evolution of quantitative accumulation of knowledge that fit into the framework of generally accepted concepts in this era, – but experiencing periods Bourne audit basis and nomination of new alternative explanations are inconsistent with earlier . And if these new ideas win, they say that the scientific revolution. But in terms of what changes in these shocks in a revolutionary way, what is the meaning of this or that scientific revolution, there is a lot of confusion. Often some amazing events: input new types of instruments, opening some strange phenomena, objects and patterns – and called scientific revolution. But this is a mistake: there is no forced coup breaking anything.

Accepted new tools, no one tries to «close" reasonable observations open a new phenomenon or law. Even a completely new model (Copernicus) does not cause resistance to the time until clear that it requires a waiver of any habitual fundamental principles. The only requirement is becoming apparent change of fundamental ideas is initially strong resistance. It was only as a result of this change, a new ideological framework that defines the further movement of scientific knowledge – his pace, and even his next target, which, in turn, directs observation and experiment and stimulates the development of their facilities (W. Herschel, W. Parsons, and E. Hubble). But it can be called a scientific revolution.

Thus, the concept of scientific revolution as a force, causing the resistance to the coup in fundamental ideas already by definition can refer only to the ideological superstructure of science as a system of reliable experimental and theoretical knowledge.


    1.   Terms and stages of change scientific picture of the world


Crisis of pre-revolutionary situation arises in science or discovery of new phenomena that cannot be explained within the traditional world view, or with the advent of the internal contradictions in the traditional theories that cannot be explained within the framework of this theory (photometric and gravitational paradoxes heat death of the universe, the paradox constant speed of light in the Michelson-Morley experiment, " ultraviolet catastrophe" ...).

However, the alternative idea put forward to explain the inexplicable one isolated phenomenon, even if it is correct, will cause the scientific revolution , so as an isolated phenomenon , because of its versatility , you can always express different ideas , find its similarity with already known by different phenomena. Therefore, the idea of ​​some mysterious phenomena (such as the Tunguska meteorite) inconclusive, and these ideas do not usually have a chance to master the masses and become the generally accepted. A compelling idea may be, if it explains a set of phenomena actually interconnected, but either not explained at this time, or explained satisfactorily.

Thanks to the ingenuity of the human mind always manages to create initially and within the traditional world view with new design ideas used to explain any mysterious phenomena. Thus, the system of Ptolemy, a diagram explaining fireballs and aerolite Shultz in [2]. So it was with the explanatory model of Lorentz - Fitzgerald – representation of actual contraction of moving bodies through internal electromagnetic forces. Poincare, in turn, added a postulate cannot detect absolute reference frame (ether) and introduced to explain this situation your «postulate of relativity» – everything else under the traditional mechanical and electromagnetic concepts. However, these constructs have already formed parts new world.

This process of preparation and implementation of breaking the old worldview distinctive clear division of its main participants. Whoever manages seemed to resolve the contradictions that have accumulated at present, with an abstract design in the traditional concepts (it is usually one or more researchers) may be called the «defender of traditions." He did not allow a thought of fraught its explanatory design new «explosive " ideas (the same Lorentz, Poincare, exactly as Ptolemy with his brilliant idea quant).

The next is the «generator" new fundamental idea (which is always alone makes this plunge sharply interrupting his contemporaries). Since he spends forces to establish causal relationships between events ( which include and a new one is mysterious ) and not the author explaining the scheme, it is easier to approach it critically and see in this diagram has finished a significant problem : of inconsistency with observations to logical inconsistencies. Last pushing it in search and shows the way of a new solution, while the discrepancy with observations is not yet tells how resolving conflicts. (Generator of revolutionary ideas were Copernicus, chill, Einstein.)

Advancing a new fundamental idea, researcher, typically, he is not yet fully aware of the depth of this idea, its force as still «breathing air «traditional ideological atmosphere. The revolutionary nature of new ideas usually reveals many authors ideas - effects that enhance developing revolutionary process of breaking the old world view. (These were revolutionary ideas Bruno, Kepler, Descartes, Kant, Friedman, Galileo ...).

The final step of the synthesis of intermediate results – discoveries, thoughts, and opinions – does again, of course, a great theorist. It forms the skeleton of the new scientific picture of the world and, in contrast to the "generator «can be named (if logically developed terminology) » synthesizer» or integrator it (Aristotle, Newton, Einstein).

Finally, not every revolutionary idea, or rather, not at any time, is able to cause a revolution by making compulsory change the generally accepted picture of the world. This can only take place in an environment where the only science has established as a system with reliable facts and tie their theories, and its ideological superstructure – authoritative for the majority belief system, otherwise, the scientific world. This is why the scientific revolution was impossible in Greek to the Aristotelian natural philosophy.

