Environmental problems in South Africa (Republic of South Africa)

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 29 Января 2014 в 20:18, доклад

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Water is perhaps South Africa's most critical resource - one of low abundance and growing needs. Tie that with problems of increased land use and population growth and you have several big reasons for concern. South Africa's freshwater supply is almost stretched to its limit. Less than 10% of South Africa’s rainfall is available as surface water, one of the lowest conversion ratios in the world. The country’s groundwater resources are equally limited. Despite regulations of river waters, in many catchments the need for water exceeds the supply and quality is often below standards. Given the projected growth in population and economic development, South Africa faces tough times in meeting water demands in the decades ahead.

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Environmental problems in South Africa 
(Republic of South Africa) 





Water on the run…





Water is perhaps South Africa's  most critical resource - one of low  abundance and growing needs. Tie that  with problems of increased land use and  population growth and you have several  big reasons for concern.






Lack of water 


South Africa's freshwater supply  is almost stretched to its limit. Less  than 10% of South Africa’s rainfall  is available as surface water, one of  the lowest conversion ratios in the world.  The country’s groundwater resources are equally  limited. 





Despite regulations of river waters, in  many catchments the need for water exceeds  the supply and quality is often below  standards. Given the projected growth in  population and economic development, South  Africa faces tough times in meeting water  demands in the decades ahead. 





The shortfall in freshwater is  tied to growing demands, but also to  other issues such as loss of natural  habitat and potentially climate change. 





Destruction of natural                     habitats





The land of the "fine-leaved  plants" is one of the world’s most  impressive botanical kingdoms - a mind-boggling  variety of plants that is richer than  any other comparable sized area in Africa.  An estimated 8,500 species of vascular  plants, of which 70% are endemic (they  are found nowhere else in the world),  are reported here. 





But because the area has been heavily  settled for several centuries, large swathes  of natural vegetation, particularly in the  lowlands, have been cleared for agriculture  and urban development. 





Introduction of exotic species 





South Africa's natural habitats  are being colonized by alien species at  great rates. Introduced species, particularly  North American gamefishes such as largemouth  bass and smallmouth bass, are pushing  out indigenous species and threaten to  lead some of them to extinction.






Along the West Coast of South Africa,  there is persistent overharvesting of many  commercially valuable species and products  such as pilchard, anchovy and rock lobster.  





 Further at sea, some fish stocks have been over-harvested, and several species face local extinction.  





These dangerous trends follow  improvements of fishing methods, increase in  fishing effort and the establishment of  fishing industries.







A high level of traffic associated  with crude oil transport from the Arabian  Gulf has resulted in contamination from  tankers’ spills and discharge of polluted  ballast waters.





Presentation was done by

Victoria Taranenko 11-d                                                                    


In conclusion:

We MUST preserve our environment because  on it depends our life 

Информация о работе Environmental problems in South Africa (Republic of South Africa)