Анализ прогнозирования социолингвистической коррекции Базового английского языка

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Января 2013 в 21:20, дипломная работа

Краткое описание

Целью данной работы является анализ прогнозирования социолингвистической коррекции Базового Английского языка
Актуальность данной работы заключается в анализе путей коррекции вокабуляра Базового Английского в соответствии с
экстралингвистическими факторами.
Теоретическая значимость данной работы заключается в переосмыслении, коррекции, распространении и применении концепции Basic English.


Глава I

1.1 Введение
История создания Базового английского c 3-4

1.2 Цели создания Бейсика c 4-5

1.3 Бейсик - как язык международного общения c 5-8
Глава II
2.1 Анализ прогнозирования социолингвистической коррекции
Базового английского языка с 9-10
2.2 Метод отбора слов- Panopticon c 10-11
2.3 Словарь Базового английского языка с 12-14
2.4 Грамматика Бейсика с 14-16
2.5 Практическое применение Бейсика с 17-19
2.6 Заключение с 20
2.7 Ogden's Basic English Word List с 21-23
2.8 Анализ слов Базового английского с 23-27
2.8 New Basic English Word List с 27-29
2.9 Использованная литература с 30

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                                        FORMS OF' PRONOUNS'



Form for  
Doer of Act

Form for  
Thing to Which 
Act is Done

Form for  

 than one

M } 
F. } 
N. }




  than one

F. } 
N. }




One     } 
More   } 
 than one}

M. } 
F.  } 





One    } 
More   } 
 than one





One   } 
More   } 
 than one

M. } 
F.  }






M. } 
F.  } 
N.  }





 than one

M. } 
F.  } 
N.  }





One   } 
More } 
 than one

M. } 
F.  }






M = Male. F = Female. N = No se




Любое предложение, использующие формы to be, to have, will, may образуют вопросительную форму путем изменения порядка слов. Is sugar sweet? May I have the sugar? С любыми другими операторами вопросы образуются путем вспомогательного глагола do (или did в прошедшем времени) Do you take sugar?  Did you come here frequently? How, when, where и why могут стоять перед любым таким вопросом. Why is sugar sweet? How frequently do you go there? Where do you go every day?

Степени сравнения прилагательных занимают особое место в Бейсике. Рассматриваются не только такие формы, как nice-nicer-the nicest, quick-quicker-the quickest, beautiful-more beautiful- most beautiful, но и исключения, такие как good-better-the best, bad-worse-the worst, far-farther(further)- the farthest( the furthest), little-less-the least, much, many-more-the most.

300 из 600 существительных  могут присоединить окончания  -ег, -ing, -«d для образования новых слов. Названия вещей, к которым добавляется -ing- процесс совершения действия, -ег- человек, совершающий действие и -ed- быть подверженным действию.


-er- builder, worker, walker (человек, совершающий действие) -ing- building. working, walking, printing, reading (процесс совершения действия) .ed - printed, translated (быть подверженным действию)

Сравним следующие выражения:

Oiling- это процесс заливки масла

Oiler- это человек или аппарат, занимающийся этим

Oiled machine- эта машина, в которую залили масло.

Порядок слов в Бейсике  не отличается от порядка слов в обычном английском.

Возьмем к примеру  предложение.

I will give simple rules to the boys now.

He изменяя порядок слов можно вставить любое слово из 600 названий вместо 'rules' любое из 150 прилагательных вместо 'simple'. Это даст возможность образования более 90000 утверждений.

Не gave clear reasons to the representatives.

We made wise stories for babies.

И так без конца.



2.4 Практическое применение BASIC

Для того, чтобы убедиться  в том, что бейсик действительно  работает. Мы ниже приводим 2 статьи- одну на стандартном английском, вторую- на языке бейсика. По прочтении этих статей становится ясно, что базовый английский не искажает ни грамматику, ни правописание стандартного английского. Бейсик, как сказал соавтор Огдена по работе  “ Значение значений“, Ричардс,- является предисловием к стандартному английскому.  Единственное, что отличает бейсик от стандартного английского - это упрощенный словарь. Но как видно на практике базовый английский справляется посредством 850 слов.  Если мы сравним 2  варианта текста, то убедимся, что в ней передается одна и та же информация, только  в первом случае- это делается посредством широкого многообразия слов, многие из которых не входят в состав бейсика, такие как       'to borrow' в бейсике передается сочетанием ‘to take from’, ‘profoundly’-‘deeply’и.т.д.

 Однако мы должны  принять во внимание тот факт, что статья на бейсике не  является переводом со стандартного английского, просто одна и та же информация передается как на стандартном английском, так и на бейсике, с целью показать как работает бейсик.

