Birth Ceremonies in the Russian Family

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 10 Июля 2013 в 04:29, реферат

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For women, there are no more significant and memorable events in a life than having a baby. Childbirth is the most sacred and most important period in any woman’s life. There are many different ceremonial procedures that surround the birth of a child depending on cultural beliefs, values, and traditions of a community a woman lives in. In Russian culture, the arrival of a new baby in the family is accompanied by its own practices and ceremonies.
In Russia when a woman becomes pregnant, she tells only the father of a child and the closest members of her family about her pregnancy. Unlike the pregnant woman of Quecha Indians of Guatemala, the Russian mother does not mention her pregnancy to her friends or any other people until the stomach is easily noticed.

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