Politology as a science

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 06 Октября 2013 в 21:27, реферат

Краткое описание

The politology as a science exists more than two thousand years. As the modern science it was generated in the West after the ending of the World War II. The leading part belongs to the American political science which began to develop from the end of 50th.
Politology of the Western Europe is presented by significant researches. In fact the political science as an independent science has the object and a subject of knowledge. The subjects of politology are laws of formation and development of political authority. Object of studying politology are political relations in a society.


2. The aim: to open the basic milestone of becoming and development of the politology; to explain the maintenance of a subject and object of politology, and also methods and functions.
3. The Plan and theses of lecture:
1. The beginning of a politology.
2. Object and a subject of politology.
3. Methods and functions of politology.

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