 Каждый человек,  владеющий английским языком, прошел через период бейсика, когда при помощи минимума слов пытался передать максимум мысли. Именно эти 850 слов прокладывают нам путь в волшебный мир английского языка. 






















Standard English


                                    English language

English is a West Germanic language originating in England, and the first language for most people in Australia, Canada, the Commonwealth Caribbean, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States of America (also commonly known as the Anglosphere). It is used extensively as a second language and as an official language throughout the world, especially in Commonwealth countries and in many international organisations.

Modern English is sometimes described as the global lingua franca. English is the dominant international language in communications, science, business, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomacy.[3] The influence of the British Empire is the primary reason for the initial spread of the language far beyond the British Isles.[4] Following World War II, the growing economic and cultural influence of the United States has significantly accelerated the adoption of English.[2]

A working knowledge of English is required in certain fields, professions, and occupations. As a result over a billion people speak English at least at a basic level (see English language learning and teaching). English is one of six official languages of the United Nations.


English is an Anglo-Frisian language. Germanic-speaking peoples from northwest Germany (Saxons and Angles) and Jutland (Jutes) invaded what is now known as Eastern England around the fifth century AD. It is a matter of debate whether the Old English language spread by displacement of the original population, or the native Celts gradually adopted the language and culture of a new ruling class, or a combination of both of these processes (see Sub-Roman Britain).

Whatever their origin, these Germanic dialects eventually coalesced to a degree (there remained geographical variation) and formed what is today called Old English. Old English loosely resembles some coastal dialects in what are now northwest Germany and the Netherlands (i.e., Frisia). Throughout the history of written Old English, it retained a synthetic structure closer to that of Proto-Indo-European, largely adopting West Saxon scribal conventions, while spoken Old English became increasingly analytic in nature, losing the more complex noun case system, relying more heavily on prepositions and fixed word order to convey meaning. This is evident in the Middle English period, when literature was to an increasing extent recorded with spoken dialectal variation intact, after written Old English lost its status as the literary language of the nobility. It is postulated that the early development of the language was influenced by a Celtic substratum. Later, it was influenced by the related North Germanic language Old Norse, spoken by the Vikings who settled mainly in the north and the east coast down to London, the area known as the Danelaw.

The Norman Conquest of England in 1066 profoundly influenced the evolution of the language. For about 300 years after this, the Normans used Anglo-Norman, which was close to Old French, as the language of the court, law and administration. By the fourteenth century, Anglo-Norman borrowings had contributed roughly 10,000 words to English, of which 75% remain in use. These include many words pertaining to the legal and administrative fields, but also include common words for food, such as mutton and beef. The Norman influence gave rise to what is now referred to as Middle English. Later, during the English Renaissance, many words were borrowed directly from Latin (giving rise to a number of doublets) and Greek, leaving a parallel vocabulary that persists into modern times. By the seventeenth century there was a reaction in some circles against so-called inkhorn terms.

During the fifteenth century, Middle English was transformed by the Great Vowel Shift, the spread of a prestigious South Eastern-based dialect in the court, administration and academic life, and the standardising effect of printing. Early Modern English can be traced back to around the Elizabethan period.


Basic English

                                         English language

The English language is a West Germanic language spoken in many countries around the world. With around 380 million native speakers, it is the third most spoken language in the world. About 220 million more people speak it as a second language and there are as many as a billion people who are learning. English has been an influence on, and has been influenced by many different languages.      


English began in England, a country on the island of Great Britain in Europe. Germanic tribes (Saxons, Angles, and Jutes) came to Britain from around 449 AD. They made their home in the south and east of the island, pushing out the Celtic Britons who were there before them. The Germanic dialects of these different tribes became Old English. The word "English" was then spelled Englisc, and that comes from the name of the Angles - Englas. Old English didn't sound or look much like the English we speak today. If English speakers today were to hear or read a passage in Old English, they might understand a few words, but it would be very hard for most to understand what the passage is about.

Many other people came to England later at different times, speaking different languages, and these languages added more words to make today's English.

For example, around 800 AD, many Danish and Norse pirates, also called Vikings, came to the country and English got many Norse loanwords. Their languages were Germanic languages, like Old English.

After William the Conqueror conquered England in 1066 AD with his armies and became king, he brought his nobles, who spoke Norman, to be the new government. They stopped English from being taught in schools for a long time, and the language changed greatly, because it was mostly being spoken instead of written for about 300 years. English borrowed so many words from Norman at that time that it can be called a different language, Middle English. Chaucer is a well known writer of Middle English. After more sound changes, Middle English became Modern English. Although the works of Shakespeare might seem very old, they are actually called modern.

