Environmental problems of Aral

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 23 Апреля 2014 в 08:35, реферат

Краткое описание

Questions of meliorative water economic building are widely discussed now in our country in connection with deterioration of ecological conditions on the irrigated earths. Conditions are so serious that are cancelled by government «projects of a century» on a transfer of waters of northern and Siberian rivers on the south and to Central Asia, building of channels Volga - Chograj is suspended, Volga - Don-2, Rostov - Krasnodar other is published many critical materials about low economic efficiency of water managements, about negative ecological consequences, poor quality of the constructed hydraulic engineering constructions, the overestimated water consumption, the big losses of irrigating water, poor harvests on the irrigated earths etc.

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      Environmental problems of Aral


Questions of meliorative water economic building are widely discussed now in our country in connection with deterioration of ecological conditions on the irrigated earths. Conditions are so serious that are cancelled by government «projects of a century» on a transfer of waters of northern and Siberian rivers on the south and to Central Asia, building of channels Volga - Chograj is suspended, Volga - Don-2, Rostov - Krasnodar other is published many critical materials about low economic efficiency of water managements, about negative ecological consequences, poor quality of the constructed hydraulic engineering constructions, the overestimated water consumption, the big losses of irrigating water, poor harvests on the irrigated earths etc.


More recently on water managements were laid hopes in the decision of a m of the country. Huge means were allocated for meliorative building. Not only that tasks in view have not been solved neither concerning the reclaimed areas, nor on manufacture on these earths of agricultural production, but there was a number of environmental problems.


In deserts without an irrigation agriculture is impossible. But experience of irrigated agriculture not always was positive. There, where the person could adapt, without causing ecological infringements with negative consequences for life oases are created. Such centres of the most ancient culture of irrigated agriculture exist in pools of Amu Darya, Syr-Darya, the Tiger, Euphrates, Nile and other rivers. There are numerous examples from the past far and closer to us when irrigation attempts came to an end ecological balance disruption, deterioration of meliorative conditions, degradation of soils and loss of their fertility. One of such examples is fixed in letters on clay tablets of ancient Sumer (Mesopotamia).













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