Educational system of Eastern World

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 15 Июня 2013 в 19:02, реферат

Краткое описание

In Eastern system of education everyone does what they are supposed to do! Teachers are knowledge providers, while students are knowledge receiver. In western system students are only guided and helped but not taught by teachers, students may interrupt class process by giving questions any time. whereas In East students listen to attentively without interrupting teachers and give question once the lesson is ended. Western education is definitely better because they are making individuals, who knwo what they want to do in the future. In Western education, students are doing hey own research, they canxpress their ideas even if their in contrastwitht with the ideas of their teachers or the soceity that they are living in. They are also taking classes they they will need for their major, not some useless classes that Eastern education schools force their students.

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