English has continued to take new words from other languages, for example from French, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, and Spanish. Because many scientists from different countries needed to talk to each other, they chose names for scientific things in the languages they all knew: Greek and Latin. Those words came to English also, for example, photography ("photo-" means "light" "and "-graph" means "picture" or "writing", in Greek. A photograph is a picture made using light), or telephone. So, English is a combination of Old English (closely related to German and Dutch), Danish, Norse, and French, and has been influenced by Latin, Greek, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, and Spanish, and more words from even more languages.

Because England is on an island, the English people often travelled on the ocean. They went to many new countries in many parts of the world, and made new governments in some old countries. Partly because of this, English is an important language in many places today, for example in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, India, South Africa, and the United States, and not just England. Because the United Kingdom (where England is now located) and the United States have been so powerful and wealthy, many people find it helpful to learn English to communicate (talk to other people) in science, business, and diplomacy. We say that these people are learning English as an additional language, English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL).

Many famous stories and plays are in English. Shakespeare was a famous English writer of poems and plays. Today, many famous songs and movies (cinema films) use the English language.




2.5 Заключение

Рассмотрев систему  Базового английского мы пришли к  следующим выводам:

1.Бейсик не является  пиджин английским 

2. Нет барьера между  Бейсиком и остальной частью  английского 

З.Бейсик не создавался, чтоб занять место английского языка

4.Бейсик не намерен  занять место родного языка  людей, говорящих на Бейсике

5.Он не является угрозой ни культурной, ни лингвистической независимости

б.Бейсик не труден для  изучения как иностранного языка

7.Бейсике является языком непонятным носителям английского языка






































Word List-in His Order 
OPERATIONS-100 words 

come, get, give, go, keep, let, make, put, seem, take, be, do, have, say, see, send, may,  will

about, across, after, against, among, at. before, between, by, down, from, in, off, on, over, through, to, under, up, with,

as, for, of, till, than

a, the, all,  any, every, little, much, no, other, some, such, that, this, I, he, you, who,

and, because, but, or, if, though, while, how, when, where, why

again, ever, far, forward, here, near, now, out, still, then, there, together, well,

almost, enough, even, not, only, quite, so, very, tomorrow, yesterday,

north, south, east, west, please, yes.

THINGS - 400 General words

account, act, addition, adjustment, advertisement, agreement, air, amount, amusement, animal answer, apparatus, approval, argument, art, attack, attempt, attention, attraction, authority, back, balance, base, behavior, belief, birth, bit, bite, blood, blow, body, brass, bread, breath, brother, building, burn, burst, business, butter, canvas, care, cause, chalk, chance, change, cloth, coal, color, comfort, committee, company, comparison, competition, condition, connection, control, cook, copper, copy, cork, cotton, cough, country, cover, crack, credit, crime, crush, cry .current, curve, damage, danger, daughter, day, death, debt, decision, degree, design, desire, destruction, detail, development, digestion, direction, discovery, discussion, disease, disgust, distance, distribution, division, doubt, drink, driving, dust, earth, edge, education, effect, end, error, event, example, exchange, existence, expansion, experience, expert, fact, fall, family, father, fear, feeling, fiction, field, fight, fire, flame, flight, flower, fold, food, force, form, friend, front, fruit, glass, gold, government, grain, grass, grip, group, growth, guide, harbor, harmony, hate, hearing, heat, help, history, hole, hope, hour, humor, ice, idea, impulse, increase, industry, ink, insect, instrument, insurance, interest, invention, iron, jelly, join, journey, judge, jump, kick, kiss, knowledge, land, language, laugh, law, lead, learning, leather, letter, level, lift, light, limit, linen, liquid, list, look, loss, love, machine, man, manager, mark, market, mass, meal, measure, meat, meeting, memory, metal, middle, milk, mind, mine, minute, mist, money, month, morning mother, motion, mountain, move, music, name, nation, need, news, night, noise, note, number, observation, offer, oil, operation, opinion, order, organization, ornament, owner, page, pain, paint, paper, part, paste, payment, peace, person, place, plant, play, pleasure, point, poison, polish, porter, position, powder, power, price, print, process, produce, profit, property, prose, protest, pull, punishment, purpose, push, quality, question, rain, range, rate, ray, reaction, reading, reason, record, regret, relation, religion, representative, request, respect, rest, reward, rhythm, rice, river, road, roll, room, rub, rule, run, salt, sand, scale, science, sea, seat, secretary, selection, serf, sense, servant, sex, shade, shake, shame, shock, side, sign, silk, silver, sister, size, sky, sleep, slip, slope, smash, smell, smite, smoke, sneeze, snow, soap, society, eon, song, sort, sound, soup, space, stage, start, statement, steam, steel, step, stitch, stone, stop, story, stretch, structure, substance, sugar, suggestion, summer, support, surprise, swim, system, talk, taste, tax, teaching, tendency, test, theory, thing, thought, thunder, time, tin, top, touch, trade, transport, trick, trouble, turn, twist, unit, use, value, verse, vessel, view, voice, walk, war, wash, waste, water, wave, wax, way, weather, week, weight, wind, wine, winter, woman, wood, wool, word, work, wound, writing , year.