The essence of the scientific revolution – always change mutually believers opposing ideas. This change may be explicit in nature, mirroring the coup, when the main idea and the related model of the world replaced by the opposite, which is not limited to prior in nature and content. Less than a visible revolution may seem universal physical revolution Einstein. Often it is understood as a generalization of Newton's physical theory. In fact, the revolution was not a generalization of Newtonian theory (which itself does not rejected for their region), and the complete rejection of the «Newtonian world view." Completely was rejected (and in this sense inverted ) picture of absolute (independent) categories – "space", "time", " weight ", "strength " ( gravity) . Space (the geometry) was dependent on the mass of the associated matter, material body weight as the current time in the given material system, – the speed of which is measured.

Copernican Revolution and Hlandi include unique visibility to the coup (in spite of their different scales). [2] It is difficult to imagine another such "mirror» reflection of reality. Perhaps such a complete revolution some initial stage evolutionary path of revolutionary progress of scientific knowledge in general , when we had to replace the picture of the world that has formed at the beginning of the emergence of experimental knowledge influenced even earlier philosophical ideas .

Revolution Einstein began a new, more complex stage of world view in an era of mature science: change a fairly scientific world second "locally" even more perfect, reflecting the deeper features of reality. In contrast, using a combination of old ideas in new conditions that can cause a revolution , the idea of ​​Einstein – is a further generalization of some deep conjectures, some of the principles of the past – old idea of ​​the relativity of motion, the principle of Galilean relativity , the first guess about the relationship of matter and space ( Aristotle, Riemann ). This is a brilliant synthesis of all lifelong experience of mankind, his deep reflection on the properties of the universe.

In the same way, perhaps, was Kepler able, as we have seen, free from general «rounded obsession." Instead of identifying excellence celestial movements of their circular nature it revived and summarized guess ancient Pythagoreans, who caught higher numerical harmony and thereby quantify the pattern of the universe in the correct ratio of quantitative in nature, thanks to why such a device and compared them with music, where harmony determined by similar ratios of pitch («music of the spheres») [4]. In fact, the Pythagoreans first announced «anthropic principle «of the universe, which, therefore, was not open for the first time, but revived in our day and the essence of which is that the structure of the universe is favorable for human existence (the principle of harmony of man and the world).

Incidentally we can notice that the picture of the world, founded by Einstein, has a special place in the history of knowledge is because it – completion Aristotle started the first spiral towards learning essential features of cosmological universe.

Personality Einstein as a scientist is also unique in the sense that it acted as a fundamental generator of revolutionary ideas, and as an integrator and designer of a new physical picture of the world, combining a manner and Copernicus and Newton.

Unlike scientific theories change when changing scientific world, the principle of conformity has not performed live in its sense. Recall that the essence of the requirement that the new theory more broadly, included the old as a partial or marginal case.

Neither geocentricism nor claim stationary of the universe as a whole» – could not be particular case is more common, respectively, the heliocentric model of Copernicus, or the concept of non-stationary universe Friedman The idea of ​​"flat " infinite absolute space of Newtonian world view, the possibility of a void space – could be a " particular case " curved , is inextricably linked with the matter of space , with its dependent relative parameters – in the physical world picture of Einstein.

A new picture of the world cannot be reduced to the old, as the two being mutually exclusive claim to describe "all true." In contrast, scientific theory, scientific world is always infinite, because it is very broad extrapolation theory.

Yet compliance in some sense must have occurred in this case, – in the revolutionary transition from one world view to another (for example, from geocentric to heliocentric). After all, even the most severe observation surface, but long enough experience – always lead to the establishment of any true causal relationships between events, only wrongly explained. Erection of a mature scientific world to a more primitive (but also science in the sense that it is a generalization of experience, generalizations) is expressed in what might be called the "principle oddness» failure» distinguishing ability worldview» (if we assume an analogy with differing ability telescope) [2]. It is defined not only as technical basis of observations and studies of nature, but still depends on the total stock of information about the physical world, from the accumulated experience of logical analysis of data , breadth of outlook, is determined by the overall outlook.

Thus, the time did not allow surveillance directly make the right choice between the geocentric and heliocentric explanation of motion of celestial bodies. The choice was made on the basis of a rough experience, immediate sensations (" Property of the Earth», for example), as well as on and under the influence of general philosophical ideas produced in the early stages of pre-scientific scientific picture.

However, even in those days more any first and ingeniously correct guesses – heliocentric or the like ( Pythagorean ) an explanation of motion of celestial bodies, which included the idea of mobility and the ground that it was a universal extension, extrapolation of one of the first principles of relativity of motion – . This shows the amazing power of the human mind to notice the real connection of things as a result of logical analysis, even a weak flow of information, highlight important it.



