Independent work of the student

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 14 Октября 2013 в 19:42, реферат

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Many people are now aware that genetic information is contained in chromosomes. Scientists have learned to distinguish and differentiate segments within chromosomes. Therefore, we are able not only to distinguish each chromosome by its size and shape, but to recognize every segment within it. In diagnostics it is easy to distinguish chromosomes with additional or missing segments.

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West Kazakhstan state medical university of a name of M.Ospanov









 Independent work of the student



Specialty:   General medicine


Discipline: English


Chair:   Of languages


Course:  2


Subject:  Human Genetics and Hereditary Diseases


Performance form:  In the form of the paper





                                                                                      Executed:   Yessenalina Moldir

                                                                                      Group:  223 “А”











AKTOBE    2013 year

Human Genetics and Hereditary Diseases


Many people are now aware that genetic information is contained in chromosomes. Scientists have learned to distinguish and differentiate segments within chromosomes. Therefore, we are able not only to distinguish each chromosome by its size and shape, but to recognize every segment within it. In diagnostics it is easy to distinguish chromosomes with additional or missing segments. This enables us to associate a hereditary disease with a specific defect in a chromosome and identify the segment responsible for the disease. This is a breakthrough in science. It helps to understand the molecular mechanisms of hereditary diseases, distinguish the genes which determine hereditary diseases and comprehend their mechanics.

The task of medical genetics is to understand the mechanism of a disease and to learn to inhibit the action of defective genes. I am not great believer that genetic engineering can enable us to substitute healthy genes for defective ones. This may possible be something for the very distant future. We might rather learn to lift or neutralize the action of defective genes. Like any doctor. I am inclined to regard myself as a mechanic rather than a designer.

Of all human diseases mental disorders are particularly tragic.

Of all the mental health of our planet on proper level we need to conduct a great deal with of researches, specifically into hereditary diseases.

We are aware that if a person has a subtle mind and intellect, he probably owes this to the genetic information contained in his organism. We can compare this to electronic computer. The faults which occur in a computer can also occur in a human brain. I am in no way equating the brain and machine, but  are modeling machines on the human brain.

When we look at genetic diseases we see that their causes are comparable to the faults in a computer. This analogy gave us a better understanding of what goes on in the brain and what causes its malfunction. So it may be said specialists in genetics are repair workers more than pioneers.

The previous years have given us hope of being to qualitatively diagnose and treat mental disorders in the very future. As a doctor, I think this promises many more benefits to mankind and specifically to sick people than genetic engineering which some people look at as to God himself.

























Exercise 2


To aware [ə’weər] знать

To enable [ɪn’eɪbəl] позволять

To inhibit [ɪn’hɪbɪt] подавлять

To substitute [’sʌbstə‚tu:t] заменить

Mental [’mentəl] психический

Fault [ fɔ:lt] неисправность

To occur [ə’kɜ:r] происходить

To comprehend [‚kɒmprɪ’hend] понимать

To distinguish  [dɪsˈtɪŋgwɪʃ] различaть

breakthrough [ˈbreɪkθruː] переломное открытие

To determine [dɪˈtəːmɪn] устанавливать,определять

disorder [dɪsˈɔːdər] беспорядок, расстройство

comparable [ˈkɔmpərəbl] сравнимый/сравним


Exercise 3


Chromosome (s) [’krəʋmə‚səʋm] хромосома (ы)

Gene [dʒi:n] ген

Genetics [dʒɪnetɪks] генетика

Mechanic [mɪˈkænɪk] механик

Hereditary [hə’redɪ‚terɪ] наследственный

Analogy [ə’nælədʒɪ] аналогия, сходство

Engineering [ɛndʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ] инженерия


Exercise 4


Genetic [dʒɪˈnɛtɪk] - генетический – adjective

Genetics [dʒɪˈnɛtɪks] - генетика – noun


Exercise 5


«Responsible for»  употребляется в значении «ответственный за».


Exercise 6


Синонимы к слову «disease »

illness [ˈɪlnɪs]

sickness [ˈsɪknɪs]

аilment [ˈeɪlmənt]


Exercise 7


Many people are no are that genetic information is contained in chromosomes. Scientist have learned to distinguish and differentiate segments within chromosomes.  Therefore, we are able not only to distinguish each chromosome by its size and shape, but to recognize every segment within it. In diagnostics it is easy to distinguish chromosomes with additional or missing segments. This enables us to associate a hereditary disease with a specific defect in a chromosome and identify the segment responsible for the disease. It helps to understand the molecular mechanisms of hereditary diseases, distinguish the genes with determine hereditary diseases and comprehend their mechanics

The task of medical genetics is to understand the mechanism of a disease and to earn to inhibit the action of defective genes.

Of all human diseases mental disorders are particularly tragic

Of all the mental health of our plant on proper level we need to conduct a great deal with of researches, specially into hereditary diseases

When we look at genetic diseases we see that their causes are comparable to the faults in a computer. This analogy gave us a better understanding of what goes on in the brain and what causes its multifunction

The previous years have given us hope of being to qualitatively diagnose and treating a disorders in the very future. As a doctor, I think this promises many more benefits to mankind and specifically to sick people than genetic engineering which some people look at as to God himself.

Информация о работе Independent work of the student