THINGS - 200 Picturable words

angle, ant,  apple, arch, arm, army, baby, bag, ball, band, basin, basket, bath, bed, bee, bell, berry, bird blade, board, boat, bone, book, boot, bottle, box, boy, brain, brake, branch, brick, bridge, brush, bucket, bulb, button, cake, camera, card, cart, carriage, cat, chain, cheese chest, chin, church, circle, clock, cloud, coat, collar, comb, cord, cow, cup, curtain cushion, dog, door, drain, drawer, dress, drop, ear, egg, engine, eye, face, farm, feather, finger, fish, flag, floor, fly, foot, fork, fowl, frame, garden, girl, glove, goat, gun, hair, hammer, hand, hat, head, heart, hook, horn, horse, hospital, house, island, jewel, kettle, key, knee, knife, knot, leaf, leg, library, line, lip, lock, map, match, monkey, moon mouth muscle, nail, neck, needle, nerve, net, nose, nut, office, orange, oven, parcel, pen, pencil, picture, pig, pin, pipe, plane, plate, plough/plow, pocket, pot, potato, prison, pump, rail, rat, receipt, ring, rod, roof, root, sail, school, scissors, screw, seed. sheep, shelf, ship, shirt, shoe, skin, skirt, snake, sock, spade, sponge, spoon, spring, square, stamp, star, station, stem, stick, stocking, stomach, store, street, sun, table, tail, thread, throat, thumb, ticket, toe, tongue, tooth, town, train, tray, tree, trousers, umbrella, wall, watch, wheel, whip, whistle, window, wing, wire, worm.

QUALITIES -100 General

able, acid, angry, automatic, beautiful, black, boiling, bright, broken, brown, cheap, chemical, chief, clean, clear, common, complex, conscious, cut, deep, dependent, early, elastic, electric, equal, fat, fertile, first, fixed, flat, free, frequent, full, general, good, great, grey/gray, hanging, happy, hard, healthy, high, hollow, important, kind, like, living, long, male, married, material, medical, military, natural, necessary, new, normal, open, parallel, past, physical, political, poor, possible, present, private, probable, quick, quiet, ready, red, regular, responsible, right, round, same, second, separate, serious, sharp, smooth, sticky, stiff, straight, strong, sudden, sweet, tail, thick, tight, tired, true, violent, waiting, warm, wet, wide, wise, yellow, young.

QUALITIES - 50 Opposites

awake, bad, bent, bitter, blue, certain, cold, complete, cruel, dark, dead, dear, delicate, different, dirty, dry, false, feeble, female, foolish, future, green, ill, last, late, left, loose, loud, tow. mixed, narrow, old, opposite, public, rough, sad, safe, secret, short, shut, simple, stow, small, soft, solid, special, strange, thin, white, wrong .

Анализ слов Бейсика

Рассмотрев 850 слов Огдена, мы внесем изменения в слова, предоставленные  Огденом, с прохождением времени изменяются слова, употребляемые в обществе, Одни слова выходят из употребления, другие входят в словарь, ведь слова являются отражением жизни общества. С Развитием технологии и Интернета входят новые понятия, другие слова перестают употребляться. Рассмотрим подробно каждую группу слов Бейсика и добавим ряд слов, необходимых для человека, живущего в мире развитых технологий и в мире всемирной сети Интернет

Операторы, предоставленные  Огденом:

OPERATIONS -100 words

come, get, give, go, keep, let, make, put, seem, take, be, do, have, say, see, send may


about across, after, against, among, at, before, between, by, down, from, in, off, on,

over, through, to, under, up, with,

as, for, of, till, than,

a , the, all, any, every, little, much, no, other, some, such, that, this, I, he, you, who,

and, because, but, or, if, though, while, how, when, where, why, I

again, ever, far, forward, here, near, now, out, still, then, there, together, well,

almost, enough, even, not, only, quite, so, very, tomorrow, yesterday,

north, south, east, west, please, yes.

В области предлогов  мы не вносим изменения, но следующие  глаголы мы добавим к операторам-глаголам. Это глаголы download, save, deliver, turn, с помощью которых образуются такие глаголы, как turn оп(включать) и turn off (выключать), authorize, search, attach, update, copy, read,write,surf,google, edit,view, delete, sign для образования глаголов sign in и sign out, sign up. check, post, print,bum,compose

Информация о работе Анализ прогнозирования социолингвистической коррекции Базового английского языка