  1. About  the "healthy conservatism"


The revolutionary nature of the change scientific world speaks not only of conservative supporters of the existing world view, but the strength of it , partly justifies its defense, making them conservative " healthy " because it shows the validity of each scientific world all previous stock of knowledge. Discover the fundamental revolutionary idea must withstand severely criticized examination of the parties to obtain the right to life, and especially the role of the new guidelines, which purport to alter a pre -established idea.

With the development and growth of nuclei of reliable scientific knowledge – of the existence of an increasingly diverse objects , phenomena , patterns of relationships between events (which is made of confirmed experience and practice quantitative theory) – becomes increasingly strong scientific and ideological atmosphere that formed on this basis, with extremely broad extrapolation of these theories , or – scientific world .[5]

To rise to yet a higher level of understanding of phenomena, and to understand the fallacy of the existing world view and overcome the " gravity" of established ideas, need more " escape velocity " and, consequently, more effective "fuel», the main components which in this case are unusual discovery of new facts, phenomena, laws, and more in-depth analysis and testing of existing theories, until the revision of the basics.

It can be concluded that the development of science revolutionary upheavals in the ideological atmosphere that it is produced by her and feeds. The scientific picture of the world although they are inevitable, but are becoming more difficult to implement as mean breakthrough in all the great depth of understanding of reality.

As for the last question – or can and should learn from history, the answer is giving itself the history of knowledge. Recall that Copernicus directly opposed to the idea of Greek not heo- centrist – Pythagoreans, and, perhaps, helio-centrist (Aristarchus Samosskyy). Powerful incentive to seek numerical patterns that underlie the scientific world, Kepler received from the Pythagoreans. Galileo went to the top of the new mechanics, the science of creating movement in mentally disputes with Aristotle. Bruno absorbed the wisdom not only of ancient natural philosophers and philosophical reflections and Eastern sages and their closer precursor of the Renaissance (Nicholas of Cusa). A much earlier European helio-centrist ( in the tenth century ) the great scholar of Central Asia Biruni inspired by its unconventional in an era helio-centrism statements ( about the possible structure of the planetary system with a moving Earth) ideas of the great Indian philosopher – Brahmahupty mobility of the Earth , the gravity of changes in the universe overall ... On the shoulders of " giants " – their – resisted numerous predecessors Newton, who , in addition to creating a strict mathematical physics , many pondered the "World " extrapolation of the laws of the problems – paintings in the world.[2]

Not so straightforward and clear communication was Einstein's ideas on the historical experience of mankind. At first glance, on a purely intuitive level it is brilliant in its simplicity and boldness – idea to resolve all contradictions accumulated – to the late nineteenth early twentieth century, all refuse of understanding as absolute entities – space, time, mass, reference system. In fact, at this point found its limit generalization of the entire historical experience of understanding the world: ancient principle of relativity of motion and Galilean relativity, complete Poincare conjecture Aristotle's first deep connection between the properties of space and matter, – the problem, which again revived in the nineteenth century. H. Riman that put in its generalized geometry on the causes of metric properties of space. In light of these facts reveals a deeper meaning Einstein's scientific revolution: he not only defeated Newtonian picture of the world, but also revealed the true meaning of matter and space communications – Communication, which was first reflected in the ingenious conjecture of Aristotle.

Even seemingly not having historical roots in the past revolutionary breakthrough Friedman to unsteady pictures the whole universe could so easily become a purely mathematical solution in almost essential element of the new physics and cosmological world view just in historical surroundings through evolutionary ideas in their parts Cosmos. [5]




Thus, the scientific world – is a consequence of the historical experience of understanding reality. She directs the study and interpretation of the results over long periods of time. In fact, it makes the researcher rather than consciously learn from history, many forced to move in line with certain ideas, postulates, common notions, or – in line with common sense, in terms of the historical era. So famous aphorism that no one learns in history rather reflects human arrogance than the actual state of affairs. However, we should remember that the conscious interest in the true history of ideas enriched the great sages of the past and help them find the right way in the crisis in science.




  1. Cholpan P. F. Physics course. Methodological and philosophical questions. – Kiev: High School, 1990.
  2. Eremeeva A. I. Astronomy picture of the world and its creators. – Moscow: Science, 1984.
  3. Gott V. S. Philosophical problems of modern physics. – M.: High. wk., 1972.
  4. Planck M. Unity of the physical picture of the world. – Moscow: Science, 1966.
  5. Stepin V. S.  Scientific world in the culture of industrial society / V. S. Stepyn, L. F. Kuznetsova. - Moscow: Edition Avenue, 2004. - 274 s.




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