Global problems of philosophy

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Апреля 2014 в 21:34, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

In present conditions at a civilization two ways of further history: or to fall into oblivion and to get lost weightless ashes in world space and to carry away with itself all live, or to comprehend all the experience and to pass from the development period "Homo sapiens" to the period "Person Wise". But on many signs the problem of a choice of a way now very few people interests. Global problems have planetary, universal character, infringe on interests of all people of the world, they threaten with degradation and death to all mankind. The majority of problems which today we connect with global problems of the present, accompanied mankind throughout all its history.

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Phylosophical aspects of global problems of contemporary world.doc

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What waits mankind if it is untied even if local war with application of the most modern means of its maintaining?

As experts consider, use of the modern weapon will bring, at least to 100 – to multiple excess of number of victims among civilians in comparison with a death toll of military.

Thinkers of various eras condemned wars, passionately dreamed of an everlasting peace and developed various aspects of a problem of a universal peace. Many of them paid and pay attention generally to its ethical aspect. They believe that war of aggression is immorality generation that the peace can be achieved only as a result of moral re-education of people in the spirit of mutual understanding, tolerance to various religions, elimination of nationalist remnants, and education of people in the spirit of the principle "all people – brothers".

Environmental problem

Our general House – mother Earth is rather close. Length of its circle on the equator a little more than 40 thousand kilometers, a surface – 510 million km, from them less than a third – land. The sum of consumption of natural resources in kilocalories on each person per day made in prehistoric times – 2-4 thousand, now in the USA – 200-500 thousand. Meanwhile amplitude of demographic growth of mankind such is that at the time of the Roman Empire it made 150 million people, in ninety years – with 1840 on 1930 – the world's population grew by billion and on as much for the last five years. To the middle of the XXI century population will reach a point of 13 billions people. In total 11% of a fertile surface of Earth were for the last half a century destroyed, and it is more, than the total area of India and China.

Recently very often statements reach that for hunger, in the future mankind the World Ocean and it is capable to rescue "inexhaustible natural resources". But the World Ocean already now suffers from civilization influence. In blue chasm oil products, synthetic fibers, vegetable fossils are annually thoughtlessly dumped.

Today it is obvious that generators of such deplorable condition of the biosphere are the organizational and economic mechanisms of unlimited activism caused by appetites of an increment of the capital or thoughtless planning of "buildings of a century".

In the philosophical relation future is, eventually, vulnerable and developing present. Therefore, present intolerable rates of development are that it is possible to call peculiar "the abuse transferred to the future" which with a decupled force will be reflected in our descendants.

The same, who justifies nature destruction by need of increase of welfare of society, need to remember that improvement of the personality is impossible at the expense of the nature, and has to be accompanied by improvement of the nature.

Defining further strategy of development of humanity and the civilization, new moral and philosophical priorities in relationship with the nature, it is necessary to remember that the biosphere existed before emergence on Earth of the person, can exist and without it. But the person without biosphere can't exist is an axiom. Means, performance of the principle of joint development of the biosphere and society is demands from the person of a known regulation in the actions, certain restrictions.

Global problems is invitation to the human mind


It is impossible to leave them. They can be overcome only. And to overcome efforts of each person and each country is in rigid cooperation for the sake of the great purpose of preservation of opportunity to live on Earth.

The history of evolution of life on Earth is a history of death of a huge number of animal species and plants which occurs as a result there is a discrepancy between the developed organisms’ adaptation forms to environment and most this Wednesday. Today, we are witnesses of how the mankind inevitably goes by the end.

We can't ignore today, possibility of self-destruction of mankind so disturbing us. The future is opened before people. For this it is necessary to fight, and it in many respects depends on us.

Human activity and as its products are, more than ever, sated today with scientific knowledge, reason. Biotechnology development, robotics, laser equipment, development of atomic and thermonuclear energy, creation of new constructive materials, technical use of high-temperature superconductivity, computerization of all our life open huge prospects in the solution of the problems facing modern society.

The world, undoubtedly, became more saturated diverse communications and the relations, at the same time and stressful situations. Dynamism, intensity of activity of people as in the nature, and the social environment, its escalating power and scales create unprecedented before, problems new to mankind.

Life expectancy of people decreases, quality of life worsens, the number of heart, cancer, allergic diseases increases; ominously AIDS epidemic extends; more often cases of pathology of mentality meet; the quantity of the hereditary diseases worsening a gene pool of mankind increases; the huge number of people becomes victims of accidents at the enterprises, on roads; and as quality of the food worsened because of chemicalization; around the world international tension is sharply fueled; uncontrollably the crime grows.

Whether it is possible to claim, what presently people became more moral and happier than before? No. Never before people tested such alarm for the life and didn't feel as unprotected as now!



Each of the countries fought against the difficulties, without realizing that fact that the world entered a strip of huge general crisis, to leave from which in general it is impossible, without having understood global nature of danger, without having mobilized people of Earth for overcoming of its "difficulties". Only high-quality shift in all human thinking and behavior could break off this vicious circle of problems.

Whether so remains at the person though a hope gleam what it will sometime say goodbye to Global problems?

Global problems of the present are complex and comprehensive. They are closely bound among themselves, with regional and national and state problems. In their basis – the contradictions of the global scale mentioning bases of existence of a modern civilization. The aggravation of these contradictions in one link conducts to destructive processes as a whole, generates new problems. Permission of global problems becomes complicated as well that level of management of global processes is still low from the international organizations, their understanding and financing from the sovereign states. Strategy of a survival of the person on the basis of the solution of global problems of the present has to bring the people to new boundaries of civilized development.









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