Means of Communication

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Декабря 2014 в 20:37, сочинение

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How do people communicate nowadays?
Do you agree that inventions and technology devices have really beautified our life?
What question would you ask a famous scientist?
Give some pice of advice on how to become a scientist?
Your teacher has asked you to make a report on the topic “Are computers a necessity?”. Can you share your ideas?

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Means of Communication

  1. How do people communicate nowadays?
  2. Do you agree that inventions and technology devices have really beautified our life?
  3. What question would you ask a famous scientist?
  4. Give some pice of advice on how to become a scientist?
  5. Your teacher has asked you to make a report on the topic “Are computers a necessity?”. Can you share your ideas?


1. I think nowadays with a mouse in a one hand and a mobile phone in the other one, we can’t imageng human contacts without modern technology devices. Thanks to them, people are communicating more than ever before. When we think about modern means of communication we can’t understand how people who lived some fifty years ago were able to keep in touch. Today people communicate frequently using mobile phones, Emails, faxes or telegrams, video chats, chat-rooms. The most important means of communication is mobile phones. They are portable and let us contact others wherever they and we are. Furthermore, mobile phones offer the possibility of texting. Emails have replaced letters and postcards almost completely. People prefer e-mails which are quicker to write and send. Video conferences are often used and business people don’t need to travel to remote places. Thanks to video-chats, chat-rooms we can talk with our relatives for free and without time limits. All in all, all means of communication made our life easier to keep in touch with our families and friends.


2. To begin with Science had brought great laurels in every field. Today we have access to some of the most advanced technical inventions. We have come into a digital age. Computers have given the way to laptops and then to notebooks. Picture-tube television have metamorphosed into LSD and Plasma. The mobiles have tuned into a complete island of entertainment and communication. The Internet has brought the impossible within means. Web has made online education possible. A teacher in Spain can teach a student in Nigeria with help of Illuminate whiteboards and Voice chat modules. Mathematics such as John Nash, scientists like Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton and many others have turned the tables of the world  Today you can visit your distant relative on the other side of the globe within a day. You can put thousand and thousand badges of text into a pin size chip All in all you can’t come back from the dead but that’s probably the only thing you cannot do. The borders of time and space are certainly shrinking


3. I would ask him if he likes his job.

I would wonder what area of science he is interested.

I would be interesting to know what gadgets he uses at home.


4. In my opinion being a scientist is a hard job. Firstly if you haven’t already done so, make a through examination of yourself. I advice you to choose a field that you like, depending on what you want  to do later. I strongly recommend you to take science classes in high school and to get good marks throughout you entire academic jorney. You should  try to get some job experience or to do some job shadowing with scientist, That’s a good idea to keep up within the latest developments in your field by attending conferences participating in workshops and reading lots of magazines and books in your chosen area. After all, it’s s your profession.


5. I think the use of computers today is wide spread. They have invaded every aspect of lives. In my opinion this is a good thing, though , because our lives have changed for better. First of all computers are extremely useful in education. School which give students access to computers offer great advantages to young learners. They are able to use the Internet to find out information  on an unlimited range of subjects to help them with their studies What is more computer technologies has also greatly improved industry. Most of our modern appliances are designed with the help of computerized system and robots. However there are people who argue that computers have brought few benefits to our lives. They think life is similar and easier without computers . I think this people should move the times and stop living in the past. All in all computers have made our lives better,  continue to affect the way we live it or not. So we might as well accept it. 

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