Видатні біологи України

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 30 Ноября 2012 в 20:42, реферат

Краткое описание

Микола Іванович
(1810 - 1881)
Видатний хірург і анатом, засновник воєнно-польової хірургії, педагог, громадський діяч.
Автор низки фундаментальних праць із топографічної анатомії людського тіла.
Учасник Кримської війни 1853-1856 рр. Організатор медичної допомоги пораненим
воїнам. У 1858-1861-"попечитель" Київського навчального округу. Разом із професором
П.Павловим заснував перші недільні школи для дорослих.

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(1881 - 1946)

Scientist - pathophysiology, public figure, academician YUAN (since 1929), the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1932), Academician of the USSR (1944). Born in Kiev. In the 1930-1946 biennium - president of the USSR. Made great efforts to the establishment of the Institute of Experimental Biology and pathology of the People's Commissariat of Health of the USSR and the Institute for Clinical psychologists USSR. Main research associated with the actual problems of pathological physiology, endocrinology, metabolism, immunology, allergy, pathology, circulatory shock pathogenesis, the mechanism of aging.



(1884 - 1963)

 Scientist-zoomorfoloh Academician YUAN (since 1922), academician of the USSR (1935). Born in Kiev. In 1907 he graduated from the University of St. Vladimir, where he worked until 1912, and in 1921-1941 he was in 1930 - 1941 - Director of the Institute of Zoology and Biology, USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1939 - Institute of Zoology) in 1936 - 1948 - Director of the Institute of Evolutionary morphology of the USSR. Main research related to issues of evolutionary morphology, experimental zoology, the study of patterns of growth, the problem of correlation of phylogeny of animals, Biocybernetics.



(1885 - 1972)

 The scientist-biochemist and one of the founders of the national scientific biochemical School Academy YUAN (since 1929), USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1942), member of the USSR (from 1944). In 1921 - 1931 - Head of Department of Medical Institute. Since 1925 - Director of Ukrainian Biochemical Institute, from 1931 - Institute of Biochemistry, USSR. In 1934-1954 he headed the department at Kiev University. In 1935-1938 he was elected permanent secretary of the Presidium in 1939 - 1946 - Vice-President, and in 1946 - 1962 - President of the Academy of Sciences. Main research related to biochemistry of the nervous system and muscular activity. First launched biochemical studies of vitamins (1919).

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